Unassign Modal | Assignment Details
The Manage Assignment, Unassign modal interface allows educators to unassign learning content from students within the RethinkEd platform.
To provide an intuitive process for educators to selectively unassign content from students.
Feature 193776: Manage Assignment
UI Description
‘Unassign’ button:
Unassign button is located in Manage Assignments in the Lesson, Activity, or specific content (Quiz, Video, Interactive) view.
Button will be in the bottom left corner below content table and student table.
Assignment Detail Section:
Displays the assignment title and metadata, including the subject, grade, tier(s), domain, main topic.
Unassign Modal - Content:
A modal overlay displaying a list of assigned content for a specific lesson or activity (module).
Header: ‘Content to Unassign’
Assignment title and metadata, including the subject, grade, tier(s), domain, main topic display below header.
Content Table Column Labels:
Assigned Content: Displays content title(s) for the content included in the specific lesson, activity (module), or content (Video, Quiz, Interactive). Content that was not assigned will not display in the unassign modal.
Linked Content Title opens preview of content as it would appear in the Student Center Lesson Player.
Type: Video, Quiz, Interactive
Completed: Number of students who have completed the assignment. Statuses include: Complete, For Review
Not Complete: Number of students who have not completed the assignment. Statuses include: Not Complete, In-Progress
Content Table Checkboxes:
Default: All Checkboxes are unselected.
Header Checkbox: Allows for the selection or deselection of all items.
‘Next’ button: Navigates to Select Students modal screen.
Unassign Modal - Students:
A modal overlay displaying a list of assigned students for a specific lesson, activity (module), or content (Video, Quiz, Interactive).
Header: ‘Select Students’
Assignment title and metadata, including the subject, grade, tier(s), domain, main topic display below header.
Number of items selected in the ‘Content to Unassign’ screen displays in parentheses.
Search Bar: Allows user to search for student by first and/or last name.
Grade Filter: Sort by Grade of Student for the Assigned Content
Student Table Column Labels:
Student Name: First Name and Last Name of students displayed in alphabetical (ABC) order.
Grade: Grade level of student
Content: Displays content title(s) for the content included in the specific lesson, activity (module), or content (Video, Quiz, Interactive).
Student Table Checkboxes:
Default: All Checkboxes are unselected.
Header Checkbox: Allows for the selection or deselection of all items.
Student Count:
Display number of students selected in the table list in the bottom left corner of the modal.
‘Unassign’ button: Unassigns items from students and navigates to confirmation message modal screen.
‘Back’ button: Returns user to ‘Content to Unassign’ screen.
Unassign Confirmation Modal
Lottie File Animation: Left aligned lottie file animation. This is used in the Vizzle confirmation modals.
Header: Unassign Complete
Students: Number of students the content was unassigned from
Items: Content titles that were unassigned from students.
User Interaction and Validation Notes
Selecting Content to Unassign:
Users can click on individual checkboxes to select specific content items to unassign.
Alternatively, the header checkbox can be used for bulk selection or deselection.
Reviewing Content Status:
Before unassigning content, users are presented with the completion status for each content item to make informed decisions.
User selects title of assigned content and a preview of content displays on the screen.
Student Selection to Unassign:
Educators can select students by checking the boxes next to student names. The interface should indicate how many students have been selected.
A select-all header checkbox can be used for bulk selection or deselection of students.
Unassign from Video, Quiz, Interactive View:
When selecting ‘Unassign’ button from a Video, Quiz, Interactive view, the Unassign modal opens directly to the ‘Select Students’ modal screen because the content is already selected on the main page.
Users select ‘Unassign’ in ‘Action’ column of a row to open a modal to unassign for the selected student and item.
Unassign from Specific Student View:
User selects ‘Unassign’ in ‘Action’ column of a row of an assignment that is ‘Not Started’ or ‘In-Progress’ to open the ‘Content to Unassign’ modal for the selected assignment and student.
User selects ‘Unassign’ button in bottom left corner to open all content that is available to Unassign for the specific student: Statuses of ‘Not Started’ or ‘In-Progress’
The lesson, activity, or content meta-data is hidden because it may be content from more than one lesson, activity, or content.
Search and Filter Usage:
Educators can use the search function to quickly find a student by name or use the grade filter to narrow down the student list.
Navigating the Unassign Process:
Educators can move to the previous screen by clicking the 'Back' button or proceed with unassign action by clicking the 'Unassign' button.
The interface should validate that at least one item or one student is selected before enabling the ‘Next' or 'Unassign’ button.
Content to Unassign Validation: ‘Select At Least 1 Item to Unassign’ message displays when user has not selected items in the content list and selects ‘Next’ button.
Select Students Validation: ‘Select At Least 1 Student to Unassign’ message displays when user has not selected student(s) in list and selects ‘Unassign' button.
Confirmation Message:
User selects ‘Unassign’ button in modal and views a confirmation message with the number of students and the content titles that were unassigned.
Workflow Description
The educator opens the unassign modal by clicking the Unassign button from the Manage Assignments - Assignment Details interface where assigned content is listed.
Selecting Items to Unassign:
The educator selects individual or all content items they wish to unassign.
Selecting Students:
The educator selects specific students for content un-assignment by using checkboxes corresponding to student names.
Confirming Unassign:
Upon selecting ‘Unassign’ button in modal, the educator is taken to a confirmation message.
Close button returns user to Manage Assignments screen with the updated details.
The Unassign Modal interface is a critical component of the Manage Assignments area on the RethinkEd platform, providing educators with the flexibility to personalize the learning experience for their students.