Data Collection Types for Skill Acquisition Programs

Data Collection Types for Skill Acquisition Programs

When customizing a skill acquisition program for a client, there are several ways to collect data. The following resource will describe each data collection type further and a description of how data would be collected on the mobile-app (typically used in real time with clients) or website (data entry tab).


Opportunity Based

  • Opportunity based data collection types can be used with or without prompts

    • Without prompts would provide the staff with a + or

    • With prompts would provide the staff with an abbreviation corresponding to the prompt (e.g., V for Visual)

    • Symbols or abbreviations display on both the website and mobile-app

  • Mastery criteria requires identifying a minimum amount of trials for the target to count towards mastery criteria

  • Targets needing opportunity based data collection are added

Task Analysis

  • When selecting task analysis, you can choose Forward Chain, Backward Chain, or Total task

  • This data collection type can also be with or without prompts (each step would have a symbol/letter)

  • Mastery criteria requires a percentage of steps to be correct

  • Teaching steps need to be added for data collection

    • If using forward or backward chain, only the appropriate step will display until mastery criteria is met, then the next step will open for data collection

    • An N/A option is available when collecting data on a Task Analysis for a step(s) unavailable during opportunities

  • When collecting data (on website or mobile app) multiple opportunities of the task can be added

  • Task Analysis data collection cannot be used with a Goals and Objectives program (will automatically change to Goal Only)


  • Select the minimum amount of duration for targets to meet mastery criteria

  • Targets needing duration data are added to the program

  • When collecting data for this program on the website (in data entry), a total amount of minutes for the target are entered with an observation length identified

  • When collecting data on the mobile app, a toggle option is used to identify the duration of a target (automatically keeps time) for each instance


  • Setting mastery criteria requires a minimum amount of occurrences for each target

  • Targets are added for frequency data collection

  • When collecting data on the website (in data entry), a total number of occurrences with the total time of observation can be added

  • When collecting data on the mobile app, a + button is available for staff to add each individual occurrence for the target



  • Interval based recording allows for Partial Interval, Whole Interval, and Momentary Time Sampling (MTS)

  • Set the interval length by seconds, minutes, or hours

  • Mastery Criteria is set to a minimum % of intervals with the behavior occurring

  • Add targets needed interval based recording

  • On the website (in data entry), a total percentage of intervals is recorded with the total length of observation

  • When collecting data on the mobile-app, the interval of time automatically counts down for the staff. When recording data:

    • Partial interval will have an occurred button to identify when the behavior occurred

    • Whole interval will have a toggle button (toggle on/toggle off for each instance)

    • MTS has a visual prompt that appears on the screen for data collection

    • All % calculations are automatically computed after syncing data