Overview | Student View| NWEA-MAP | MTSS Dashboard

We will update the student overview page to include references made to NWEA Reading and Math.

The functionality remains the same for: Tier Notices, Approaching/At Risk indicators, Intervention Plan Buttons

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/LcnuW2hayj5Z5e4e9ayaXg/MTSS-Dashboard?type=design&node-id=5950-25428&mode=design&t=Y7KQG9JnAYVLhRRP-0


Overview Screen

User Story

As an admin or teacher user who is viewing the overall page in the Student View section, I need to experience all of the same functionality (Tier Notices, Approaching/At Risk Indicators, Intervention Plan buttons) and also see the specifics for NWEA Map Tests for Reading and Math so that I can make data based decisions for the students.



(Student Overview Page)


Acceptance Criteria

NWEA Map -Math and Reading Fields

Rename Labels

  • We will rename the tabs to:

    • MAP Reading

    • MAP Math

Rename Chart Contents

  • We will include the value for TestPercentile for Reading and Math in the parenthesis in the chart under Tier Recommendations.