Navigation Menu | Classrooms

We need to create a nav menu so users can easily move between classroom screens.

User Story:

  • As a user, I want to flip between classroom screens, so I can easily find what I’m looking for.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with permission to Manage Assignments AND who has access to either SEL or Mental Health Lessons, I will see Assignments in my nav menu

  • Given I am a user WITHOUT permission to Manage Assignments OR who DOES NOT HAVE access to either SEL or Mental Health Lessons, I will NOT see Assignments in my nav menu

  • Given I am a user who has access to SEL Lessons AND who has permission to at least one of the assessment settings (Rethink Assessment - View, Rethink Assessment - Edit, View Classroom reporting for SEL Assessments Group Item Analysis Report, View Classroom reporting for SEL Assessments Group Score Report, View Classroom reporting for SEL Assessments Roster Report , Assign Assessment), I will see Assessments in my nav menu

  • Given I am a user who DOES NOT HAVE access to SEL Lessons OR who DOES NOT HAVE permission to at least one of the assessment settings (Rethink Assessment - View, Rethink Assessment - Edit, View Classroom reporting for SEL Assessments Group Item Analysis Report, View Classroom reporting for SEL Assessments Group Score Report, View Classroom reporting for SEL Assessments Roster Report , Assign Assessment), I will NOT see Assessments in my nav menu

  • Given I am a user who has access to either Skills, Behavior, or SEL Lessons AND I have permission to View or Edit Incident Tracking, I will see Incidents in my nav menu

  • Given I am a user who DOES NOT HAVE access to either Skills, Behavior, or SEL Lessons OR I DO NOT have permission to View or Edit Incident Tracking, I will NOT see Incidents in my nav menu

  • Given I am a user with permission to view the classroom, I will see Classroom Home and Reports in my nav menu.


General Concept


  • The navigation menu will allow users to move between:

    • Classroom Home

    • Assignments

    • Assessments

    • Incidents

    • Reports

Business Rules

  • Users will see menu items based on permission settings

  • Classroom Home will show to all team members in the classroom (not parents or students)

  • Assignments will show for users with permission to Manage Assignments AND who have access to either SEL or Mental Health lessons

  • Assessments will show to users who have access to SEL lessons AND with permission to at least 1 of the following:

    • Rethink Assessment - View

    • Rethink Assessment - Edit

    • View Classroom reporting for SEL Assessments Group Item Analysis Report

    • View Classroom reporting for SEL Assessments Group Score Report

    • View Classroom reporting for SEL Assessments Roster Report

  • Incidents will show to users who have access to Skills, Behavior, or SEL lessons AND who have permission to View or Edit Incident Tracking

  • Reports will show for all team members in the classroom (not parents or students)