Add New Assessment: Behavior


A page for internal RethinkEd staff to enter a new integration for Behavior

Acceptance Criteria

  • Enter new integration metadata: Subject, Company, Assessment Name, Description

  • Enter Benchmark Default Criteria for Behavior

  • Enter Field Mapping for Required Fields with optional notes

  • Enter Field mapping for custom fields and optional notes

  • Select Tool tip checkbox (optional) and text enter if selected

  • Save new Assessment Integration

Figma Link

Epic Link

Workflow Description

  1. Enter Integration information and Settings criteria benchmarks

  2. Save

  3. Enter Field Mapping required fields

  4. Select Show Tooltip checkbox and enter text (optional)

  5. Map required fields

  6. Select Add note and text enter (optional)

  7. Add custom field(s) (optional)

  8. Save

Key aspects of Add New Assessment: Behavior

Add New Integration Modal: MetaData ( ): The modal includes a required selection for Subject as Behavior from the drop down contents since the Integration Settings are dependent upon it. Company is a selection from a drop down or a custom entry. Assessment name is a new custom text entry. Description is an optional field for text entry with no limitation although will be truncated on Assessment List.

Integration Settings: Benchmarks ( ): The Benchmarks tab contains the criteria for the benchmarks and includes Incident Occurrences and Tier Mapping. The default settings for incidents show as 0-4 for Tier 1, 5-9 for Tier 2, and 10 or higher for Tier 3. Users cannot add or delete rows and the Tier Mapping is locked for Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. Users can edit the ranges of Incident Occurrences as follows:

  • Tier 1 Incident ranges begin with 0 and 0 is locked.

  • Tier 2 incident ranges begin with the Tier 1 ending value + 1

  • Tier 2 incident ranges begin with the Tier 2 ending value + 1

Return Student to Tier 1 reads: After [ value ] weeks without any incident

  • We show the default recommended value as: 9. 

  • Drop down for values include: 1 to 36.

  • Weeks only include the current school year and expire at Define School Year end date.

Integration Settings: Field Mapping ( ): Field Mapping Tab includes the following fields:

  • Student Id with text: ‘A unique student identifier’

  • Incident Date with text: ‘The date the incident occurred.’

Select field works as a search where user types and then selects from options given from the data set and is a required field. Tool tip and Add note are optional fields. Selecting the Tool Tip checkbox opens the text entry for typing the Tool tip and Tool Tips appear in the Student Dashboard for the end user. Add Custom Field opens a new field to name and match. The name of the custom entry field will show as the heading in the Student Dashboard for the value in the data set for which it is mapped. Custom entry fields also have optional Tooltip and Add note.