Teacher Manage Assignment By Student (Repurpose Activity Plans)

Background: We need to re-purpose the Activity Plans area to allow educators a better way to manage all assignments for a student.

Students>Student Profile>Dashboard

Lofi Design:


User Story: As an educator, I need to be able to view all assignments for a student.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Re-purpose the Activity Plans widget to read “Assignments



Lofi Design:


User Story: As an educator, I need to be able to view all assignments for a student.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Update Assigned table to capture the following values/interactions:

    • Start Date

    • Due Date

    • Status

      • IF Complete hyperlink to assignment for teacher to comment

      • IF Incomplete hyperlink to assignment for teacher to comment

      • IF Complete AND Quiz, show score and hyperlink to assignment for teacher to comment

    • Type: Assessment, Video Activity, Worksheet Activity, Interactive Activity, Quiz Activity