Module Versions Tab

This tab provides a comprehensive overview of all uploaded versions of a module. It enables users to view, manage, and activate specific versions as needed, ensuring that the content remains up-to-date and relevant.



Feature 193967: Module Builder | SEL Authoring

UI Description

Versions Table

  • Description: Displays all the uploaded versions of the selected module, providing key details for each version.

  • Columns:

    • Thumbnail: Shows a small preview image of the module version.

    • Created By: Indicates who uploaded or created this version.

    • Creation Date: Shows when the version was uploaded or created in the format of MM/DD/YYYY.

    • View Button: Allows users to preview the version in detail.

    • Make Active Button: Enables users to set a specific version as the current active version. This button is disabled for the version that is already active.

Sorting and Active Version Highlighting

  • The table is sorted so that the most recent active version appears at the top. There is a green “Active” tag to the right of the resource title. This organization helps users quickly identify the currently active version and understand the historical progression of the module’s versions.

User Interaction Notes

  • Upon selecting a language, the versions table updates to display all versions available for that language.

  • Users can preview any version by clicking the "View" button, allowing them to examine the content before making any changes.

  • The "Make Active" button is available next to each non-active version, providing a straightforward way to update which version is currently in use. This button is disabled or hidden for the version that is already set as active to prevent redundant actions.

  • The sorting mechanism ensures that the versions are always displayed in a logical order, prioritizing the active version and then showing others based on their creation date.

Workflow Description

  1. Viewing Versions:

    • The versions table populates with all the relevant versions, including details like thumbnails, creators, and creation dates.

  2. Previewing Versions:

    • Users can click the "View" button next to any version to preview its content in detail.

  3. Activating a Version:

    • To make a specific version the active one, users click the "Make Active" button next to the desired version. The system then updates the active status, and the table refreshes to reflect this change, disabling the "Make Active" button for the newly active version.

  4. Sorting and Accessibility:

    • The table automatically sorts the versions, placing the active version at the top for easy access and visibility.

This structured approach to managing module versions enhances content accuracy and relevancy, providing users with the tools needed to efficiently maintain and update activities within the platform.