Add Goals | Students' Goal and Analytics Page

User Story:

As an Admin or Teacher, I need to add a new goal for a specific student so that I can begin tracking student progress.


Project: 205670

UI Description: What’s New



  • text

User Interactions and Validation Notes: What’s New

Item 1

  • Text

Workflow Description

  1. User clicks on View for a selected student from the Classroom Goal and Analytics page

  2. User enters students' Goal and Analytics Page with the Current Tab selected

  3. User clicks on +Add Goal from left side panel.

  4. Add goal pop-up shows where User selects the type of goal (Academics, Skills, Behavior, Wellness)

  5. User searches/filters for a specific goal and selects the goal.

  6. User completes the Goals/Objectives, Standards, Notes and Data Collection criteria



  • Way to connect tracking to existing Intervention Plan goals?

    • like adding Behavior Tools to Behavior Intervention Plan

  • Different options depending on the type of goal selected?

    • maybe just tracking without anything attached?

    • tracking of behavior tools such as Behavior Tracking, Self-Monitoring; bringing these into view screen? Do we take user elsewhere?

    • what about tracking for Behavior Contracts? No current way to track Behavior Contracts currently.