Classroom Assignments | Classrooms

We need to link the classroom to the assignments screen for this classroom.

User story:

  • As an educator, I want to access the assignments for the students in my class, without having to navigate out of my classroom area.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to either SEL or Mental Health Lessons AND I have permission to Manage Assignments, I will see the Assignments option on my classroom dashboard.

  • Given I am a user WITHOUT access to either SEL or Mental Health Lessons AND I DO NOT have permission to Manage Assignments, I will NOT see the Assignments option on my classroom dashboard.

  • Given I am viewing my classroom assignments, I will see a list of all assignments completed by or assigned to students who are currently in my class.

  • Given a student is no longer in this classroom, they will not show under Assignments.


General Concept


  • When the user is viewing the Classroom Dashboard, and clicks on Assignments…

  • They will be taken to the Classroom Assignment Page.

  • This screen looks & functions like the general Manage Assignments, with a few key differences:

    • In the filters, the user will not be able to change the classroom

    • At the top of the screen, we will show the classroom name and a navigation menu

  • If the user clicks on an assignment, they will be taken to the Manage Specific Assignment Screen.

  • This screen looks & functions like the general Manage Specific Assignment, with a few key difference:

    • In the filters, the user will not be able to change the classroom

    • At the top of the screen, we will show the classroom name and a navigation menu

Business Rules

  • Assignments will show for users with permission to Manage Assignments AND who have access to either SEL or Mental Health lessons

  • We will list all items assigned to or completed by students currently in the classroom