


Users access the filter by clicking on the drop-down arrow at the top of the page

Options are:

  • District
  • Region
  • Building
  • Role
  • Team Member
  • Student
  • Search
  • Date Range

Business Rules

  • Permission to Reports and access to more than 1 Region/Building
    • Default filter is District report for past 90 days
  • Permission to Reports and access to 1 Region
    • Default filter is Region for past 90 days
  • Permission to Reports and access to 1 building
    • Default filter is Building for past 90 days
  • Filter options are based on date range plus current access. Meaning if I am an admin for Building A starting on 1-1-19, I will select a date range and see all team members, students, etc. for Building A for the date range I select. If I select the date range 11/1/18-12/20/18 for Building A, I will see all team members who belonged to Building A within that date range.

  • The data pulled is based on the date range only. Meaning, if Team Member A belongs to Building A in December and Building B in January, her usage will show under Building A in December and Building B in January. She will not show under Building B for December.



  • Users will click on the District tab to run a district level report
  • All reports will display district-wide information
  • Overview Graph
    • We will see an overview of usage for all components allocated for the entire district
  • Overview List
    • We will see an overview of usage for the entire district and break-down per region and building for the entire district
  • Unique Logins
    • We will display the number of unique logins for the entire district
  • Training
    • We will display the number of unique users accessing the training center for the entire district
  • Teaching Resources
    • We will display the number of unique users accessing lesson or behavior resources for the entire district
  • Student Plans
    • We will display the number of unique students with lesson or behavior plans for the entire district
  • Student Data
    • We will display the data collected for all students/by all team members for the entire district, as well as the total number of data points recorded for the entire district
  • Student Progress
    • We will display the amount of progress for all students for the entire district
  • Student Center
    • We will display the amount of student center activities completed for all students within the entire district
  • Incident Reporting
    • We will see all all incident data for all students recorded by all team members across the entire district

Business Rules

  • Permissions
    • Users with permission to view Reports and access to all Regions will see the District Filter as an option. This will be the default setting for these users.
      • If an account does not have regions set up, users with permission to view Reports and access to all Buildings will see the District Filter as an option. This will be the default setting for these users.
    • Users with permission to view Reports and access to more than 1 Region (but not all regions) will see the District Filter as an option. This will be the default setting for these users.
      • District totals will show the total for all regions the user has access to
      • If an account does not have regions set up, users with permission to view Reports and access to more than 1 Building (but not all buildings) will see the District Filter as an option. This will be the default setting for these users.
        • District totals will show the total for all buildings the user has access to
  • Overview Graph
    • We will only see components allocated to the district. For example, if a district has not been allocated any training components, we will not see Training data on the Overview
  • Overview List
    • If a component has not been allocated to a region or building, we will see NA on the report.
  • Unique Logins
    • Only users assigned to at least 1 product will appear in the report
  • Training
    • This report will be visible if the district has been allocated at least 1 training component
    • We will only see the components allocated to the district. For example, if a district has not been allocated Basic ABA, we will not see Basic ABA in the reports.
  • Teaching Resources
    • This report will be visible if the district has been allocated Skills, Behavior, or SEL Lessons for Team Members
    • We will only see the components allocated to the district. For example, if a district has not purchased Behavior, we will not see behavior resources.
  • Student Plans
    • This report will be visible if the district has been allocated Skills or Behavior for Students
    • We will only see the components allocated to the district. If the district has not been allocated behavior, we will not see behavior plans.
  • Student Data
    • This report will be visible if the district has been allocated Skills or Behavior components for Students
    • We will only see the components allocated to the district. If the district has not been allocated behavior, we will not see behavior data
  • Student Progress
    • This report will be visible if the district has been allocated Skills of Behavior components for Students
    • We will only see the components allocated to the district. If the district has not been allocated behavior, we will not see behavior progress.
  • Student Center
    • This report will be visible if the district has been allocated Skills or SEL lessons for students
    • We will only see the components allocated to the district. If the district has not been allocated SEL, we will not see SEL Assessments or SEL quizzes.
  • Incident Reporting
    • This report will be visible if the district has been allocated Skills, Behavior, or SEL for Students



