Incident Settings | Account Settings | Incident Reports | Behavior Suite

We need to add settings for the incident report, list of incidents and actions, and alerts.

User Stories:

  • As an admin, I want to be able to remove fields from the incident report settings for my building or district so that I can ensure that the team members are not reporting extraneous information

  • As an admin, I want to be able to add fields to the incident report settings for my building or district so that I can ensure that the team members are reporting on all important details from an incident

  • As an admin, I want to be able to select which fields are required and which are not required so that team members document the necessary information for our building or district

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with permission to edit Behavior Settings, I will see the incident settings in the settings

  • Given I am a user with permission to edit Behavior Settings, I will see the customize incident report, Incidents, and actions tabs

  • Given I am a user with permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can change the order of the fields of the report and it will match the order of the fields in the Create, view, and edit report once I save

  • Given I am a user with permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can remove fields of the report and it will match the fields in the Create, view, and edit report once I save

  • Given I am a user with permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can add fields to the report and it will match the fields in the Create, View, and edit report once I save

  • Given I am a user with permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can change the order of the incident fields and it will match the order of the incident dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save

  • Given I am a user with permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can delete incidents and it will match the incident dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save

  • Given I am a user with permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can add incidents and it will match the incident dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save

  • Given I am a user with permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can change the order of the action fields and it will match the order of the action dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save

  • Given I am a user with permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can delete actions and it will match the action dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save

  • Given I am a user with permission to edit Behavior Settings, I can add actions and it will match the action dropdown in the Create and edit report once I save


Main Incident Settings Screen


  • When a user clicks on Incident Settings in Account settings, they will see a screen showing the default Incident Report list.

  • Users will have the option to remove some of the fields if they choose.

  • Users may upload a .png logo by clicking upload logo


  • Users may remove a .png logo by clicking remove logo


  • If a field is removed, it will show under the add additional field dropdown. For instance, if the user removes time, it would show up after Custom dropdown.

  • Each time a field is removed it will be added to the additional field list in the order that it was removed

  • If the user clicks on the removed item, it will be added back to its default place in the list.

  • The work will be saved if the user clicks Save or if the user clicks to another tab or clicks to another area of the platform


Business Rules

  • This section will be visible to users with permission to Behavior → View Settings

  • This section can only be edited by users with permission to Behavior → Edit Settings

  • By default, the following required fields will show and cannot be remove

    • Name of person reporting incident

    • Date

    • Student Name

    • Incident Type

    • Action Taken

  • By default, the following required fields will show and can be removed

    • Title of Person Reporting Incident

    • Time

    • School Name

    • Frequency

    • Classroom

    • Location

    • Was anyone physically harmed?

    • Name of Witnesses

    • Possible Motivation

    • Notes

  • Work is Saved if the user clicks Save or visits another area


View Incident Report


  • The user may click the View Incident Report button to see the report with all the fields and the order of the fields in the settings

  • Any changes made to the report show be reflected in the View incident report preview whether the user has clicked save or not

Business Rules

  • The fields and order of the fields should match the fields and order of the fields when Viewing Incident Report

  • The View Incident report will match the fields whether saved or not

Add additional field


  • If the user clicks add an additional field, they will see a dropdown in which they must choose whether to add a Custom Short Text, Long Text, Checkbox, or Dropdown and any fields that they removed from the list


Business Rules

  • Removed fields should be added to the bottom of the Add additional field dropdown list


Short Text


  • By default there will be one Short Text field in the settings that can be removed

  • The user can add a label to the text box

  • If the user clicks Short Text, they will be able to add a label or see the label already added on the incident report settings with a short text box preview

  • If the user clicks on Short Text or add an additional field Short Text, the short text modal will open

  • Any label the user types on the line in the modal or in the settings will show in the preview exactly as typed

  • When the user clicks save, they will see the typed label on the Short text line in the incident report settings

  • The user can click on Short Text to view the same modal


Business Rules

  • The field can be removed by clicking the X


Long Text

  • By default there will be one Long Text field in the settings that can be removed

  • The user can add a label to the text box

  • If the user clicks Long Text, they will be able to add a label or see the label already added on the incident report settings with a long text box preview

  • Any label the user types on the line in the modal or in the settings will show in the preview exactly as typed

  • When the user clicks save, they will see the typed label on the Long text line in the incident report settings

  • The user can click Long Text to view the same modal again


Business Rules

  • The field can be removed by clicking the X




  • By default there will be one Checkbox field in the settings that can be removed

  • The user can add a label to the text box


  • If the user clicks on checkbox, they will see a modal where they can type a label.

  • Any label the user types on the line in the modal or in the settings will show in the preview exactly as typed

  • When the user clicks save, they will see the typed label on the checkbox line in the incident report settings

  • The user can click Checkbox to view the same modal


Business Rules

  • The field can be removed by clicking the X

  • This field is not required




  • If the user clicks on dropdown, they will see a modal where they can type a label and answers.

  • When the user clicks save, they will see the typed label on the added dropdown field in the incident report settings

  • User can add an additional answer field

  • The user can remove an answer field by clicking the X

  • The user can change the order of the answers by clicking the arrows

  • If the user clicks save the modal will close and they will see a new field for the added dropdown

  • If the user clicks cancel the modal will close and work will be lost

  • The user can click Dropdown to view the same modal


Business Rules

  • Set max answer fields to no more than 25



Incidents List


  • Users will have the option of making changes to the default incident list by selecting the Incidents tab


  • The user may click the remove to remove a field they do not want

  • The user may use the arrows to change the order of the fields

  • The user may click Remove all to remove the default list. Clicking Undo will return the list to the state it was in before clicking Remove all


  • The user may click Discard Changes to exit without saving changes or Save to save changes


Business Rules

  • This section will be visible to users with permission to Behavior → View Settings

  • This section can only be edited by users with permission to Behavior → Edit Settings

  • The incident list is in alphabetical order

  • Removing single fields cannot be undone

  • Removing All can be undone

  • The list of incidents will show in the Incident dropdown of the incident report and should match the settings

  • The default list is in alphabetical order

Actions List


  • If the user clicks the Actions Tab, they will see the list of actions

  • The user may click the X button to remove a field they do not want. This action cannot be undone


  • The user may use the arrows to change the order of the fields

  • The user may click Remove all to remove the default list. Clicking Undo will return the list to the state it was in before clicking Remove all


  • The user may click Discard Changes to exit without saving changes or Save to save changes


Business Rules

  • This section will be visible to users with permission to Behavior → View Settings

  • This section can only be edited by users with permission to Behavior → Edit Settings

  • The fields for the default Actions list are:

    • Behavior Contract

    • Behavior Plan

    • Conference with admin/teachers and family

    • Conference with student/warning

    • Detention

    • Expulsion

    • Loss of privileges

    • Referral for medication

    • Referred to safety officer

    • Referred to school guidance counselor

    • Reminder given

    • Restrained

    • Reviewed rules

    • Sent to principal’s office

    • Schedule change

    • Suspension: In-school

    • Suspension: Out-of-school

    • Temporary removal from classroom

    • Add action taken


Admin changes after incident reports have been created



  • If an admin makes changes to the incident report settings while users are in the process of creating incident reports, the user will see a message after they click Submit which says: There is a newer version of the incident report. Would you like to submit the updated version. If you select yes, you will need to redo the whole incident report.

  • If the user clicks Yes, they will lose all inputted work for right now.

  • If the user clicks no, they will submit the original incident report without the updated version changes.






Business Needs

  • Users will see this message if they are creating an incident report or submitting an incident report that does not include the new saved version in the incident report settings