Rethink Billing FAQs.
Rachael Keizur
Kaitlyn England
Danielle Lau
Prior to Pulling Billing Export
You can easily run a quick report in Rethink to check that all appointments for any given date range have been verified.
Rethink – Scheduling – Appointment List
Click the filter icon to view all filters available
Adjust your date range
Client should read “ALL”
Staff should read “ALL”
Appointment Type – adjust according to what you want to pull (note: billing export only pulls BILLABLE appts)
Appointment Status switch to “Needs Verification”
Click “Submit”
This will pull all appointments that will NOT be listed on the billing export for that given date range.
Follow all steps above, instead of clicking “Needs Verification” – leave as “All” and under Appointments with Billing Issues, select “No Authorization”
You can either use the filter identified in Q2 above or within the scheduler, review all appointments listed in ORANGE. This indicates billing issues within that appointment.
This will all be dependent on your payor contracts. It’s important to remember that the provider you list here is who will pull into the claim in box 24J on the service line.
Agency – only your group information will be listed on the claim in 24J and 31
Specific Provider – only this provider will be listed on your claim in 24J and 31
Provider Assigned to Appointment – whichever provider is assigned to the appointment will be listed on your claim in 24J and 31 (typically used for Medicaid & Tricare funders)
Billing Export
Go into the appointment on the scheduler and under the “service” section, select the active/valid authorization. Within the billing export, if there is a valid authorization now attached to the appointment, you can manually enter the authorization number in the Authorization # column on the export.