Edit Assessment Integration


A page for internal RethinkEd staff to edit an existing Integration for Attendance, Behavior, ELA, and Math

Acceptance Criteria

  • Subject, Company and Assessment Name fields are locked

  • Description field is editable

  • Integration Settings for Benchmark and Field Mapping are editable

  • Settings and Field Mapping edits carry through to the MTSS Dashboard

Figma Link https://www.figma.com/file/pbkupX2noQxD6SE6C7EtIv/Admin---Integrations?type=design&node-id=899-31862&mode=design&t=LFT1BsXB1Am2lqXv-0

Epic Link

Workflow Description

  1. Select integration to be edited from Assessment List

  2. Edit fields for Integration Settings: Benchmark and Field Mapping

  3. Save Changes


Key aspects of Edit Assessment Integration

Edit Assessment Metadata( ): The meta data including selections for Subject, Company, and Assessment name are locked. The description field can be edited and the edits are updated on the Assessment List.

Integration Settings: Benchmarks ( ): Criteria for the benchmarks can be edited. The results of the edits populate through MTSS Dashboard to the end user.

Integration Settings: Field Mapping ( ): The required fields are not editable. Users can edit the Select Field to which required fields are mapped. Tool tips can be selected/deselected and text entries for tool tips are editable. Changes to Tool tips populate through the MTSS Dashboard to the end user. Add Notes can be added/removed or edited. Add Custom Fields can be added/deleted or edited and results populate through MTSS Dashboard.