Teacher View | Assignments


The Teacher Assignment Overview feature provides administrators with a comprehensive view of a specific teacher's assigned content and the statuses of these assignments.




Epic 193776: Manage Assignment

User Story

As an administrator, I want to be able to view a summary of all assignments that a teacher has distributed, along with their statuses and the progression of student assignments effectively.

UI Description

  1. Status Summary: At the top of the page, four containers display a count of assignments categorized by status: Completed, For Review, In-Progress, and Not Started.

  2. Tabs for Content and Students: Two tabs allow the administrator to toggle between the content assigned by the teacher and the students to whom content has been assigned.

  3. Content View:

    • A detailed list view showing the Date Range, Title, Type, Subject, Grade, Completion Status, Module, Lesson, Tier, Domain, and Topic.

    • The table should support multiline text for longer titles.

    • Provides a search bar for filtering assignments.

    • Offers dropdown filters for Subject, Type, Grade, Classroom, Activity, Lessons, Tier, Domain, Main Topic, Last Assigned By, and Assigner Role.

      • Subject: SEL, Mental Health

      • Type: Video, Quiz, Resource, Interactive

        • ‘Resource’ displays in the column for a PDF instead of ‘PDF’

        • ‘Interactive’ displays in type column for an Interactive Worksheet.

      • Grade: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, Not Applicable

      • Activity: Lists all activities available to filter by. Search bar should be included to find activities more easily.

      • Lessons: Lists all Lessons available to filter by. Search bar should be included to find Lessons more easily.

      • Tier: Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3

      • SEL Domain: Awareness of Self & Others, Self-Management, Social Skills, Social Awareness, Self-Care, Trauma

      • Mental Health Domain: Mental Wellness, Healthy Identities, Kindness to Animals, Online Safety, Anxiety, Depression, Substance Use Disorders, Reducing the Risk of Suicide, Preventing Violence, Human Trafficking, Trauma: Emotions, Trauma: Resilience, Trauma: Stress Management, Trauma: Support Systems

      • SEL Main Topic:

        • Awareness of Self & Others: Emotions, Growth Mindset, Learning Skills, Values, Wants & Needs, Self-Knowledge

        • Self-Management: Stress Management, Self-Control, Resilience, Problem Solving, Goal Setting, Focus

        • Social Skills: Respect, Relationships, Friendship, Fairness, Cooperation, Conflict Resolution

        • Social Awareness: Support Systems, Cultural Competence, Social Contributions, Safe & Ethical Behavior, Empathy, Actions & Consequences

        • Self-Care: Self-Efficacy, Self-Compassion, Self-Advocacy, Optimism, Mindfulness, Healthy Boundaries

        • Trauma: Emotions, Resilience, Stress Management, and Support Systems

  4. Student View:

    • A list of student names, student grade, and number of assignments that are complete, for review, in-progress, and not started.

      • Student names are links that navigate to individual student views.

    • Provides a search bar for filtering assignments.

    • Offers dropdown filters for Grade

      • Subject: SEL, Mental Health

      • Grade: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, Not Applicable

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  1. Building and Classroom Dropdown Menus: Building and Classroom dropdown menus will be disabled at the Individual Teacher View. The Building the teacher is assigned to will display to the admin user. The Classroom dropdown menu will display ‘All Classrooms’ disabled. The user selects or hovers over the question mark to reveal the tool tip: ‘Classroom selection is disabled for teacher view’

  2. Interactive Tabs: Administrators can switch between the Content and Students views with a simple click, updating the information displayed without a full page reload.

  3. Content tab: Complete and Incomplete Links:

    • User selects number in ‘Complete’ column to navigate to the specific content page with the ‘Complete’ status filter applied and the specific teacher applied in the ‘Assigned By’ filter.

    • User selects number in ‘Incomplete’ column to navigate to the specific content page with the ‘For Review’, ‘Not Started’, and ‘In-Progress’ status filters applied and the specific teacher applied in the ‘Assigned By’ filter.

  4. Student Tab: Status Column Links

    • User selects number in ‘Complete’ column to navigate to the specific student view with the ‘Complete’ status filter applied and the specific teacher applied to the ‘Assigned By’ filter.

    • User selects number in ‘For Review’ column to navigate to the specific student view with the ‘For Review’ status filter applied and the specific teacher applied to the ‘Assigned By’ filter.

    • User selects number in ‘In-Progress’ column to navigate to the specific student view with the ‘In-Progress’ status filter applied and the specific teacher applied to the ‘Assigned By’ filter.

    • User selects number in ‘Not Started’ column to navigate to the specific student view with the ‘Not Started’ status filter applied and the specific teacher applied to the ‘Assigned By’ filter.

  5. Validation: Each action taken by the administrator should be validated for permissions and accuracy to maintain data integrity and ensure only authorized changes are made.

  6. Selecting a Student name in the Student tab of the Teacher view will navigate to the Individual Student view page.

Workflow Description

  1. Selecting a Teacher:

    • The administrator navigates to the Assignments section and selects a specific teacher to view.

      • Teachers tab in Assignments

      • Teacher name linked in Last Assigned By column

  2. Viewing Assignment Summary:

    • Upon selection, the administrator is presented with a summary of the assignment statuses.

  3. Exploring Content and Students:

    • The administrator toggles between the Content and Students tabs to view detailed information.

    • In the Students tab, clicking on a student's name navigates to the individual student's assignment view.

  4. Filtering and Sorting:

    • The administrator can sort the content list by any column header.

    • Searching functionality is provided to filter the content or student lists based on text input.

  5. Navigation and Interaction:

    • Interactive elements like tabs and status counts offer a dynamic user experience.

    • Actions such as filtering and searching provide immediate visual feedback in the UI.