Goal Zone | Student Center


The Goal Zone in the Student Center displays when there is an active Self-Monitoring tool and/or active Behavior Contract for the student. This allows the student to reflect and monitor their behaviors.




Epic 193777: Student Center

User Story

As a RethinkEd Student user, I need a way to view and interact with my Self-Monitoring Tools and Behavior Contracts, so that I can monitor my behavior.

UI Description

  • Goal Zone Tab:

    • Displays in Student Center when there is an active Self-Monitoring Tool or Behavior Contract

    • Existing Functionality will stay the same.

  • Self Monitoring Tool Card:

  • Behavior Contract Card:

    • Header: Behavior Contract

    • Green Container with Icon and ‘View’ CTA button

    • Contract Tool Card Icon: Contract larger icon 2 1

    • Behavior Contract Banners:

      • Create Behavior Contract will have updated Behavior Contract Banner Styles to select from:

        • Banner Style 1: banner contract 1.png

        • Banner Style 2: banner contract 2.png

        • Banner Style 3: banner contract 3.png

        • Banner Style 4: banner contract 4.png

      • Existing Active Behavior Contracts will not change, the old banner version will remain used in the contract.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  • Goal Zone Tab:

    • Displays to users with the MTSS Product with All Tools selected or Self-Monitoring Tool, and/or Contracts allocated to their account AND an active self-monitoring tool and/or contract in the Student Center.

    • Goal Zone Tab will not display if the student does not have any active self-monitoring tools or contract.

    • Existing Goal Zone Functionality will not change in the new UI.

Workflow Description

  1. Admin or Educator Creates a Self-Monitoring Tool or Behavior Contract for the student and marks the tool as active.

  2. The Goal Zone tab displays in the student center.

  3. The active Self-Monitoring Tool and/or active Behavior Contract display in the Student Center.

  4. Student User selects the CTA button (Start, View) on the Self-Monitoring Card or Behavior Contract Card to interact with the tool.

    • New Behavior Contracts will have one of the four new contract banner styles.