Math | Student View | NWEA MAP | MTSS Dashboard

We will update to includes references made to NWEA Math Map test and also update fields in the chart and graph.



Math Student View

User Story

As a teacher or Admin user who is viewing NWEA MAP Math Assessment Data, I need to have the same functionality for viewing Tiers, Tier Notices, Approaching and At Risk Indicators, Intervention Plan buttons and assessment data specific to the NWEA Math test so that I can analyze and take action to help the student grow academically.



(Math Tab -Student View)


Acceptance Criteria

  • Follow same rules for Tier Notices, Approaching and At Risk Indicators, Intervention Plan button as is built for ELA | Student View | MTSS Dashboard

  • Follow Settings | NWEA for determining Tiers.

  • For full list of fields see: Integrations Fields | NWEA-MAP

  • For grades K-12 include to ensure reporting correct information for each student:

    • Exam- value is Math

    • Year- values include 2022, 2023

    • State ID- unique to student

    • Enrollment- values include Active and Inactive

    • Last Name-student’s last name

    • First Name-student’s first name

    • Current Grade-list current grade

Demographic Information (From Data Set)

  • Maybe used to fill filters (not sure which data will prevail for demographics: our Student Information section or demographics coming from data sets-they are different)

    • Gender-values include Female and Male

    • Ethnicity-varies and some may not be the one’s we capture in Student Information

    • Low Income

    • SpecEd

    • Migrant

    • Military Connected

    • Homeless

    • 504

    • Gifted and Talented

From ReThinkEdStudent_school_enrollment.csv

  • School Year

    • Value shown as 2023-24

  • Enrollment Status

    • Value shown as Active

  • Student ID

    • identifies student and should be consistent across data sets

  • Current Entry in District

    • shown as MM/DD/YYYY

  • Current Withdrawal Date

    • no values currently in data set

From RethinkEdStudents_Exports.csv

  • School Year

  • Enrollment

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Grade Level

  • State ID Number

  • Student ID

  • Spec Ed

  • Gender

  • Ethnicity Primary

  • Date of Birth