Update Demographics Reports

In the Incident Tracking Admin Reports, we include 2 graphs based on Education Classification. Now that we are replacing Education Classification with Education Type, we need to adjust the logic for these reports.

User Story:

  • As an administrator, I want to view the number of general education and special education students who have an incident reported within a given date range, so I can better understand the differences in incidents reported by student type.

  • As an administrator, I want to view the number of incidents reported for general education and special education students within a given date range, so I can better understand the number of incidents reported by student type.

Demographics: Students Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=11735%3A122975

Totals Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=11735%3A122802

Incidents - Demographics: Students


  • We will replace the labels Classified and Non-Classified with Special Education & General Education & Unspecified

  • We will show separate tabs for regions/buildings/roles/team members selected

  • For each student line, we will show the number of unique students with incidents and their given education classification reported within the date range.



Business Rules

  • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.

    • General Education: Any student with General Education selected in Account Setup

    • Special Education: Any student with Special Education classification selected in Account Setup

    • Unspecified: Any student previously set to Other.

  • We will show the number of unique students recorded within the date range and region for General Education and Special Education students

  • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Special Education Classification, Special Education still shows on the graph.

Incidents - Demographics: Totals


  • We will replace the labels Classified and Non-Classified with Special Education & General Education

  • We will show separate tabs for regions/buildings/roles/team members selected

  • For each line, we will show of the total number of incidents reported within the date range, which incidents were attributed to General Education or Special Education students


Business Rules

  • Education Classification is determined by the student settings.

    • General Education: Any student with General Education selected in Account Setup

    • Special Education: Any student with Special Education classification selected in Account Setup

  • We will show the total number of incidents reported for General Education and Special Education students for the given date range and region

  • We will show both categories, regardless of whether any students have been assigned to that category Meaning, if there are no students with a selected Special Education Classification, Special Education still shows on the graph.