Search Assignments


The feature is designed to improve user experience by enabling efficient, relevant, and intuitive search capabilities for lessons and modules based on a variety of criteria, including titles, descriptions, keywords, and specific educational standards.



Feature 193776: Manage Assignment

User Story

As a RethinkEd user, I need to search assigned SEL and Mental Health lessons and modules so that I can track student progress and manage student assignments.

UI Description

  1. Search Bar:

    • Centrally located within the application's interface for easy access below Assignments heading

    • Designed to be clear user interaction.

  2. Advanced Filter Options:

    • Accessible via a filters below search bar

      • Classrooms

        • Includes a list of all classrooms team member is assigned to including an option to select “All Classrooms”

      • Grades

        • Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, Not Applicable

      • Tier

        • Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3

    • Each filter option is presented in a user-friendly manner, allowing for easy selection and adjustment.

  3. Autocomplete Dropdown:

    • Displays suggested search terms, lessons, and modules in a dropdown menu beneath the search bar as the user types.

    • Designed to be visually distinct from the rest of the UI to highlight suggestions.


Workflow Description

  1. Search Bar Input:

    • Users can input text queries into the search bar to find lessons or modules by titles, descriptions, and keywords and student names

    • The search bar supports queries for specific Standard Codes, enabling users to find content aligned with educational standards.

  2. Advanced Filters:

    • Advanced filters are available for Classrooms, Grades, Tier, and educational standards.

    • These filters help users narrow down search results to find the most relevant content.

  3. Autocomplete Feature:

    • As users type their query, the search bar suggests possible search terms, lesson titles, module titles.

    • The autocomplete suggestions update in real-time with each keystroke to provide relevant options.

  4. Performance Metrics:

    • The search functionality is optimized to return results within 2 seconds under normal operating conditions.

    • System performance and responsiveness are monitored to ensure consistency with these metrics.

  5. Scalability:

    • The search infrastructure is designed to be scalable, capable of handling a growing volume of content and user queries without degradation in performance.



The requirements outline an enhanced search functionality within the RethinkEd Manage Assignments page. By focusing on user needs, performance, and scalability, the system will offer an intuitive and efficient means for educators access relevant educational and student information.