View Specific Incident Report | Incident Reports | Behavior Suite

Start Date: 2.21.22 End Date: 2.25.22


We will provide a formal document for the incident based on the Incident Report Template. This allows users to print/store formal documentation on major incidents.




Go to View

Incident Reports


There are 3 ways to navigate to view Incident Reports:

From Behavior

  • The user will click on View Incident on the Tier 1, 2, or 3 screens.


  • Team members with permissions to regions will need to indicate which region, building, and classroom they would like to create the incident report for from a selector once they click on View incident


  • Team members with permissions to buildings will need to indicate which building and classroom they would like to create the incident report for from a selector once they click on View incident


  • Team members with permissions to classrooms will need to indicate which classroom report that they would like to view

  • From a Classroom

    • From the classroom page, the user will select “reports” from the left-side navigation menu and then incidents from top tab

  • Once the user clicks the dropdown in the report, they are able to select the specific incident report


From the Student Area

  • On any Tier, the user may click View incident


  • Then they will see the overview of incident reports and click the dropdown to reveal the individual reports. From there they can click to View Report


  • Alternatively, the user may click Incidents under recommended tools

  • From here, the user will click View Report


Viewing report from Inbox View report message

  • Users who receive notification that they have a report to review or that their report has been reviewed, will see the report directly when clicking View report



  • All fields are required in the popup once they click View Incident report

  • All regions that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click View incident report

  • All buildings that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click View incident report

  • All classrooms that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click View incident report

  • Behavior Section:

    • Any user with permission to View Reports (under Behavior Support) will have access to View incident button.

    • All non-admin users will see classrooms they are currently assigned to

    • Classrooms will be listed alphabetically

    • Admins will see a search bar instead of the classrooms list. Admins will need to search for a classroom by name. – Suggest changing to admins can search for any classroom that they have permission to view or select a classroom from the dropdown showing all classrooms that they have access to in the given building

  • Classroom/Group Section:

    • Any user with permission to View Reports (under Behavior Support) will have access to View an incident link.

  • Students Sections:

    • Any user with permission to View Reports (under Behavior Support) will have access to View Incident button.

Admin/ User with approval permissions


  • When the admin/user with permission to approve views the Incident Report owned by another team member, they will see the formatted document.

  • We will show the status of the report

  • This user will see a button to approve, delete, and print

  • They will also see a button to Edit the report and the status of the report (all users with permission see)

  • The admin can chat with the owner of the report through the chat feature

  • See below for more information about the delete button


Business Rules

  • Any user with permission to View Report (under Incident Reports) will have the ability to view an incident report.

  • The report will show based on the current incident report template.

  • All fields will show in the order shown on the template

  • If the template does not include a district logo, we will show the rethink logo in it’s place

  • The owner's name will not have an x by it so the owner cannot be removed from the  discussion

Incident Report Status


  • The status of the report will show at the top of the report

  • The user will see either a Pending Approval , Changes Requested, or an Approved status

Pending Approval

  • This status shows if the non-admin has selected Submit for approval on the Create incident report modal

  • If this status is showing the pending approval, the status in the Docs for review page will be Pending approval as well

  • If the admin clicks Request changes or approves, then the status on the report, Doc for review, and on the Classroom and student report list will no longer be pending approval






  • This status shows if the admin has clicked the Approved button

  • If this status is showing the Approved, the status in the report, Docs for review, classroom and student report list page will be approved as well

  • The user can click the undo button to return the status to the last status before selecting Approve

  • If the admin clicks undo, then the status on the report, Doc for review, and on the Classroom and student report list will no longer be approved



Business Rules

  • The pending approval status will show




  • If the user clicks the Print button, we will open a printable PDF of the report


Business Rules

  • We will not print the buttons for save to file cabinet, print, edit, or delete.




  • Admin can approve the report by clicking approve

  • Once the admin clicks approve, the status will change to approved on the report, Doc for review, and on the Classroom and student report list

  • The admin can click undo to return the report to the last status

  • See approval process for more details



Business Rules

  • Users with permission to approve Report (Under Behavior Support) will see this button.

  • The undo button will remain active for 1 month and then will be disabled

  • Once approved, the admin and owner of the report will no longer be able to edit the report

  • The owner of the report will not be able to delete it once approved








  • When the user clicks the edit button, they will be able to make changes in an editable mode of the report

  • From here, the user may make changes and click Save & Approve OR Save and close

  • If the user Saves and approves, the status will change to Approved

  • If the user clicks Save and Close, the changes will save and they will return to the view report screen mode with updated report.

  • Once the user clicks approve any changes that were made will need to be highlighted and confirmed by the teacher

  • See Edit Incident report for more details



Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Edit Report (Under Behavior Support) will see this button.

  • Approved incident reports will not show the edit button.

  • Any user without permission to Approve Report (under Behavior Support) and who has permission to Edit Report will see the option to Submit for Approval. The status of the report will be updated to Pending Approval.

  • Any user with permission to Approve Report (under Behavior Support) will see the option to Save & Approve. The status of the report will be updated to Approved.



The Owner of the Incident Report


  • When the non-admin user views the Incident Report, they will see the formatted document.

  • We will show the status of the report

  • This user will see a button to edit or delete if they are the owner of the report

  • They will also see the status of the report (all users with permission see)



  • If the owner of the report also has approval permissions, they will see the delete button along with the other buttons they have permission to use: Approve


Business Rules

  • Any user with permission to View Report (under Incident Reports) will have the ability to view an incident report.

  • The report will show based on the current incident report template.

  • All fields will show in the order shown on the template

  • If the template does not include a district logo, we will show the rethink logo in it’s place

  • The owner will see their own name and their name cannot be removed from the discussion.



  • If the user clicks the delete button, they will see a confirmation message.

  • If the user clicks Delete, the report will be deleted & the report will close.

  • If the user clicks Cancel, the report will not be deleted & the user will return to the report.

Business Rules

  • Only the creator of the incident report and admin will see this button

  • Approved incident reports will not show the delete button.