  • Users will click on the Regions tab to run a region-level report
  • Clicking on the regions tab will pull a list of all available regions
  • Users will click on the region(s) they wish to run the report for
  • Overview Graph
    • We will see an overview of combined usage for all regions selected
  • Overview List
    • We will see an overview of combined usage for all regions selected, as well as a break down per region selected and per building within the selected regions
  • Unique Logins
    • We will see logins for users assigned to the regions selected
  • Training
    • We will see training activity for all users in the regions selected
  • Teaching Resources
    • We will see Lesson and Behavior resources accessed for all users in the regions selected
  • Student Plans
    • We will see the number of student lesson or behavior plans for the regions selected
  • Student Data
    • We will see data collected for all students by all team members within the regions we've selected
  • Student Progress
    • We will see targets/objectives/goals mastered for all students by all team members within the regions we've selected
  • Student Center
    • We will see all student center activities completed by all students within the regions we've selected
  • Incident Reporting
    • We will see all incidents reported for all students by all team members within the regions we've selected

Business Rules

  • If a district does not have regions set up, this report option will not appear
  • Users may select from 1-10 Regions
  • Regions will be listed alphabetically
  • Permissions
    • If a user has permission to view Reports and access to at least 1 Region, this option will appear
    • If a user has access to at only 1 Region, this will be the default setting
    • Users will only see the Regions they have access to in the menu
    • If a user is assigned to a Region in January 2019, they can view historical reports for that Region from previous years even though they were not assigned to the region at that time.
  • Overview Graph
    • We will only see components allocated to at least 1 of the selected regions
  • Overview List
    • We will only see components allocated to at least 1 of the selected regions
    • If a region or building does not have access to a component, we will see NA
  • Unique Logins
    • Only users assigned to at least 1 product will appear in the report
  • Training
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected regions has access to a training component
    • We will only see the training components allocated to the regions we've selected
    • If we previously selected the Training Report and then select a region that does not have a training component assigned, we will display the error message.
  • Teaching Resources
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected regions has access for team members to Skills Lessons, SEL Lessons, or Behavior
    • We will only see the components allocated to the regions we've selected
    • If we previously selected the Teaching Resources Report and then select a region that does not have any Skills Lessons, SEL Lessons, or Behavior for team members allocated, we will display the error message
  • Student Plans
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected regions has student allocations for Skills Lessons or Behaviors
    • We will only see the components allocated to the regions we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Plans and then select a region with no student allocations for Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Data
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected regions has student allocations for Skills Lessons or Behaviors
    • We will only see the components allocated to the regions we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Data and then select a region with no student allocations for Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Progress
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected regions has student allocations for Skills or Behavior
    • we will only see the components allocated to the regions we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Progress and then select a region with no student allocations for Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Center
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected regions has student allocations for Skills or SEL
    • we will only see the components allocated to the regions we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Center and then select a region with no student allocations for Skills or SEL we will display the error message
  • Incident Reporting
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected regions has student allocations for Skills, SEL, or Behavior
    • If we previously selected Incident Reporting and then select a region with no student allocations for Skills, SEL, or Behavior, we will display the error message



  • Users will click on the Buildings tab to run a building-level report
  • Clicking on the Buildings tab will pull a list of all available regions and buildings
    • Clicking on a Region will filter the list of buildings
  • Users will click on the building(s) they wish to run the report for
  • Overview Graph
    • We will see an overview of combined usage for all buildings selected
  • Overview List
    • We will see an overview of combined usage for all buildings selected, as well as a break down per per building
  • Unique Logins
    • We will see logins for users assigned to the buildings selected
  • Training
    • We will see training activity for all users in the buildings selected
  • Teaching Resources
    • We will see Lesson and Behavior resources accessed for all users in the buildings selected
  • Student Plans
    • We will see the number of student lesson or behavior plans for the buildings selected
  • Student Data
    • We will see data collected for all students by all team members within the buildings we've selected
  • Student Progress
    • We will see targets/objectives/goals mastered for all students by all team members within the buildings we've selected
  • Student Center
    • We will see all student center activities completed by all students within the regions we've selected
  • Incident Reporting
    • We will see all incidents reported for all students by all team members within the buildings we've selected

