504 Plan Status

We need to add 504 Plan Status for students. This will be used in demographic filters and as a field on student reports. 504 Plan status is an important consideration when evaluating equity and student needs. The 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment. It is possible for a student to have a 504 Plan and no IEP OR to have both a 504 Plan and an IEP.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/eImGLO9Ni7AZHg9qNlXmph/User-Profile?node-id=138%3A5888&t=u06cfMWAa81WrsRm-0 https://www.figma.com/file/ScwFIBg6svFwcHhWiVGKJr/Admin-Reporting?node-id=33%3A961&t=tjoALsJxsiizs4c2-0 https://www.figma.com/file/ScwFIBg6svFwcHhWiVGKJr/Admin-Reporting?node-id=14%3A1022&t=tjoALsJxsiizs4c2-0

Student Profile

User Story

  • As a user creating/editing a student profile, I need to be able to select/edit a 504 Plan status for my student, so that I can view this information when creating student supports and evaluating equitable student outcomes.


  • To select 504, user clicks in the checkbox next to 504.

  • To de-select 504, user clicks in the checkbox next to 504 a second time.




Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user creating/editing a student profile, I will not be required to provide a 504 Plan Status.

  • Given user has clicked inside the box to select a 504 plan, then the accommodations list shows. (See: Services and Accommodations)

  • Given box for 504 is selected, then the selection of at least one accommodation is required.

  • If user clicks anywhere away from the Accommodations field, then the error message will show. (See image: Error Message from ELL Status)

  • Given a district has shared 504 Plan status via Clever/Classlink/One Roster integration, we will display that selection here

  • Given a student is integrated via Clever/Classlink/One Roster, 504 Plan status field will not be locked and can be changed by the user

Admin Reports - Incident Reporting

User Story

  • Given I am a user viewing the Demographics: Students Graph, I want to see the # of students with incidents reported by 504 Plan status, so I can evaluate equity in my district



  • We will add an option for 504 Plan under the first filter

  • The bars on the graph will be:

    • All Statuses

    • 504 Plan

    • Non 504 Plan

  • Hovering on a bar will show the # of unique students tagged to that 504 Plan status with incidents reported

  • This information will also be included on the export

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I have selected 504 Plan as a filter, I will see a bar graph showing the number of unique students for each 504 Plan status with incidents reported within the date range, based on filters selected.

  • Given a student does not have a 504 Plan status selected, they will be counted under All statuses

  • Given a student has an incident reported within our date range and that student has since changed to a different 504 Plan status, they will be counted under the 504 Plan status they held at the time the incident was reported

  • Given a student had an incident reported while at 1 504 Plan status and another reported while at another 504 Plan status within our date range, they will be counted as 1 student for each 504 Plan status.

Filter Status from Student Profile

  • All statuses is all students. (Both students with 504 box selected and students without the 504 box selected)

  • 504 Plan is all students with the 504 box selected.

  • Non 504 students is students without the 504 box selected.

User Story

  • Given I am a user viewing the Demographics: Incidents Graph, I want to see the # of incidents reported for each 504 Plan status level, so I can evaluate equity in my district



  • We will add an option for 504 Plan Status under the first filter

  • The bars on the graph will be:

    • All Statuses

    • 504 Plan

    • Non 504 Plan

  • Hovering on a bar will show the # of incidents reported for students tagged to each 504 Plan status

  • This information will also be included on the export

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I have selected 504 Plan as a filter, I will see a bar graph showing the number of incidents reported for students with 504 Plan status within the date range, based on filters selected.

  • Given a student does not have a 504 Plan status selected, their incidents will be counted under All statuses

  • Given a student has an incident reported within our date range and that student has since changed to a different 504 Plan status, their incidents will be counted under the 504 Plan status they held at the time the incident was reported

  • Given a student had an incident reported while at 1 504 Plan status and another reported while at another 504 Plan status within our date range, we will count 1 incident for each 504 Plan status.

  • See filter status from above section.

Admin Reports - Intervention Plans

User Story

  • Given I am a user viewing the Totals Graph, I want to see the # of students at each tier level for each 504 Plan status, so I can evaluate equity in my district



  • We will add a filter for 504 Plan Status

  • The options will be:

    • All Statuses

    • 504 Plan

    • No 504 Plan

  • The resulting graphs will display the number of students of the selected 504 Plan status at each tier level for each subject

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am viewing this report for the first time, the 504 filter is set to All Statuses

  • Given I have selected an option from the filter, I will only be able to make one selection at a time (single select)

  • Given I have selected 504 Plan, I will see the number of unique students at each tier level with a 504 Plan status set to Yes

  • Given I have selected All statuses I will see the number of unique students at each tier level without a 504 Plan Status

  • Given I have selected No 504 Plan, I will see the # of unique students at each tier level with 504 Plan status set to No

  • Given a student has moved tier levels within our date range, we will only count the Tier the student is at as of the last date of the date range. Meaning, if a student is in Tier 1 on Day 1 of our date range and Tier 2 on the last day of our date range, we will count the student as Tier 2

  • Given a student has changed 504 Plan status within our date range, we will count the student under the 504 Plan status as of the last date in our date range. Meaning, if a student is set as Not Specified on Day 1 of our date range and 504 Plan - yes on the last day of our date range, we will count the student as 504 Plan - yes.

  • See filter status from above section.

User Story

  • Given I am a user viewing the Interventions Report, I want to see the interventions used for students at each 504 Plan status, so I can evaluate equity in my district



  • We will add a filter for 504 Plan Status

  • The options will be:

    • All Statuses

    • 504 Plan

    • No 504 Plan

  • The resulting report will display the interventions used for students of the selected 504 Plan status

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am viewing this report for the first time, the 504 Plan Status will be set to All Statuses.

  • Given I have selected an option from the filter, I will only be able to make one selection at a time (single select)

  • Given I have selected 504 Plan, I will see the interventions used for students with a 504 Plan status set to Yes

  • Given I have selected All statuses, I will see the interventions used for students with and without a 504 Plan.

  • Given I have selected No 504 Plan, I will see the interventions used for students with an 504 Plan status set to No.

  • Given a student has changed 504 Plan status within our date range, we will count the student under the 504 Plan status as of the last date in our date range. Meaning, if a student is set as Not Specified on Day 1 of our date range and 504 Plan- yes on the last day of our date range, we will count the student as 504 Plan - yes.

  • See filter status from above section