Homeless Status


We need to add Homeless Status for students. This will be used in demographic filters and as a field on student reports. Homeless status is an important consideration when evaluating equity and student needs.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/eImGLO9Ni7AZHg9qNlXmph/User-Profile?node-id=126%3A5839&t=oFtkjBEic91HWgud-0 https://www.figma.com/file/ScwFIBg6svFwcHhWiVGKJr/Admin-Reporting?node-id=14%3A1022&t=tjoALsJxsiizs4c2-0 https://www.figma.com/file/ScwFIBg6svFwcHhWiVGKJr/Admin-Reporting?node-id=33%3A961&t=tjoALsJxsiizs4c2-0

Student Profile

User Story

  • As a user creating/editing a student profile, I need to be able to select/edit Homeless status for my student, so that I can view this information when creating student supports and evaluating equitable student outcomes.


  • To select Homeless status, user clicks in the checkbox next to Homeless.

  • To de-select Homeless status, user clicks in the checkbox next to Homeless a second time.



Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user creating/editing a student profile, I will not be required to provide a Homeless Status.

  • Given a district has shared Homeless status via Clever/Classlink/One Roster integration, we will display that selection here

  • Given a student is integrated via Clever/Classlink/One Roster, Homeless status field will not be locked and can be changed by the user

Admin Reports - Incident Reporting

User Story

  • Given I am a user viewing the Demographics: Students Graph, I want to see the # of students with incidents reported by Homeless status, so I can evaluate equity in my district



  • We will add an option for Housing Status under the first filter

  • The bars on the graph will be:

    • All Statuses

    • Homeless

    • Not Homeless

  • Hovering on a bar will show the # of unique students tagged to that Homeless status with incidents reported

  • This information will also be included on the export

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I have selected Housing Status, I will see a bar graph showing the number of unique students for each Homeless status with incidents reported within the date range, based on filters selected.

  • Given a student does not have Homeless status selected from the Student Profile, they will be counted under Not Specified

  • Given a student has an incident reported within our date range and that student has since changed to a different status, they will be counted under the Homeless status they held at the time the incident was reported

  • Given a student had an incident reported while at the Homeless status and another reported while at another status within our date range, they will be counted as 1 student for each status.

Filter Contents-from Student Profile:

  • All statuses is all students (Either homeless is left unchecked or it is checked in Student Profile)

  • Homeless contains all students with homeless checked.

  • Not homeless contains all students who have the homeless option unchecked.

User Story

  • Given I am a user viewing the Demographics: Incidents Graph, I want to see the # of incidents reported for each Homeless status level, so I can evaluate equity in my district



  • We will add an option for Housing Status under the first filter

  • The bars on the graph will be:

    • All Statuses

    • Homeless

    • Not Homeless

  • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported for students tagged to each Unhoused status

  • This information will also be included on the export

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I have selected Housing Status as a filter, I will see a bar graph showing the number of incidents reported for students of each Homeless status within the date range, based on filters selected.

  • Given a student does not have Homeless status selected from the Student Profile, their incidents will be counted under Not Specified

  • Given a student has an incident reported within our date range and that student has since changed to a different Housing status, their incidents will be counted under the Homeless status they held at the time the incident was reported

  • Given a student had an incident reported while at Homeless status and another reported while at another housing status within our date range, we will count 1 incident for each housing status.

  • See Filter contents from above section.

Admin Reports - Intervention Plans

User Story

  • Given I am a user viewing the Totals Graph, I want to see the # of Homeless students at each tier level for each Homeless status, so I can evaluate equity in my district




  • We will add a filter for Housing status

  • The options will be:

    • All Statuses

    • Homeless

    • Not Homeless

  • The resulting graphs will display the number of students of the selected Housing status at each tier level for each subject

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am viewing this report for the first time, the Housing Status will be set to All Housing Statuses

  • Given I have selected an option from the filter, I will only be able to make one selection at a time (single select)

  • Given I have selected All Housing Statuses, I will see the # of unique students at each tier level for all housing statuses, including those students with no status provided

  • Given I have selected Homeless, I will see the number of unique students at each tier level with Homeless status set to Yes

  • Given I have selected Not Specified, I will see the number of unique students at each tier level without a housing status selected.

  • Given I have selected Not Homeless I will see the # of unique students at each tier level with Homeless status set to No

  • Given a student has moved tier levels within our date range, we will only count the Tier the student is at as of the last date of the date range. Meaning, if a student is in Tier 1 on Day 1 of our date range and Tier 2 on the last day of our date range, we will count the student as Tier 2

  • Given a student has changed Housing status within our date range, we will count the student under the Homeless status as of the last date in our date range. Meaning, if a student is set as Not Specified on Day 1 of our date range and Homeless- yes on the last day of our date range, we will count the student as Homeless - yes.

  • See filter contents from above.

User Story

  • Given I am a user viewing the Interventions Report, I want to see the interventions used for students at each Housing status, so I can evaluate equity in my district



  • We will add a filter for Homeless Status

  • The options will be:

    • All Statuses

    • Homeless

    • Not Homeless

  • The resulting report will display the interventions used for students of the selected Housing status

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am viewing this report for the first time, the Housing Status will be set to All Housing Statuses

  • Given I have selected an option from the filter, I will only be able to make one selection at a time (single select)

  • Given I have selected All Housing Statuses, I will see the interventions used for students of all Housing statuses including those students with no Housing status provided

  • Given I have selected Homeless, I will see the interventions used for students with a Homeless status set to Yes

  • Given I have selected Not Specified, I will see the interventions used for students without a Homeless Status

  • Given I have selected Not Homeless, I will see the interventions used for students with Homeless status set to No.

  • Given a student has changed Housing status within our date range, we will count the student under the Homeless status as of the last date in our date range. Meaning, if a student is set as Not Specified on Day 1 of our date range and Homeless - yes on the last day of our date range, we will count the student as Homeless- yes.

  • See filter contents from above.