Business Rules

  • Users may select from 1-10 Buildings
  • Buildings will be listed alphabetically
  • Permissions
    • If a user has permission to view Reports and access to at least 1 Building, this option will appear
    • If a user has access to only 1 Building, this will be the default setting
    • Users will only see the Buildings they are assigned to in the menu
    • If a user is assigned to a Building in January 2019, they can view historical reports for that Building from previous years even though they were not assigned to the building at that time.
  • Overview Graph
    • We will only see components allocated to at least 1 of the selected buildings
  • Overview List
    • We will only see components allocated to at least 1 of the selected buildings
    • If one of the selected buildings does not have access to a component, we will see NA
  • Unique Logins
    • Only users assigned to at least 1 product will appear in the report
  • Training
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected buildings has access to a training component
    • We will only see the training components allocated to the buildings we've selected
    • If we previously selected the Training Report and then select a building that does not have a training component assigned, we will display the error message.
  • Teaching Resources
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected buildings has access for team members to Skills Lessons, SEL Lessons, or Behavior
    • We will only see the components allocated to the buildings we've selected
    • If we previously selected the Teaching Resources Report and then select a building that does not have any Skills Lessons, SEL Lessons, or Behavior for team members allocated, we will display the error message
  • Student Plans
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected buildings has student allocations for Skills Lessons or Behaviors
    • We will only see the components allocated to the buildings we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Plans and then select a building with no student allocations for Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Data
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected buildings has student allocations for Skills Lessons or Behaviors
    • We will only see the components allocated to the buildings we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Data and then select a building with no student allocations for Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Progress
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected buildings has student allocations for Skills or Behavior
    • we will only see the components allocated to the buildings we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Progress and then select a building with no student allocations for Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Center
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected buildings has student allocations for Skills or SEL
    • we will only see the components allocated to the buildings we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Center and then select a building with no student allocations for Skills or SEL we will display the error message
  • Incident Reporting
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected buildings has student allocations for Skills, SEL, or Behavior
    • If we previously selected Incident Reporting and then select a building with no student allocations for Skills, SEL, or Behavior, we will display the error message



  • Users will click on the Role tab to run a Role-level report
  • User must select roles in order to run report
  • Clicking on the Roles tab will pull a list of all available regions and buildings
    • If no Regions or Buildings are selected, we will see a list of all roles assigned within the parent and child accounts that the member has access to
    • Clicking on a Region will filter the list of buildings and roles
      • Clicking on a Region, we will see a list of all roles assigned to the region and child accounts that the member has access to
    • Clicking on a Building will filter the list of roles
      • Clicking on a Building, we will see a list of all roles assigned within the building selected
  • Users will click on the roles(s) they wish to run the report for
  • Overview Graph
    • We will see an overview of combined usage for all team members with the selected roles
  • Overview List
    • We will see an overview of combined usage for all team members with the selected roles, as well as a break down per per role
  • Unique Logins
    • We will see logins for users assigned to the roles selected
  • Training
    • We will see training activity for all users assigned to the roles selected
  • Teaching Resources
    • We will see Lesson and Behavior resources accessed for all users with the selected roles
  • Student Plans
    • We will see the number of student lesson or behavior plans for students assigned to team members with the selected roles
  • Student Data
    • We will see data collected for all students by all team members with the selected roles
  • Student Progress
    • We will see targets/objectives/goals mastered for all students by all team members with the selected roles
  • Student Center
    • We will see all student center activities completed by all students assigned to team members with the selected roles
  • Incident Reporting
    • We will see all incidents reported for all students by all team members with the selected roles

Business Rules

  • Users may select from 1-10 Roles
  • Roles will be listed alphabetically
  • Users will only see the Roles assigned to Team Members in the Buildings they have access  to in the menu
  • Any user assigned to a role at any point within our date range will show. Meaning, if a user switched from Teacher to Para, this user would show under both teacher and para roles.
  • All custom roles should appear in the menu. We should show the name of each custom role created. It is not enough to list "Custom Role" as an option.
  • Overview Graph
    • We will only see components allocated to at least 1 team member with the selected role
  • Overview List
    • We will only see components allocated to at least 1 team member with the selected role
    • If one of the selected roles does not have access to a component, we will see NA
  • Unique Logins
    • Only users assigned to at least 1 product will appear in the report
  • Training
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 user with one of the selected roles has access to a training component
    • We will only see the training components assigned to team members with the selected roles
    • If we previously selected the Training Report and then select a role that does not have any users with a training component assigned, we will display the error message.
  • Teaching Resources
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 user with one of the selected roles has access to Skills Lessons, SEL Lessons, or Behavior
    • We will only see the components assigned to team members with the selected roles
    • If we previously selected the Teaching Resources Report and then select a role that does not have any  users with Skills, SEL Lessons, or Behavior assigned, we will display the error message
  • Student Plans
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 user with one of the selected roles has access to Skills Lessons or Behaviors
    • We will only see the components assigned to team members with the selected roles
    • If we previously selected Student Plans and then select a role that does not have any users with  Skills or Behavior assigned, we will display the error message
  • Student Data
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 user with one of the selected roles has access to Skills Lessons or Behaviors and belongs to a Building that has student allocations for Skills Lessons or Behaviors
    • We will only see the components assigned to team members with the selected roles
    • If we previously selected Student Data and then select a role that does not have any users with access to Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Progress
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 user with one of the selected roles has access to Skills or Behavior and belongs to a Building that has student allocations for Skills Lessons or Behaviors
    • we will only see the components assigned to team members with the selected roles
    • If we previously selected Student Progress and then select a role that does not have any users with access to Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Center
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 user with one of the selected roles has access to Skills or SEL Lessons and belongs to a Building that has student allocations for Skills or SEL
    • we will only see the components assigned to team members with the selected roles
    • If we previously selected Student Center and then select a role that does not have any users with access to Skills or SEL lessons, we will display the error message
  • Incident Reporting
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 user with one of the selected roles has access to Skills, SEL, or Behavior and belongs to a Building that has student allocations for Skills, SEL, or Behaviors
    • If we previously selected Incident Reporting and then select a role with no access to Skills, SEL, or Behavior, we will display the error message

