Unassign Modal | Assignment Details


The Manage Assignment, Unassign modal interface allows educators to unassign learning content from students within the RethinkEd platform.


  • To provide an intuitive process for educators to selectively unassign content from students.




Feature 193776: Manage Assignment

UI Description

  1. ‘Unassign’ button:

    • Unassign button is located in Manage Assignments in the Lesson, Activity, or specific content (Quiz, Video, Interactive) view.

    • Button will be in the bottom left corner below content table and student table.

  2. Assignment Detail Section:

    • Displays the assignment title and metadata, including the subject, grade, tier(s), domain, main topic.

  3. Unassign Modal - Content:

    • A modal overlay displaying a list of assigned content for a specific lesson or activity (module).

    • Header: ‘Content to Unassign’

    • Assignment title and metadata, including the subject, grade, tier(s), domain, main topic display below header.

    • Content Table Column Labels:

      • Assigned Content: Displays content title(s) for the content included in the specific lesson, activity (module), or content (Video, Quiz, Interactive). Content that was not assigned will not display in the unassign modal.

        • Linked Content Title opens preview of content as it would appear in the Student Center Lesson Player.

      • Type: Video, Quiz, Interactive

      • Completed: Number of students who have completed the assignment. Statuses include: Complete, For Review

      • Not Complete: Number of students who have not completed the assignment. Statuses include: Not Complete, In-Progress

    • Content Table Checkboxes:

      • Default: All Checkboxes are unselected.

      • Header Checkbox: Allows for the selection or deselection of all items.

    • ‘Next’ button: Navigates to Select Students modal screen.

  4. Unassign Modal - Students:

    • A modal overlay displaying a list of assigned students for a specific lesson, activity (module), or content (Video, Quiz, Interactive).

    • Header: ‘Select Students’

    • Assignment title and metadata, including the subject, grade, tier(s), domain, main topic display below header.

      • Number of items selected in the ‘Content to Unassign’ screen displays in parentheses.

    • Search Bar: Allows user to search for student by first and/or last name.

    • Grade Filter: Sort by Grade of Student for the Assigned Content

    • Student Table Column Labels:

      • Student Name: First Name and Last Name of students displayed in alphabetical (ABC) order.

      • Grade: Grade level of student

      • Content: Displays content title(s) for the content included in the specific lesson, activity (module), or content (Video, Quiz, Interactive).

    • Student Table Checkboxes:

      • Default: All Checkboxes are unselected.

      • Header Checkbox: Allows for the selection or deselection of all items.

    • Student Count:

      • Display number of students selected in the table list in the bottom left corner of the modal.

    • ‘Unassign’ button: Unassigns items from students and navigates to confirmation message modal screen.

    • ‘Back’ button: Returns user to ‘Content to Unassign’ screen.

  5. Unassign Confirmation Modal

    • Lottie File Animation: Left aligned lottie file animation. This is used in the Vizzle confirmation modals.

    • Header: Unassign Complete

    • Students: Number of students the content was unassigned from

    • Items: Content titles that were unassigned from students.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  1. Selecting Content to Unassign:

    • Users can click on individual checkboxes to select specific content items to unassign.

    • Alternatively, the header checkbox can be used for bulk selection or deselection.

  2. Reviewing Content Status:

    • Before unassigning content, users are presented with the completion status for each content item to make informed decisions.

    • User selects title of assigned content and a preview of content displays on the screen.

  3. Student Selection to Unassign:

    • Educators can select students by checking the boxes next to student names. The interface should indicate how many students have been selected.

    • A select-all header checkbox can be used for bulk selection or deselection of students.

  4. Unassign from Video, Quiz, Interactive View:

    • When selecting ‘Unassign’ button from a Video, Quiz, Interactive view, the Unassign modal opens directly to the ‘Select Students’ modal screen because the content is already selected on the main page.

    • Users select ‘Unassign’ in ‘Action’ column of a row to open a modal to unassign for the selected student and item.

  5. Unassign from Specific Student View:

    • User selects ‘Unassign’ in ‘Action’ column of a row of an assignment that is ‘Not Started’ or ‘In-Progress’ to open the ‘Content to Unassign’ modal for the selected assignment and student.

    • User selects ‘Unassign’ button in bottom left corner to open all content that is available to Unassign for the specific student: Statuses of ‘Not Started’ or ‘In-Progress’

      • The lesson, activity, or content meta-data is hidden because it may be content from more than one lesson, activity, or content.

  6. Search and Filter Usage:

    • Educators can use the search function to quickly find a student by name or use the grade filter to narrow down the student list.

  7. Navigating the Unassign Process:

    • Educators can move to the previous screen by clicking the 'Back' button or proceed with unassign action by clicking the 'Unassign' button.

  8. Validation:

    • The interface should validate that at least one item or one student is selected before enabling the ‘Next' or 'Unassign’ button.

    • Content to Unassign Validation: ‘Select At Least 1 Item to Unassign’ message displays when user has not selected items in the content list and selects ‘Next’ button.

    • Select Students Validation: ‘Select At Least 1 Student to Unassign’ message displays when user has not selected student(s) in list and selects ‘Unassign' button.

  9. Confirmation Message:

    • User selects ‘Unassign’ button in modal and views a confirmation message with the number of students and the content titles that were unassigned.

Workflow Description

  1. Unassign:

    • The educator opens the unassign modal by clicking the Unassign button from the Manage Assignments - Assignment Details interface where assigned content is listed.

  2. Selecting Items to Unassign:

    • The educator selects individual or all content items they wish to unassign.

  3. Selecting Students:

    • The educator selects specific students for content un-assignment by using checkboxes corresponding to student names.

  4. Confirming Unassign:

    • Upon selecting ‘Unassign’ button in modal, the educator is taken to a confirmation message.

    • Close button returns user to Manage Assignments screen with the updated details.


The Unassign Modal interface is a critical component of the Manage Assignments area on the RethinkEd platform, providing educators with the flexibility to personalize the learning experience for their students.