Edit Organization Modal

Figma Link

User Story

As an internal employee at RethinkEd, I need to edit an Organization Integration so that our customers will have correct data for their purchased products.

UI Description: Edit Organization Integration

  • Organization Name / Id:

    • Description: Field is locked because the Organization has been established.

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of Input: None

    • Validation Criteria: The entry for the Organization Name / Id field is shown in lighter text and the dropdown is inactive. User cannot edit this field.

  • Assessment Name:

    • Description: Field is locked because the Assessment name has been established.

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of Input: None

    • Validation Criteria: The entry for the Company Name-Assessment Name field is shown in lighter text and the dropdown is inactive. User cannot edit this field.

  • Status:

    • Description: Status field is available for edit and selection becomes a tag showing on Organizations list

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of input: Select from dropdown

    • Validation Criteria: One item selected: Active or Inactive

  • Activation Date:

    • Description: Activation Date is available for edit. The date selected becomes the date the integration begins

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of input: Calendar Date

    • Validation Criteria: Date selected shows as MM/DD/YYYY

  • Deactivation Date:

    • Description: Deactivation Date is available for edit. The date selected becomes the date the Integration ends

    • Required: No

    • Type of input: Calendar Date

    • Validation Criteria: Date selected shows as MM/DD/YYYY or no entry selected

  • SFTP Information

    • Description: SFTP Information is available for edit. Fields for SFTP establish the connection for integration

    • Required: Yes, all

    • Type of input:

      • Address: Text enter

      • Port Number: Text enter

      • Username: Text enter

      • Password: Text enter

      • ZipFile: attached / uploaded

      • File Path: attached / uploaded

    • Validation Criteria: Varies according to input

  • Buttons

    • Description: Edited information can be Saved or Canceled. The buttons complete the action of entering a new Organization Integration

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of input: Click to select

      • Select Save to Save new Organization Integration

      • Select Cancel to Cancel new Organization Integration

User Interaction and Validation Notes: Edit Organization Integration

  1. Organization Name / Id:

    • Field is locked.

    • If User clicks on field, then show message: Organization Name / Id cannot be edited.

  2. Assessment Name:

    • Field is locked.

    • If User User clicks on field, then show message: Assessment Name cannot be edited.

  3. Status:

    • Field is available for edit and shows dropdown arrow

    • Show User's current selection as default

    • Users clicks on dropdown and selects: Inactive/Active to edit field

    • Selection shows on Organization List

  4. Activation Date:

    • Field is available for edit and shows calendar symbol

    • Show User’s current selection as default

    • Clicking inside the field makes it active and shows a calendar where User selects a date

  5. Deactivation Date:

    • Field is available for edit and shows calendar symbol

    • Show User’s current selection as default

    • Not a required field

    • If User does not/ has not entered a Deactivation Date, then we show the three dashes (---)

    • Clicking inside the field makes it active and shows a calendar where User selects a date that is after the date selected for Activation Date

  6. SFTP Information:

    • All SFTP information is editable

    • SFTP information establishes the link for the integration to take place. All fields are required

  7. Buttons:

    • User clicks on Save to Save the edits or Cancel to cancel the request

    • If Save is selected, then the new Organization Integration becomes part of the list on Organization List Screen with the edits

    • If Cancel is selected, then the edits are not saved and the Organization Integration remains as-is on the Organization List

Workflow Description

  1. Select Organization Integration

    • Users clicks on a line from Integrations Organizations to open Edit Modal

  2. Edit the existing Organization Integration

    • User makes edits to desired fields with the exception of the first 2 fields: Organization Name / ID and Assessment Name

  3. Select Action

    • User select Save to save the updates or Cancel to cancel the updates



This workflow emphasizes user-friendly interaction, data integrity, and proper access control, ensuring that the Edit Organization Integration process is efficient, secure, and intuitive. It accommodates the need to edit existing integration criteria so that our integrated products remains flexible as we grow in our ability to show User’s their data in new and innovative ways.