Update to SEL Assessments List

We need to add a filter to the SEL Assessments List that allows admin to filter by Both Assessments, Self-Assessments, or Classroom Rating Scale.

User Stories:

  • As an admin, I want to be able to filter the SEL Assessments list so that I can see data involving both assessments, Self-Assessments, or Classroom Rating Scale so that I can better understand the differences in the data.

Acceptance Criteria

  • As an admin, I will see a filter for Both assessments, Self-Assessments, and Classroom Rating Scale on the SEL Assessment List

  • As an admin, I will only see Self-Assessment data if I have selected Self-Assessments

  • As an admin I will only see Classroom Rating scale data if I have selected Classroom Rating Scale

  • As an admin I will see both Self-Assessment and Classroom Rating Scale if I select both

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=3846%3A46796


Students Assessed


  • We are adding a new filter to the SEL Assessments List- Students Assessed

  • It will filter by both, Self-Assessments, and the Classroom Rating Scale

  • The default will be set to Both and show the Self-Assessment and Classroom Rating Scale data of the students assessed

  • If the user selects to filer by Self-Assessment, only the grade and Self-Assessment data will show

  • If the user selects to filter by Classroom Rating Scale, only the grade and Classroom Rating Scale data will show


  • Add a new filter that will show on the Students Assessed list in the SEL Assessments section of the Admin reports

  • The filter should show Both Assessments, Self-Assessments, and Classroom Rating Scale

  • The default should be set to both

  • Only the Self-Assessment data should show if Self-Assessments is selected

  • Only the Classroom Rating Scale data should show if Classroom Rating Scale is selected

  • Both Self-Assessment and Classroom Rating Scale data should show if Both is selected


Students Not Assessed


  • We are adding a new filter to the SEL Assessments List - Students Not Assessed

  • It will filter by both, Self-Assessments, and the Classroom Rating Scale

  • The default will be set to Both and show the Self-Assessment and Classroom Rating Scale data of the students not accessed

  • If the user selects to filer by Self-Assessment, only the grade and Self-Assessment data will show

  • If the user selects to filter by Classroom Rating Scale, only the grade and Classroom Rating Scale data will show


Business Rules

  • Add a new filter that will show on the Students Assessed list in the SEL Assessments section of the Admin reports

  • The filter should show Both Assessments, Self-Assessments, and Classroom Rating Scale

  • The default should be set to both

  • Only the Self-Assessment data should show if Self-Assessments is selected

  • Only the Classroom Rating Scale data should show if Classroom Rating Scale is selected

  • Both Self-Assessment and Classroom Rating Scale data should show if Both is selected