Add / Edit Standards | Students' Goal and Analytics Page

User Story:

As an Admin or Teacher, I need to add / edit the Standards information for individual student’s goal(s) so that will have documentation that the goals the student is working on are based upon the Standards for the grade, content area and student’s needs.


Project: 205670

UI Description: What’s New



  • text

User Interactions and Validation Notes: What’s New

Item 1

  • Text

Workflow Description

  1. User clicks on View for a selected student from the Classroom Goal and Analytics page

  2. User enters students' Goal and Analytics Page with the Current Tab selected

  3. User clicks on Edit icon for Standards

  4. User text enters the edits to the Standards information or adds/removes Standards?

  5. User Saves or Cancels additions/edits to their work.

  6. User is returned to student’s Goal and Analytics Page with the additions/edits showing in the Standard’s Section for the Goal selected



  • Do we have a bank we can draw upon to prompt User?

  • Do we have state-specific Common Core Standards?

  • Do we have suggested Common Core Standards for content area and grade selected? Goal and Intervention Bank?

  • Can we search standards?