Contract Approval Process | Behavior Contract | Behavior Suite

Behavior Contracts need to be approved by users with permission before they can be shared with students or parents. This is a layer of protection districts are looking for as consequences are included.

User Stories:

  • As an admin I need a way to review, edit and communicate my decision on contract statuses with the creator of the contract so that our team is informed of the status of each pending contract submitted.

  • As a teacher with an active contract, I need a way to share the contract with the student and their families so that all parties will be informed of the tier two supports that have been created for the student.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given user has permission to behavior supports → Receive Alerts then they will get alerts for behavior contract statuses.

  • Given user is an admin and has permission to behavior supports → Approve Reports then they will see the Approve Button and can approve an pending approval contract.

  • Given user has permission to behavior supports → Edit Reports, then they will see the edit button and can edit the contract.

  • Given user has permission to behavior supports → Edit Reports then they will see the delete button and can delete the contract.

  • Given user is an admin and has permission to behavior supports → Approve Reports, then they can delete a pending contract created by another user.

  • Given user is an admin and has permission to behavior supports → Approve Reports, then they will see Documents for Review.

  • Given user is and admin and has permission to behavior supports → Approve Reports, then they will see the Review button on Documents for Review page.

  • Given user has permission to behavior supports → Edit Reports then they will see the Make Active Button and can make an approved contract active.

  • Given user has permission to behavior supports → Edit Reports then they will see Archive button and be able to archive a contract.

  • Given user has permission to behavior supports → Record Student/Parent Notes, then they will see Send button and can send active contracts to students and parents.

  • Given user is a non-admin and has permission to behavior supports → Edit Reports, then they will see Submit for approval button and can submit a contract for approval.

  • Given user is an admin and has permission to behavior supports → Approve Reports then they will see the Approve Button and can approve an pending approval contract.

  • Given a non-admin user has selected Submit for Approval button, their contract is listed on the Documents for Review with the status of Pending Review.

  • Given admin user approves a contract, a confirmation message shows.

  • Given the admin has selected an action for the contract (approve, edit, delete), then a notification will be sent to the creator of the contract.

  • Given the admin has selected either approve or edit for the pending approval contract sent to them, the notification to the creator will contain a view link to view the contract.

  • Given the admin has selected to delete a contract, then the notification sent to the creator will not contain a view link.

  • Given the contract is in the Active Status, then the share with students and family members field and send button will show.

  • Given multiple family members have been selected to receive a copy of the active contract and the send button has been clicked, then each will see a copy in their inbox.

  • Given a copy(ies) of the active contract have been sent to individual(s), then the sent confirmation message will show.




Admin Receives Message


  • On the main dashboard, the user will see the inbox modal popup when they first login and it will remain open until closed by clicking the X

  • Unread messages will have a red dot to show that they have not been read. Once the user clicks to view the contract, the red dot disappears

  • The user will also receive an automated email if they have not opted out of it in the settings stating:


1 or more team members need your approval on a behavior contract for a student. Please log in to your Rethink Ed account and view your alerts in order to approve the contract. If no active alerts are showing, one of your colleagues has already approved the report.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Have a great day!



The Rethink Ed Team


  • If the user clicks on View report in inbox, they will be taken to the contract


Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Approve Reports AND who have access to MTSS Interventions (All Tools or Behavior Contract enabled) see this alert.

  • The alert box will only show if there is an active alert for contracts, incidents, or negative behavior.

  • The automated email will go out nightly as a scheduled job to any user with an active alert for at least 1 behavior contract.

  • Any behavior contract with a status of Pending Approval will show the alert.

  • We will show the name of the team member who submitted the contract for approval.

Admin Reviews/ Edits


  • Upon clicking Review in the Docs for Review, the user will see behavior contract viewer



  • The doc can be saved to the file cabinet, exported, or printed

  • If the user clicks edit, they will be able to make change to the contract if they desire




  • If the user clicks Approve, this pop-up will close and the user will see a new pop-up informing them that the contract has been approved.

  • Once saved, the tag Approved, will display on the View contract page


  • Once complete, this alert will no longer show on the dashboard.

