Billing Export.

Billing Export.

Customers can use this report to provide to their billing company or billing software with the information for billing or use it for auditing purposes.



Good to Know



Good to Know

Navigating to the Billing Export

Reporting>Scheduling>Billing Export



  •  Users with permission “View/Download Billing Export” will be able to view/download this report

Generating the report

Date Range: Enter the date range you want to pull appointments for

  • You can run report for up to 181 days

Funders: You can pull by 1 funder, a few funders, or leave this field blank to pull over all billable data for all funders

Appointment Requirements: By default, completed appointments by your company’s definition will pull into the Billing Export

Include Demo Client: Select if you want demo clients to appear on the export

Include Late Entries: When selected, the system looks for appointments prior to the start date entered that were previously incomplete but are now complete

  • EX: If an appointment in June was incomplete when running the BER for June appointments but has since been completed and now user is running the BER for July appointments, that June appointment will populate in the export as part of the late entries feature

  • To prevent duplicate billing, it will only pull once

    • EX: Tomorrow if I pull this same report for this date range, the late entry appointment(s) won’t show again. The system thinks you already billed it. Suggested that if late entries are included in the export, save that document

Click Run Now> Excel or CSV

  • The system will create a record in the My Reports Tab with the status of “Pending”

    • The Status will change to Download once the report is ready to view

  • Users will also receive an email when the report is ready that includes a link to be brought to the Billing Export My Reports page within Rethink

  • Not recommended to pull for incomplete appointments using the Billing Export Report. To pull for incomplete appointments, use the Scheduling>Appointment List view

  • Statuses allow users to see where the report is in the process at any point in time

    • Pending: The report is in a queue of repots waiting to be processed

    • Download: Report is ready for download

    • Download: Report was previously downloaded

      • You may download at anytime and as many times as you would like

    • Fail: There was an error when processing the report. User can run the report again or contact the Rethink Support Team to see if it may be recovered

  • Users will receive an email when the report is ready

    • By default, the email will be sent to the users email in their staff profile

  • Once exported to excel, it is suggested to:

    • Work top to bottom, left to right

    • Comb through the report to make sure things look right, especially the first time you pull your billing export

    • Add a filter for review by column headers

      • EX: Can sort/filter by different locations

Subscribed Reports

  • Ability for users to schedule billing exports

    • User will receive an email on the day indicated by the subscription when the report is ready. Email will guide you back into Rethink to download the report from the My Subscribed Reports tab

  • Alleviates the need to manually generate reports that are needed on a regular cadence

See the following tutorial for details: Create and Manage Billing Export Subscriptions.

Report Information

The Start and End date of the report will appear at the top of the spreadsheet along with company Tax ID that pulls from the Settings>Basic Info area. The Time Zone of the user that is logged in and running the report will be displayed at the top of the report as well. The Run Date/Time will show when this report was pulled.

Column Name

Information Shown

Column Name

Information Shown


Red flags for potential billing issues

  • EX: No Authorization - System is flagging there is no authorization attached to that appointment. Refer to your funder, if your funder needs authorization, you may need to attach that before you bill

  • EX: Staff Overlap and Client Overlap

    • Staff Overlap: One staff member providing services to more than one client at the same time (Could be group service – maybe your funder allows this. IF they don’t, make adjustment)

    • Client Overlap: More than one staff member is providing services to the same client – Maybe a two on one service or a direct therapy and parent training is happening. Lots of funders allow this.

    • Can always adjust the spreadsheet instead of adjusting appointments in the system and rerunning

      • EX: Alter the start time so appointments don’t overlap (client/staff overlap)

Appt Type

Should all be billable

Appnt Tag

Any billable tags that were added to the appointment

Cancellation Type Name

Best practice recommendation is to not pull for cancelled appointments

Appt Status

Best practice recommendation is to only pull for complete appointments

Office Location

Pulls the Location/Facility assigned to the client in the Client Profile>Demographics section


Name of funder

Date of Service

Date the appointment took place

Actual Start Time

Verified start time

  • May see the term “Rollup” based on your Funder Setup if you designated you need to combine charges

    • EX: If combine for same day, client, and billing code is selected, then when multiple staff go out to see that client in a day for the same service, it will roll those appointments into one Claim Line on your billing export

Actual End Time

Verified End time

  • May see the term “Rollup” based on your Funder Setup if you designated you need to combine charges

Claim Line Note

Optional component to add to this report. Allows users to list the appointment start and end time on the actual claim itself (some funders require this). If you need a claim line note to be the start and end time, you can set this up under the Settings>Funder Settings set up. If you need it to be in military time, you can set that up there as well