Team Member


  • Users will click on the Team Members tab to run a team member-level report
  • User must select team members in order to run report
  • Clicking on the Team Members tab will pull a list of all available regions, buildings, and team members
    • If I do not select a region or building, we will see all team members at parent and child accounts the user has access to
    • Clicking on a Region will filter the list of buildings and team members
      • Clicking on a region will show all team members at region and child accounts the user has access to
    • Clicking on a Building will filter the list of team members
      • Clicking on a building will show a list of all team members at building
  • Users will click on the team member(s) they wish to run the report for
  • Overview Graph
    • We will see an overview of combined usage for all team members selected
  • Overview List
    • We will see an overview of combined usage for all team members selected, as well as a break down per per team member
  • Unique Logins
    • We will see logins for team members selected
  • Training
    • We will see training activity for all users selected
  • Teaching Resources
    • We will see Lesson and Behavior resources accessed for all users selected
  • Student Plans
    • We will see the number of student lesson or behavior plans for the students assigned to the team members selected
  • Student Data
    • We will see data collected for all students by all team members selected
  • Student Progress
    • We will see targets/objectives/goals mastered for all students by all team members selected
  • Student Center
    • We will see all student center activities completed by all students assigned to the team members selected
  • Incident Reporting
    • We will see all incidents reported for all students by all team members selected

Business Rules

  • Users may select from 1-10 Team Members
  • Team Members will be listed alphabetically by last name
  • Team Members will appear under each Building/Region they belong to within the selected date range
  • Users will only see team members assigned to the buildings they have access to
  • Overview Graph
    • We will only see components assigned to at least 1 of the selected team members
  • Overview List
    • We will only see components assigned to at least 1 of the selected team members
    • If one of the selected team members does not have access to a component, we will see NA
  • Unique Logins
    • Only users assigned to at least 1 product will appear in the report
  • Training
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected team members has access to a training component
    • We will only see the training components assigned to the team members we've selected
    • If we previously selected the Training Report and then select a team member that does not have a training component assigned, we will display the error message.
  • Teaching Resources
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected team members has access to Skills Lessons, SEL Lessons, or Behavior
    • We will only see the components assigned to the team members we've selected
    • If we previously selected the Teaching Resources Report and then select a team member that does not have access to Skills Lessons, SEL Lessons, or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Plans
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected team members has been assigned to Skills or Behavior and belongs to a Building that has student allocations for Skills Lessons or Behaviors
    • We will only see the components assigned to the team members we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Plans and then select a team member with no access to Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Data
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected team members has access to Skills Lessons or Behaviors and belongs to a Building that has student allocations for Skills Lessons or Behaviors
    • We will only see the components assigned to the team members we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Data and then select a team member with no access to Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Progress
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected team members has access to Skills or Behavior and belongs to a building that has student allocations for Skills or Behavior
    • we will only see the components assigned to the team members we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Progress and then select a team member with no access to Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Center
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected team members has been assigned to Skills or SEL Lessons, and belongs to a Building that has student allocations for Skills or SEL
    • we will only see the components assigned to the team members we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Center and then select a team member with no access to Skills or SEL we will display the error message
  • Incident Reporting
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected team members has been assigned to Skills, SEL, or Behavior, and belongs to a building that has student allocations for Skills, SEL, or Behavior
    • If we previously selected Incident Reporting and then select a team member with no access to  Skills, SEL, or Behavior, we will display the error message



  • Users will click on the Students tab to run a student-level report
  • Clicking on the Students tab will pull a list of all available regions, buildings, team members, and students
    • Clicking on a Region will filter the list of buildings, team members, and students
    • Clicking on a Building will filter the list of team members and students
    • Clicking on a Team Member will filter the list of students
  • Users will click on the student(s) they wish to run the report for
  • Overview Graph
    • We will see an overview of combined usage for all students selected
  • Overview List
    • We will see an overview of combined usage for all students selected, as well as a break down per per student
  • Unique Logins
    • Will not show
  • Training
    • Will not show
  • Teaching Resources
    • Will not show
  • Student Plans
    • We will see the number of student lesson or behavior plans for the students selected
  • Student Data
    • We will see data collected for all students selected
  • Student Progress
    • We will see targets/objectives/goals mastered for all students selected
  • Student Center
    • We will see all student center activities completed by all students selected
  • Incident Reporting
    • We will see all incidents reported for all students selected

