Spanish SEL Assessment

We need to add a language selector for the SEL Assessment


User Story:

  • As a student whose primary language is Spanish, I want to be able to view the assessment in Spanish, so that I may better understand the questions.

  • As an educator whose primary language is Spanish, I want to be able to view my students' responses to the assessment in Spanish, so that I may better understand their responses

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a student who is accessing the assessment for the first time, the language of the assessment will default to English

  • Given I am a student who has selected Espanol, the assessment questions will appear in Spanish

  • Given I am a student who has started the assessment in Spanish but does not finish/submit the assessment, the next time I access the assessment, the questions will show in Spanish

  • Given I am a student who has selected English, the assessment questions will appear in English

  • Given I am a student who has started the assessment in English but does not finish/submit the assessment, the next time I access the assessment, the questions will show in English

  • Given I am a team member who is viewing an assessment for the first time, the language of the assessment will default to English

  • Given I am a team member who has selected Espanol, the assessment questions will appear in Spanish

  • Given I am a team member who has viewed an assessment for a student in Spanish and I have clicked to view an assessment for another student, that student’s assessment will also show in Spanish

  • Given I am a team member who has selected English, the assessment questions will appear in English

  • Given I am a team member who has viewed an assessment for a student in English and I have clicked to view an assessment for another student, that student’s assessment will also show in English

Student Center


  • When a student accesses the SEL Assessment in the student center, they will see a language selector on each page.

  • Clicking on Cambiar al Espanol will change the language of the assessment to Spanish

  • Clicking on Change to English will change the language of the assessment to English

Business Rules

  • The default language will be English for students

  • If the student changes the language to spanish, this setting will remain for all questions unless the student changes the language back to English.

View Student Assessment


  • When the teacher views the completed assessment, they too will see the language selector when viewing an individual student’s assessment

  • Clicking on Cambiar al Espanol will change the language of the assessment to Spanish

  • Clicking on Change to English will change the language of the assessment to English

Business Rules

  • The default language will be English for educators

  • If the team member changes the language, this setting will remain for all other assessments the team member views.