Client Name

Name of client

Provider Name

Name of staff providing the service


Service Name

Billing Code

Billed CPT Code

Modifier 1-4

Will show modifiers if added to that billing code under the Settings>Funders/Billing Code area

Unit Type

Pulls from the Funder/Billing Code setup within Settings

# of Hours

Number of hours the appointment(s) took place

# of Units

Number of units

Unit Rate

Rate per unit as entered on the Funder/Billing Code setup within Settings

Total Charges

How much to charge

Authorization #

Pulls the authorization # that was added to the Client Profile>Authorization Tab

Service Line

The Service Line used

EX: ABA, OT, PT, Speech

Place of Service

As entered on the appointment level (POS is required on appointments)

Location Name

Will show if entered on the appointment level

Location Address

Will show if entered on the appointment level

Diagnosis Code 1-4

Pulls the diagnosis selected on the Authorization of the Client Profile>Authorization Tab

Only one diagnosis can be selected on a client’s authorization. If more need to be added, you can do so manually on the BER

Client Address

Pulls the address added to the client in the Client Profile>Demographics section

Service Facility Location

Pulls from the Funder setup within Settings

Vendor ID

Will show if entered in the Funder setup within Settings

Funder Address

Pulls from Settings>Funder area

Insured’s Name

Pulls from the Funder information added to the Client Profile>Funder section

Insured’s ID

Pulls from the Funder information added to the Client Profile>Funder section

Group #

Will show if entered on the Client Profile>Funder section

Client DOB

Pulls the Date of Birth added to the client in the Client Profile>Demographics section

Agency Name

Company Name as entered in the Basic Information area of the account

Group Agency NPI #

Company NPI # as entered in the Basic Information area of the account

Rendering Provider Name

For services set up to ‘require an authorization’, the Rendering Provider will display based on the selection made for this field in the authorization.

  • EX: If you selected Agency as the rendering provider on a client’s authorization, you will see your company’s name and NPI #

For services set up to not require an authorization, the Rendering Provider will display based on the selection made for the billing code in the Settings>Funder Settings>Service Line area

Rendering Provider NPI #

For services set up to ‘require an authorization’, the Rendering Provider NPI# will display based on the selection made for this field in the client authorization

For services set up to not require an authorization, the Rendering Provider NPI# will display based on the selection made for the billing code in the Settings>Funder Settings>Service Line area

Company Client ID #

Will show if entered on the Client Profile>Demographics section

Rethink Client ID #

Autogenerated from Rethink

Staff Verification

Should be “Yes” as this it the minimum requirement for a session to be considered complete unless you are pulling for incomplete appointments

Staff Verified Address

If location services were turned on when verifying, the address where that staff verified will appear here

Parent Verification

Yes or No if obtained

Parent Verified Address

If yes and location services were turned on when verifying, the verification address will appear here

Session Note Entered

Yes or No if obtained

Should be “Yes” if that is your company’s criteria for a completed session

Session Note Reviewed

Optional component

EX: Supervisors can review session notes

Company Staff ID #

If Staff ID # was added to staff’s General Information section of their profile

Rethink Service ID #

Auto created by Rethink

Staff Verification DateTimeStamp

The date and time the staff verified the appointment

Appt Requirements Completed

The date and time the appointment requirements were completed

  • Verification AND a session note obtained for example if that is your company’s requirements for a billable appointment to be considered complete

Appt Notes

Any notes written on the appointment details

Rethink Appt ID

Auto Created by Rethink

Referring Provider Name

For services set up to ‘require an authorization’, the Referring Provider will display if there was a Referring Provider selected in the authorization the appointment is connected to.

Referring Provider NPI

For services set up to ‘require an authorization’, the Referring Provider NPI will display if there was a Referring Provider selected in the authorization the appointment is connected to.

Client Policy Copay

Will show if entered on the Client Profile>Funder Tab

Appointment Copay

Will show if copay was received for an appointment AND marked on the appointment level

Last Modified By

Who last modified the appointment

Last Modified On

When a user last modified this appointment

Last Billing Exported

Date and time this report was ran

Last Payroll Exported

Will show if the appointment has been pulled for payroll yet

Late Entry

This column will display ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending on whether the appointment was ever pulled as a late entry

Late Entry First Pulled By

This column will display the first and last name of the staff member who first pulled the appointment as a late entry

Date/Time Appt Marked Late Entry

This column will display the date and time the appointment was first pulled as a late entry