Classroom Area| Behavior Contract | Behavior Suite

We need to make a change to the menu in Classrooms and add a classroom behavior tools area.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given there are less than 8 contracts, the Load more button will be inactive.

  • Given there are more than 8 contracts, the Load more button will be active.

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Behavior Contracts enabled) and permission to behavior support ->Edit Reports, I will have access to create contract button.

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Contracts enabled) I will have access to the behavior contracts card and view contract button.

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions (all tools or behavior contracts enabled), I will see the behavior contracts block.

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or behavior contracts enabled) and permission to behavior support - edit reports, I will have the ability to create/edit a contract



Main Classroom Screen




  • When users click on Behavior tools they will see the new behavior tools area within classroom

  • We will add behavior tools to the dropdown as well for classrooms



Business Rules

  • Users with access to MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior contracts enabled) and permission to Behavior Support → Add/Edit behaviors will now see Behavior tools



View Contracts: Create Contract


  • Once the user clicks on View contracts, they will see a list of the contracts with the one active one always at the top

  • User sees a list of up to 8 contracts when first entering the page.

  • If more than 8 contracts exist, then the load more button is active.

  • User clicks on Load more button to view additional contracts 4 at a time.



  • If they click Create contract, they will see a popup for them to select the student



  • Once the student has been selected they will see the create contract view


Business Rules

  • Users with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Contracts enabled) and permission to behavior support → Edit Reports, will see create contract button.

  • By default-

    • The most recent contract according to creation date will be at the top

    • Remaining contracts are listed by most recent to least recently created.

    • If multiple contracts were created on the same date for different students, we will list the students in alphabetical order as Last Name, First Name and show as First Name, Last Name.

    • If multiple contracts were created on the same date for the same student and one of those is active, we will show the active contract first.

  • There can only be one active contract at a time

  • We will show up to 8 lines of contracts.

    • If there are more than 8 contracts, then the Load more button will become active.

    • If user clicks Load more button, we will show up to 4 more contracts at a time.

    • Load more button remains active until user has viewed all contracts.

    • If there are no additional contracts, then the load more button is inactive.




View Contracts: Created


  • The first filter column that they will see is Created

  • They will see the red dot if this is the first time they have clicked on the page and if their contract has been approved

  • The date below the filter is the day that the contract was submitted for review

  • The list of students is ordered based on the date that it was submitted. The most recent contract will be at the top

Business Rules

  • The dropdown selections in the filter are:

    • past 7 days

    • past 14 days

    • past 30 days

    • past year

View Contracts: Student


  • The next filter column dropdown contains all students the user has in the given classrooms


Business Rules

  • Student list in dropdown is in abc order by last name

View Contracts: Start Date


  • The next column can be sorted by the date that the contracts starts


Business Rules

  • sort by most recent or oldest start date

View Contracts: Review Date


  • The next column can be sorted by the date that the contract is set to be reviewed


Business Rules

  • sort by most recent or oldest review date

View Contracts: View


  • If the user clicks on the View button, they will be taken to view the student contract.


Business Rules

  • View button should take the user to see the selected contract.

View Contracts: Status


  • If the contract has been approved by the admin, the status will show approved

  • If the contract has not been approved by the admin, the status will show Pending approval


Business Rules

  • The status can either be pending approval or approved

Note: The sections below were added after Incidents/Points were completed. They are additions to those product but also shows functionality that is being used with subsequent products. Although some of the column heading may be little different with each product, we are building this same page in this same location for Self-Monitoring, Contracts, Behavior Tracking, Behavior Plan, etc. That is why it remains on this Confluence page.

View Incidents


  • If users click on Incidents in tier 2 or 3, they will see the same incidents list that exists today


Business Rules

  • Incidents list will function in the same way as it does today except they will get here via Classroom-Behavior Tools- Incidents



View Points


  • Once the user clicks on View behaviors, they will see a list of the behaviors for the default of today if behaviors were logged today

  • The list will be ordered by the student with the most positive and/or negative behaviors will be at the top and follow in descending order


  • If the user clicks on Record behaviors, they will see the select student(s) or whole classroom modal and then be able to record behaviors


Business Rules

  • The default should be today if the teacher logged something today. If not it should be for the next time frame with logged behaviors

View Points: Students


  • The next filter column dropdown contains all students the user has in the given classrooms



Business Rules

  • Student list in dropdown is in abc order by last name

View Points: Today


  • The next filter column dropdown contains the time frame



Business Rules

  • The default should be today if the teacher logged something today. If not it should be for the next time frame with logged behaviors

  • The dropdown selections in the filter are:

    • today

    • past 7 days

    • past 14 days

    • past 30 days

    • past year

View points: positive behaviors


  • The next sort column dropdown contains the number of positive behavior occurrences in total for the given timeframe and student


Business Rules

  • The column can be sorted by the most positive behaviors or the least positive behaviors

View points: negative behaviors


  • The next sort column contains the number of negative behavior occurrences in total for the given timeframe and student


Business Rules

  • The column can be sorted by the most negative behaviors or the least negative behaviors

View points: View


  • If the user clicks on the View button, they will be taken to Student behavior report


Business Rules

  • View button should take the user to the behavior report of the student in the same row as the View button