

The print functionality is an important end-user feature. A print feature will allow RethinkEd users to print lesson plans, module plans, and corresponding materials. The print functionality will enhance the usability of the RethinkEd platform by organizing lessons, modules, and materials into a coherent print format.



Feature 193775: Lesson Library

Acceptance Criteria

  • Enable users to print lesson and module plans, along with associated teaching materials, directly from the platform.

  • Ensure that materials are printed in a logical order, aligning with the structure of the lesson or module plan.

UI Description

  1. Print Button:

    • A "Print" option is located in the three dot kebab menu on the lesson card, lesson details, module card, or module details interface.

    • “Print Selected” option in Bulk Action Tool Bar when user selects one or more checkboxes on Lesson Card(s) in Lesson Library or Activity Card(s) in Activity Library

  2. Print Modal: Print Settings

    • Language

      • Description: Allows the user to print materials in the selected the language(s).

      • Type of Input: Dropdown menu, single Select

      • Default Language: English

      • Selection Options will include all languages that are included in the selected materials:

        • English

        • Spanish

    • Items to Print

      • Type of Input: Checkbox, multi-select

      • Selection Options:

        • Lesson Plans

          • Prints entire Lesson Plan Details view

        • Materials (Videos and Interactive Worksheets Excluded)

        • Include Quiz Text

        • Related Resources

        • Standards

          • Single-Select Dropdown menu includes standards for the grades of the selected lesson(s) or activities.

      • Default Print Settings that are selected: English, Lesson Plans/Activity Plans, Materials (Videos and Interactive Worksheets Excluded)

  3. Print Modal: Content to Print

    • Lesson/Activity Items Selection:

      • Allows users to select or deselect individual items to be included in the print.

      • Lesson/Activity information can be expanded or collapsed to show detailed items or only the lesson title, grade(s), and subject.

      • Collapsed container view displays page count included in the print selection for each lesson/activity based on selection in ‘Items to Print’

    • Resource or Activity Preview:

      • All resources and activities will be links that open a preview modal upon selecting the resource or activity.

    • Delete Icon: Selected “Delete” icon replaces container with a “Remove Item?” warning container

      • Remove: Removes lesson/activity from print modal selection

      • Cancel: Cancels action and lesson/activity container displays again.

  4. PDF Generation:

    • Automatic conversion of lesson details, module details, and materials into a PDF format suitable for printing.

    • Lesson Plan Details in the print version include: Thumbnails, Title, Tags (Grade, Subject: Social and Emotional Learning/Wellness/Life Skills and Wellness, Domain, Topic (SEL Only)), Lesson Plan text, Objective, Essential Questions, Vocabulary, Section Headers (Learn, Practice, Dive Deeper, Teaching Strategies, Sample IEP, Related Teaching Resources), Module/Activity cards.

    • Short descriptions will not display in the print version.

  5. Document Structure:

    • The PDF will be structured to begin with the lesson details or module details as the first page, followed by printable materials, including images and PDF documents.

  6. Language Versioning:

    • Materials for the selected Language will be printed. To print materials for another language, the user will need to open the print modal again and select the other language.

    • Language selected included in Print Modal Print Settings will be included in the print version.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  1. Initiating Print:

    • Users can initiate printing by clicking the "Print" button in the kebab menu on the lesson or module plan page, lesson card, or module card.

    • “Print Selected” option in Bulk Action Tool Bar when user selects one or more checkboxes on Lesson Card(s) in Lesson Library or Activity Card(s) in Activity Library

  2. Print Modal:

    • Videos and Interactive Worksheets will display in the Content to Print and will be disabled because they cannot be printed.

    • Clicking on the resource/material link will open the Resource Modal Preview of the content

    • User selects in Print Settings the Language and Items to include in the print.

    • Default Print Settings that are selected: English, Lesson Plans, Materials (Videos and Interactive Worksheets Excluded)

    • User selects Language and Items to Print and the corresponding content materials are pre-selected in the Content to Print for each selected Lesson/Activity.

      • If checkbox in ‘Items to Print’ is deselected, the Content checkbox will also be deselected.

      • User deselects checkbox of material to exclude from the print.

    • Standards: Dropdown menu for Standards includes Grade Levels for the Standards that correspond to the specific selected lesson(s).

    • Collapsed Lesson/Activity container in Content to Print: Displays number of pages included in the print version according to the Languages and Items to Print in Print Settings.

  3. Print Preview:

    • A print preview will display the document structure, providing an overview of the pages to be printed.

  4. Print Order:

    • The printout will adhere to the order of sections: Lesson Plan, Learn, Practice, Dive Deeper, teaching resources, standards.

  5. Validation:

    • The system must validate the availability of materials in all languages before printing and will print the available materials in each language.

Workflow Description

  1. Selecting Print Option:

    • Upon deciding to print, the user clicks the "Print" option in the kebab menu.

  2. PDF Generation:

    • The platform generates a PDF document that compiles the lesson details and associated materials, or module details and associated materials, formatted for print.

  3. Print Preview and Confirmation:

    • A print preview is displayed, and the user can confirm or cancel the print job.

  4. Printing Process:

    • Upon confirmation, the document is sent to the printer, with pages ordered according to the specified sections and language versions.


The print functionality will provide users with a convenient way to produce physical copies of lesson and module plans along with their associated materials. This feature should integrate seamlessly with the RethinkEd platform, enhancing the user experience by simplifying the process of preparing teaching materials for classroom use.