Set Display Name | Add Interactive SEL Activities

We need to create a way for users to set a display name when sending messages.

User Story: As an educator, I want to set a display name for messaging students, so I can remain professional and my students do not see my first name.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user who has never changes my display name, my display name will show as my first initial . last name

  • Given I am a user who has changed my display name, this is the name that will now show when I send/receive messages

  • Given I am a user who has changed y display name after having sent a message, my new display name will show for both past and new messages I send

User Settings


  • Under My profile, we will add a field for display name

  • Here, the user may change their display name for messaging

  • Once complete, the user will click Save Profile.


Business Rules

  • All users have permission to edit their display name

  • By default, display name will read first initial last name (i.e. J. Bessette)

  • Users may change their display name as often as they like

  • The display name is the name we will show when a user sends/receives messages

  • If the user changes their display name after sending messages, the name change will apply to past messages as well.

Discussion Panel


  • The first time a user clicks to type a message in a discussion panel, they will see the Edit Display Name modal

  • The user may choose to edit the display name or leave it as is.


Business Rules

  • Same as above