View Video | Student Center | Add Interactive SEL Activities

Students need a way to indicate they have watched a video in the student center.

User Story: As a student, I need to confirm I have watched a video, so my teacher knows I completed it.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a student who has not yet completed this video, I will see the message asking me to tell my teacher I’m done

  • Given I am a student and am viewing a video in the student center, when I click the “Tell my teacher I’m done” button, the video will update to a status of Completed until that video is assigned to me again.

  • Given I am a student who has already clicked the “tell my teacher I’m done” button for a video (and it has not yet been reassigned to me), I will see the message telling me I already submitted the assignment.

  • Given I am a student viewing a video who does NOT click the “tell my teacher I’m done” button, this video will be considered in progress and will show the continue button on the videos and assignments tabs

  • Given I am a student who previously submitted the video to the teacher and has since been reassigned the video, I will again see the “tell my teacher I’m done” button.


View Video Screen


  • When a student clicks on a video, they will see the new view video screen

  • Once the student reaches the end of a video, they will see a message asking them if they would like to let their teacher know they’re done or if they’d like to view it again

  • If the student is re-watching a completed video, they will see a message letting them know the assignment was already submitted to the teacher.

  • In either experience, if the student clicks a done button, the video screen will close and they will return to the previous page.

  • If the student clicks the watch again button, the video will replay.

Business Rules

  • Once a student reaches the end of a video and clicks the “Tell my teacher I’m done” button, we will mark the assignment as complete and remove it from Due Today (if assigned). This video will now show under Completed this month and will continue to show under the Videos tab (same as today)

  • If a user reassigns this video to the student, the completed status will be reset & the student will need to re-watch the video.