UX Interview - My Assignments

Format: https://medium.springboard.com/the-art-of-the-user-interview-cf40d1ca62e8

Introduction Script: 

  • Hello! I am Kirby Montgomery, and I work on product design at Rethink and today we are focusing on improving the Assignments process.

  • I am going to show you a few things we are working on and get your feedback. There are no right or wrong answers, more so we interested in your perspective. We will do a few questions around background and then jump into a few prototypes we have designed.

  • I will give you a disclaimer, these are prototypes so they will look a little half-baked and crude. The reason why we have them as prototypes is we do not want to get too far down the road without getting feedback from someone like yourself. 

  • Before we get into the designs, I would love to learn a little bit about your process with Assignments.

General Questions:

  • Can you tell me about your current process for creating assignments for your students?

  • If you could wave a magic wand, how would reviewing your classrooms' assignments in a perfect world?

  • For priorities, when you start your day, could you please prioritize these tasks in the order you complete them?

    • Create new assignments

    • View which students have assignments past due

    • View which students have assignments completedd


Usability Questions:

  • For assignments that are “complete or not” vs. a % scored assignment, what feedback would you have on these these two designs? Which do you prefer? (note: show different wireframe prompts)