SEL Lessons (Lesson Domains)

We need to provide a report detailing the number of users accessing teaching resources, the number of teaching resources accessed, and the amount of time spent viewing all of the SEL Lesson Areas.

User Story: As an admin, I want to view a report showing me how many resources have been accessed and how much time educators are spending viewing instructional materials by lesson area, so I can ensure we are teaching ALL areas to our students.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to SEL SEL, I will see this report

  • Given I have selected Prep, I will be see the Prep report

  • Given I have selected Instruction, I will see the Instruction report


General Concept


  • When the user is on the Lessons tab and selects Social Emotional Learning in the drop down, they will see a table detailing usage for SEL.

  • We will show a filter for Prep vs Instruction.

  • We will show a filter for Tier. The options are:

    • All Tiers

    • Tiers 1 & 2

    • Tier 3

  • We will also show a filter for Grade. The grades available are:

    • All Grades

    • Kindergarten

    • Grade 1

    • Grade 2

    • Grade 3

    • Grade 4

    • Grade 5

    • Grade 6

    • Grade 7

    • Grade 8

    • Grade 9

    • Grade 10

    • Grade 11

    • Grade 12

    • Grades PK-2

    • Grades 3-5

    • Grades 6-8

    • Grades 9-12



Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the selected filter options have access to SEL lessons

  • Prep vs Instruction

    • We will default to Prep

    • This is a single select filter

  • Tier

    • We will default to All Tiers

  • Grade

    • We will default the grade filter to All Grades.

    • This filter is a single select filter.

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