Lesson Library


A page for searching, viewing, and assigning lessons and activities (modules).

Acceptance Criteria

  • Ability to browse and search for SEL and Mental Health Lessons and Activities (Modules).

  • Ability to take actions on a lesson or module card, such as assign, view details, print, download, or add to playlist.

Figma Link


Workflow Description

  1. Open Lesson Library with tabs for available libraries: Lesson Library, Skills Library, My Playlist

    • New Lesson Library Design for SEL and Mental Health

    • Existing RethinkEd Lesson Library for Skills lessons and activities

  2. Selection of SEL or Mental Health content

  3. Selection to view Lesson Library by Lessons or Activities (Modules).


Key aspects of the Lesson Library include:

Lessons | SEL and Mental Health https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/l/cp/r6FPnidH The new design of the Lesson Library is aimed at providing users with an intuitive, efficient, and flexible way to access Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental Health lessons and activities (modules). The library will feature advanced search capabilities, tagging, filtering, and bulk action tools to enhance user experience.

Activities (Modules) | SEL and Mental Health https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/l/cp/mu01PmXA The new design of the Lesson Library is aimed at providing users with an intuitive, efficient, and flexible way to access Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental Health lessons and activities (modules). The library will feature advanced search capabilities, tagging, filtering, and bulk action tools to enhance user experience.

Filters | SEL Lessons and Activities (Modules) The Lesson Library will feature advanced filtering options, a toggle switch for users to easily switch between viewing whole lessons or activities (modules), and a Content Library selection.

Filters | Mental Health Lessons and Activities (Modules) The Lesson Library will feature advanced filtering options, a toggle switch for users to easily switch between viewing whole lessons or activities (modules), and a Content Library selection.

Assign Lessons and Modules The Assign feature allows educators to assign lessons and modules and content to students from either the Lesson Library or the Lesson or Module Details pages and manage the materials included in the assignment.

Print Lessons or Modules The print functionality is an important end-user feature. A print feature will allow RethinkEd users to print lesson plans, module plants, and corresponding materials. The print functionality will enhance the usability of the RethinkEd platform by organizing lessons, modules, and materials into a coherent print format.

Lesson Details The Lesson Plan Details Page interface provides educators with detailed lesson information, materials, and the ability to present or assign activities to students.

Module Details The Module Plan Details Page interface provides educators with detailed lesson information, materials, and the ability to present or assign activities to students.

Teaching Mode Player The Teaching Mode Player interface should allow for an immersive learning experience with easy navigation through different sections of the lesson.

My Favorites The My Favorites is aimed at providing users with an intuitive, efficient, and flexible way to access favorited Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental Health lessons and activities (modules). The favorites will feature advanced search capabilities, tagging, filtering, and bulk action tools to enhance user experience.