Fields of a Skill Acquisition Program

Fields of a Skill Acquisition Program

The information below describes each area of a skill acquisition program that can be edited/customized prior to data collection. Review each area to better determine how programming should look for your client’s skills.


Area to Edit



Area to Edit





This is an open text box. You can write the goal of the program as you see fit for this client.

How to track progress

Choose 1 option: Goal only or Goal and Objectives

Please see notes to assist with making your decision





IMPORTANT: Targets still need to be added to the program for any data collection to occur regardless of having objectives.

Refer to https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NSGSC/pages/3144908801

Triggering maintenance



When this box is selected, targets will be mastered based on the mastery criteria of the program.

The maintenance schedule is a recommendation, it does not trigger a maintenance schedule automatically

Maintenance schedule (only if triggering maintenance is selected)

Automatic Phase Change Line



Selecting this box would have a phase change line automatically populate when targets are mastered and maintenance targets are reintroduced.

Objectives (only if you chose Goals and Objectives above)


NOTE: This would only display if you chose Goals and Objectives previously. This would NOT display if you chose Goal Only. You can use more or less than 3 objectives. Each of the objectives is an open text field to edit.

Data collection type

Select One Option. If collecting data multiple ways for a single goal, the goal will need to be duplicated after editing is completed. Further edits would continue in the duplicated version.


For a further description of each Data Collection type, see: https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NSGSC/pages/3143237907

With or Without Prompts


This section is asking whether or not you would like to collect prompt specific data.

If WITHOUT, a + or - symbol is available for each target in the program when collecting data and you can manually label each symbol

If WITH, a prompt hierarchy is added and abbreviations corresponding to the prompt will populate for each target in the program when collecting data


Mastery Criteria


NOTE: Setting Mastery criteria will look different depending on the data collection type you choose (i.e., opportunity based vs task analysis, etc). refer to the resource describing data collection types to learn more about the different requirements for setting mastery criteria.

If you did not select the box next to Trigger Maintenance, you will not see Maintenance Mastery Criteria option to complete

Maintenance Mastery Criteria (only if you chose to trigger maintenance)



Select Add A New Target. These will be what staff collect data for. If you chose Task Analysis, it will say Teaching Steps.




NOTE: Targets need to be added for any data collection outside of baseline to occur.

If targets existed in the program within the Program Library, they would be available for selection from the SYSTEM TARGETS option. You can also choose to use your own wording when entering targets by typing them into the open text field instead.

Target Objective

Selecting what Objective the target should go into







NOTE: These options ONLY display if this is a Goal and Objective Program and/or a Program WITH prompts



Target Prompt

Selecting what prompt counts as correct for that target

Target On Hold

Selecting whether or not you want the target to be available for data collection

Targets can be placed on hold until ready to collect data for said target, thus not allowing the target to be available for data collection. Targets need to be MANUALLY taken off of hold for data collection on that target to occur.






NOTE: All of these text boxes are editable for your customization. The information written in any of these boxes can be seen both on the website and the mobile app by your direct line staff when collecting data for this program. These are OPTIONAL areas, but can be customized based on how this program is ran for this individual client.

If any wording automatically appears, that is because it was added to the Program when it was made in the Program Library (Rethink or Custom). Any wording can be deleted or edited.


Error Correction


Teaching Strategies


Helpful Hints