Edit Classroom | Classrooms

We need to allow users to make changes to the classroom.

User Story:

  • As a user, I want to edit my classroom, so I can ensure the correct educators and students are assigned to the class.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with permission to Manage Classrooms, I will have the ability to edit any classroom I currently have access to

  • Given the classroom was created via integration, I cannot edit the classroom

  • Given I am editing a classroom assigned to Building A, I will be able to add any team member or student from Building A to the classroom

  • Given I have filtered students by grade, only students in that grade will appear in the list

  • Given I have typed in a name, any students matching that search term will appear in the list

  • Given a student has an ID, the student ID will appear next to the student name in parenthesis

  • Given I have added a student to the classroom, all team members assigned to the classroom will have access to the student

  • Given I have removed a student from the classroom, and no team member is connected to the student through another classroom or through direct assignment, all non-admin team members in the classroom will no longer have access to the student

  • Given I have removed a student from the classroom, and the team members in the classroom are connected to the student through another classroom or through direct assignment, all team members in the classroom will continue to have access to the student

  • Given I have added a team member to the classroom, that team member will have access to all students in the classroom

  • Given I have removed a team member from the classroom, that team member will no longer have access to the classroom

  • Given I have removed a non-admin team member from the classroom and they are not directly assigned to the students in the classroom or connected to the students via another classroom, that team member will no longer have access to the students in the classroom

  • Given I have removed a non-admin team member from the classroom and they are either directly assigned to the students in the classroom or connected to the students via another classroom, that team member will continue to have access to the students in the classroom

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=6995%3A0

Photo & Class Name


  • When the user clicks the Edit button on the classroom dashboard, they will see the Edit Classroom modal

  • Here, the user can change the icon and classroom name


Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will have access to this screen

  • Classrooms created via integration cannot be edited.

  • The building cannot be changed

Assign Students


  • A user will slide the button to the right to select the student. The slider will turn blue/green (#00B4AE) when a student is selected.

  • Users may search by student name

  • Users may also filter by grade

  • Students will show name, ID (if available), and grade in the display

  • We will show the number of students selected

Business Rules

  • Students will list all students who belong to the same building as the classroom.

  • Students selected are assigned to the classroom and all team members in the classroom

  • At least 1 student must be assigned to the classroom

  • If a student is unassigned from the classroom, they are unassigned from all team members in the classroom UNLESS at least one of the following statements is true:

    • The student and the team member both belong to another classroom together

    • The student is directly assigned to the team member

Team Members


  • A user will slide the button to the right to select the team member. The slider will turn blue/green (00B4AE) when a team member is selected.

  • Users may search by team member name

  • We will show the number of team members selected.

  • Clicking Cancel will close the modal without saving changes

  • Clicking Save will close the modal and save the changes

Business Rules

  • Team Members will list all team members with permission to View Classrooms who belong to the same building as the classroom. This includes multi-account team members and admins

  • Team Members selected are assigned to the classroom and all students in the classroom

  • If a team member is unassigned from the classroom, they are unassigned from all students in the classroom UNLESS at least one of the following statements is true:

    • The student and the team member both belong to another classroom together

    • The student is directly assigned to the team member