  • Once the admin closes out of the contract they will see the updated list of the Docs for review


Deleted Contract

  • Admin user selects delete button from pending approval contract and confirmation pop-up is shown.


  • To delete the contract and send a notification to the creator of the contract, user clicks on Yes, delete it button.

  • To cancel the request and keep the contract in it’s current status, user selects Cancel.


Notification of Deleted Contract

  • Creator of deleted contract receives notification in their inbox.



Business Rules

  • If user has permission to behavior supports → Approve Reports and Edit Reports, then they will see Documents for Review.

  • If user has permission to behavior supports → Approve Reports and Edit Reports, then they will see Review Button.

  • See also View Contract section: Notify: Viewing Contract From Inbox

  • Only those contracts that have not yet been reviewed will show under the alerts.

  • We will show the first and last name of the student the contract belongs to

  • We will show the first and last name of the team member who submitted the contract.

  • Once approved, the contract status is updated to Approved.


Delete Contract

  • If user has permission to behavior supports → Approve Reports and Edit Reports, then they can delete a pending contract created by another user.

  • If admin selects delete button to delete the contract, a confirmation pop-up is shown (See image: Confirmation Pop-up).

    • If admin selects Yes, delete it from the pop-up, then the contract is deleted and a notification is sent to the creator of the contract.

    • If admin selects cancel from the pop-up, then the request is cancelled and the contract remains in it’s status.

    • The notification contains the admin name who deleted the contract. (See image: Creator Notification)


Teacher Receives Message


  • Once approved, the owner of the doc will be notified that the report was approved


  • When they click on View contract they will see the Contract with the Approved Tag.



  • To make the approved contract Active, user clicks on Make Active button.

  • Success message and Active contract is shown.





Business Rules

  • Given user has permission to behavior supports → Receive Alerts then they will get alerts for behavior contract statuses.

  • Once approved, the owner will receive a message in their inbox about the status of their behavior contract

  • If user has permission to behavior supports → Edit Reports then they will see the Make Active Button and can make an approved contract active.

  • Admin users approve contracts, Creator of contract makes it Active.


Teacher Share


  • The owner of the contract can share the document with the parent and student if they choose once it has been made Active.



  • The user will see the a share dropdown with the student and family members connected to the student in the behavior contract

  • The student is listed first and then the parents


  • The user can multi-select the checkboxes and then click send  

  • The user can uncheck the box to return to the beginning dropdown state

  • The user will see a confirmation message when send button is selected.




  • Once shared, it will share to selected student or parent inbox in RethinkEd.



  • When students or parents click on View contract in their Rethink inbox, they will see the contract



Business Rules

  • If user has permission to behavior supports → Record Student/Parent Notes, then they will see Send button and can send active contracts to students and parents.

  • Once the contract has been made active, all users with permission to edit plans can send the contract to involved student or parents or the involved students

  • Selection field for sending the contract to the student and family members is multi-select. (See image: Multi-select)

  • See also: Family Portal




  • If the owner of the report or admin wants to chat with another team member they can click the add button to search or find the team member name in the dropdown from the View report screen


  • Once they click on the name, it is added to the chat

  • They can click the x to remove the name if they have not started chatting to the person. Once the chat has begun, the X will be removed and the team members can no longer be removed from the chat


  • If they add a second name it just adds next to the other name

  • Once the second name is added, the add button is deactivated unless they remove one of the names before the chat starts.

  • If the name is longer than 22 characters, we will show an ellipsis at the end and the user can hover to see the rest of the name


  • Once a message is typed in, the names tagged in the chat will be notified via inbox

  • If the user clicks hide the chat will be hidden from view

  • The user can chat again by clicking unhide and see the same chat from last chat period




Business Rules

  • The owner of the report will be notified if the admin/ other team member writes a message and the admin/team member will be notified if the owner of the report writes a message

  • This doc/chat will function similarly to the student area chat and perhaps could access this same area or URL

  • The team member list should be limited to the team members that the person has access to in the building or in the district for admin

  • Only two team members can be added to the chat