Business Rules

  • Users may select from 1-10 Students
  • Students will be listed alphabetically by last name
  • Students will appear under each Building/Region/Team Member they belong to within the selected date range
  • Users will only see students assigned to the buildings they have access to
  • We will only students who have been assigned to at least 1 team member or who have at least 1 of the following:
    • Skills Lesson
    • Behavior
    • SEL Assessment Assigned
    • SEL Quiz Assigned
    • Incident Recorded
  • Overview Graph
    • We will only see components allocated to the buildings at least 1 of the selected students belong to
    • We will only show student components
  • Overview List
    • We will only see components allocated to the buildings at least 1 of the selected students belongs to
    • If one of the selected students does not belong to a building that has access to a selected component, we will see NA
    • We will only show student components
  • Unique Logins
    • This will not show
    • If we previously selected Unique Logins, we will not be able to run a Student Report
  • Training
    • This will not show
    • If we previously selected Training, we will not be able to run a Student Report
  • Teaching Resources
    • This will not show
    • If we previously selected Teaching Resources, we will not be able to run a Student Report
  • Student Plans
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected students belongs belongs to a Building that has student allocations for Skills Lessons or Behaviors
    • We will only see the components allocated to the buildings the selected students belong to
    • If we previously selected Student Plans and then select a student with no access to Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Data
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected students belongs to a Building that has student allocations for Skills Lessons or Behaviors
    • We will only see the components allocated to the buildings the selected students belong to
    • If we previously selected Student Data and then select a student with no access to Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Progress
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected students has access to Skills or Behavior and belongs to a building that has student allocations for Skills or Behavior
    • we will only see the components allocated to the buildings the selected students belong to
    • If we previously selected Student Progress and then select a student with no access to Skills or Behavior, we will display the error message
  • Student Center
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected students has been assigned an Abilities Lesson, SEL Quiz, or SEL Assessment
    • we will only see the components assigned to the students we've selected
    • If we previously selected Student Center and then select a student with no access to Abilities Lessons, SEL Quiz, or SEL Assessment, we will display the error message
  • Incident Reporting
    • This report will be visible if at least 1 of the selected students has been belongs to a building that has student allocations for Skills, SEL, or Behavior
    • If we previously selected Incident Reporting and then select a student with no access to  Skills, SEL, or Behavior, we will display the error message



  • Users may search for regions, buildings, team members, or students by typing in keywords
  • Search results will be divided into regions, buildings, team members, and students
  • Users may click on a search result to add that to the filter selections

Business Rules

  • Search results will de divided into the categories results are showing for. For example, if I type in West, I might see:
    • Region: West, North West
    • Building: Western Elementary, Western High
    • Team Members: John West, Jenny West
    • Students: Mariah West, Kanye West
  • If a user clicks on a Region Name, we will be running a Region Report. If a user clicks on a Building Name, we will run a building report. If a user clicks on a team member name, we will run a team member report. If a user clicks on a student name, we will be running a student report (see above logic)
  • If I select two team members (i.e. Samantha and John) and then search for a new team member (i.e. Fred), my selections for Samantha and John remain.



  • Options are
    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days
    • Last 90 days (default)
    • Last 6 months
    • Last year
    • Custom
      • Clicking on Custom allows users to enter a custom date range

Business Rules

  • Default is last 90 days
  • If date range is 14 days or less, graphs will display data by day
  • If date range is 15-30 days, graphs will display data by week
  • If data range is more than 30 days and less than 1 year, graphs will display data by month
  • If date range is over 1 year, graphs will display data by year
  • Students and Team Members will be calculated under each Region/Building they belong to within the selected date range
    • Meaning, if a Student belongs to Building A during Month 1 of the selected date range then moved to Building 2 during Month 2, we would calculate usage for the student for Month 1 under Building A and Month 2 under Building B
  • Team Members assigned to more than one building within the date range (either because they moved or because they are multi-account teachers/leads) will appear under each building they were assigned to within that date range
    • Selecting the team member's name under one building will auto-select that same team member's name for all other buildings
    • De-selecting the team member's name under one building will auto-de-select that same team member's name for all other buildings
  • If a student or team member was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student/team member will still show on the report.