Generic MTSS Dashboard


The goal of Generic MTSS Dashboard Template is to provide a simplified version of MTSS Dashboard where new integrations and clients can be added quickly and the results of the integrations are shown to User within their MTSS Dashboard

Epic link

Acceptance Criteria

  • Create new Integrations for ELA, Math, Behavior, and Attendance.

  • Edit existing Integrations for ELA, Math, Behavior, and Attendance.

  • Search existing Integrations.

  • Sort an Integrations list by Company and Subject.

  • Create new Organizations.

  • Edit existing Organizations.

  • Search existing Organizations by Name or Id

  • Show current and past Integrations in User’s Settings

  • Build Tab in Student Dashboard to house multiple Integrations within same year

Workflow Description

  1. Login to the portal.

  2. Creation and management of Integrations

  3. Creation and management of Organizations.