Activity Preview

The "Activity Preview" is a modal window that provides a dynamic view of the activities according to the selected language, designed to offer users an accurate representation of how activities are presented to the end-users, focusing on language-specific content. This feature is particularly useful for ensuring that the activities are correctly formatted and culturally appropriate for the intended audience.


User Story

As a RethinkEd content creator, I want to have a preview feature for activities I am working on, so that I can view how my activities will appear to the end-users upon publishing. 

Features and Functionalities

Opening the Preview:

  • The "Activity Preview" modal can be opened by clicking on the "eye" icon located in the upper right corner of the Activity Builder form. This action provides immediate access to the feature, allowing users to quickly review how the activity appears in different languages.

Language Selection and Automatic Display:

  • Initially, the content is displayed in English, or, if not available, the next language in order of preference. This ensures a consistent starting point for content review.

  • Users can switch between languages using a dropdown menu within the modal. The preview content updates automatically to show the active version of the activity in the selected language.

Display of Active Versions:

  • Only active versions of the activity for the chosen language are displayed, ensuring that the preview accurately reflects what end-users will see.

Accessibility and Usability:

  • Designed with accessibility in mind, the "Activity Preview" modal includes clear mechanisms for language selection and intuitive controls for navigating the preview and closing the modal.

User Interaction Workflow

  1. Accessing the Preview:

    • Users access the "Activity Preview" by clicking the "eye" icon in the upper right corner of the Activity Builder form.

  2. Viewing Default Language Content:

    • Upon activation, the modal shows the activity content in English or the next available language, facilitating immediate content review.

  3. Switching Languages:

    • To view the resource in a different language, users select from the dropdown menu. The preview then updates to display the active version for the chosen language.

  4. Reviewing Content:

    • This step allows users to ensure the content's accuracy, relevance, and overall quality across various language versions.

  5. Closing the Modal:

    • After completing the review, users can close the modal to return to the activity management interface.


The "Activity Preview" modal serves as a critical tool for content creators and administrators, enabling a seamless and efficient way to inspect the presentation of activities across multiple languages. By allowing easy access through the "eye" icon on the Activity Builder form and focusing on the display of active language versions, it ensures activities meet the platform's standards for quality and accessibility.