Lesson Settings Tab


The Lesson Plan Settings tab allows users to upload thumbnails, select keywords, and tag related topics, academic skills, and materials for a lesson.




Feature 189034: Lesson Builder | SEL Authoring Tool

UI Description

  1. Thumbnail Upload:

    • A designated area for uploading a lesson thumbnail with an option to click to upload or drag and drop files.

    • Required: No

    • Acceptable file formats: SVG, PNG, JPG, or GIF, with a maximum file size indicated (e.g., 3MB).

    • An automatic thumbnail generation if no custom thumbnail is uploaded.

  2. Keywords Section:

    • A field that displays selected keywords as chips that can be added or removed.

    • Required: No

  3. Related Topics (SEL):

    • Description: Lists of related topics categorized, each with checkboxes.

    • Required: No

    • Type of Input: Checkbox

    • Related Topics (Subject: SEL)

      • Awareness of Self & Others: Emotions, Growth Mindset, Learning Skills, Values, Wants & Needs, Self-Knowledge

      • Self-Management: Stress Management, Self-Control, Resilience, Problem Solving, Goal Setting, Focus

      • Social Skills: Respect, Relationships, Friendship, Fairness, Cooperation, Conflict Resolution

      • Social Awareness: Support Systems, Cultural Competence, Social Contributions, Safe & Ethical Behavior, Empathy, Actions & Consequences

      • Self-Care: Self-Efficacy, Self-Compassion, Self-Advocacy, Optimism, Mindfulness, Healthy Boundaries

    • Related Topics (Subject: Mental Health)

      • Mental Wellness, Healthy Identities, Kindness to Animals, Online Safety, Anxiety, Depression, Substance Use Disorders, Reducing the Risk of Suicide, Preventing Violence, Human Trafficking, Trauma: Emotions, Trauma: Resilience, Trauma: Stress Management, Trauma: Support Systems, Emotions, Growth Mindset, Learning Skills, Values, Wants & Needs, Self-Knowledge, Healthy Boundaries, Mindfulness, Optimism, Self-Advocacy, Self-Compassion, Self-Efficacy, Focus, Goal Setting, Problem Solving, Resilience, Self-Control, Stress-Management, Actions & Consequences, Empathy, Safe & Ethical Behavior, Social Contributions, Support Systems, Conflict Resolution, Cooperation, Fairness, Friendship, Relationships, Respect

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  1. Thumbnail Management:

    • Users can upload a thumbnail by clicking the upload area or dragging a file into it.

    • The system should validate the file type and size and display an error message if the upload does not meet the specified criteria.

    • Thumbnail images must occupy 100% of the container width and align to the top of the container.

  2. Keyword Management:

    • Users can type to add new keywords and press enter or separate words by commas to create a keyword chip

    • Users can click an 'x' on a chip to remove a keyword from the text input field.

  3. Topic and Tag Selection:

    • Users can select or deselect checkboxes for related topics and tags for the lesson

    • If you are in the Lesson Library and you are filtering by a selected topic, this lesson will display in those selected topics in addition to the Domain and Main topic that is entered. 

    • The tags will be tags on the lesson and the filter options in the Lesson Library

Workflow Description:

  1. Opening the Module Plan:

  • The educator opens the lesson plan settings from the Lesson Builder interface to add or edit information.

  1. Thumbnail Uploading:

  • The educator uploads a thumbnail for the lesson or relies on the system to generate one if none is provided.

  1. Keyword Tagging:

  • Keywords are added by typing and confirmed with an enter key press or words separated by commas to turn them into chips for easy viewing and management.

  1. Related Topics and Tagging:

  • The educator selects relevant topics and tags that correspond to the lesson's content for better categorization and discovery.


The Lesson Plan Settings tab organizes content, making it easily discoverable and accessible.