Review Notifications | Inbox | Behavior Contract | Behavior Suite

We need to notify teachers when students have completed their review and notify teachers when their review date is about to expire.

User Stories:

  • As a teacher who has a Behavior Contract Renewal coming up, I need a way to be alerted ahead of time so that I can review the progress made by the student and determine if the contract should continue as is or be edited.

  • As a student who has a Behavior Contract Renewal coming up, I need a way to be alerted ahead of time so that I can complete my self-assessment before the renewal date.

  • As a teacher who regularly meets with students regarding their progress on the Behavior contract, I need a way to see the students self-assessment answers so that I will know their thoughts prior to renewal date.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a renewal date is set for a Behavior Contract, a notification is sent to the teacher’s inbox 2 days beforehand and contains a link to view the student report.

  • Given a renewal date is set for a Behavior Contract, a notification is sent to the student’s inbox 2 days beforehand and contains a link to review the contract with the self-assessment shown.

  • Given a student has completed their self-assessment of their performance on the contract, a notification is sent to the teacher.

  • Given a student has completed their self-assessment of their performance on the contract, their responses will show on the student report for contracts.



Notify teachers of upcoming Review Date


  • Teachers will be notified 2 days prior to their Review date for each active contract through their inbox

  • The message will say your behavior contract Review Date is in 2 days

  • If they click view, they will be taken to the student report with the active contract at the top


Business Rules

  • All team members with classroom permissions to edit will receive the email notifications

  • Email notifications will be sent 2 days prior to review date

  • If the teacher selects Review Contract, they are taken to the Contract Review.


Notify Students 2 days prior to review


  • Students will be notified 2 days prior to their Review date for each active contract through their inbox

  • The message will remind students to review the contract


  • If they click view, they will be taken to the contract



Business Rules

  • Email notifications will be sent 2 days prior to review date to students




Notify teachers when students have completed their review


  • Each time that a student saves a contract review they will be notified through their inbox

  • The message will say Student name has completed their Contract Review.


  • If the teacher clicks view, they will be taken to the student report with the student review details shown



Business Rules

  • All team members with classroom permissions to edit will receive the email notifications

  • Email notifications will be sent as soon as students click save

  • If student has answered the self-assessment questions, then those answers show on the student report. (See image: Student Report)