NWEA Assessments (West Windsor)

We need to integrate new assessment data (NWEA) into our framework for MTSS Dashboard. While previous sections (District, Classroom, Student) and functionality within will be reused, we will update them to include references to NWEA. We will also include Define School year for this project. A settings page will be unique to NWEA where admin user selects Tiers. Unique fields will be identified in the data set that will replace those used previously for Renaissance or iReady. This is especially impacted in the Student View.

Unique to the project: The pilot is for grade bands 6-12 grade and the content areas are Reading, Math, and Attendance. West Windsor also has sent data for younger students so we will include those grades also. West Windsor also has sent some data for a previous year so we can include that information as well.

User Story: As a school district that uses NWEA as a formative assessment for predicting the achievement on state tests, we need to see the full picture of how students in grades 6-12 are growing based on their current and past scores on NWEA tests so that we can intervene for our Tier 2 and Tier 3 students by using all tools provided in MTSS Dashboard.

Integration: We are going to do an SFTP since nothing has been built for Genesis. Genesis is the SIS and file software used in New Jersey. West Windsor keeps all of their assessment data (NWEA and SIS) information. They use Classlink for basic SIS information -names, grades, rostering. https://rethinkautism.sharepoint.com/sites/EDUDataTeam/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FEDUDataTeam%2FShared%20Documents%2FWEST%20WINDSOR%2DPLAINSBORO%20REG%20SD&viewid=817ab9bf%2D983b%2D4074%2D903a%2Dd419a265487b

Link to NWEA website


The following are areas that are unique to NWEA.