Training Center Report


  • Report Options are:
    • Graph
    • Results
    • Training Activities
    • Training Utilization
    • List

Business Rules

  • The default view will display the graph


  • We will print/export exactly what is shown on the screen (see below for details)



  • This will be a line graph
  • Filter by Training Series:
    • All (Default)
    • Applied Behavior Analysis - Basic
    • Applied Behavior Analysis - Advanced
    • Fundamentals of Special Education Series
    • SEL Training Series
    • Disability Awareness Series
    • Neurodiversity Series
    • Mental Health Series
    • Mindfulness Series
  • Option to view cumulative vs non-cumulative
  • Hover on a data point will display the number of unique team members (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members) for given month and school

Business Rules

  • Graph will display the number of unique users accessing training activities. Training activities are:
    • Print activity
    • Print notes
    • View training video
    • Take training test
  • Users may select one or multiple training series
  • The default view will show usage across all training series.
  • The default display for cumulative vs non-cumulative will be whatever was selected on top (overview) level.


  • We will export the data reflected on the report. Meaning, if we have selected a specific region in the filter, we will export training information for this region.
  • Print
    • We will print the current view of the graph
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will display a title Unique Team Members Accessing INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections (if appropriate)



  • Display one line on the graph
  • Hover on the data point will display the # of unique team members accessing training activities (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)

Business Rules

  • Displays the number of unique users at the district and child accounts the user has access to who have accessed the selected training series during the specified date range.
  • Each user will only be counted once.
  • If a user was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this user will still show on the report.
    • If a user only has access to a training series during one month of the selected date range, this user will still show on the report


  • We will export one row of usage data
    • Cumulative

    • Non-Cumulative

  • Print
    • We will print the current view of the graph
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will display a title Unique Team Members Accessing INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle for the District Name



  • Each region will be represented by a different colored line on the graph
  • A district total line will show on the graph as well
  • Hovering on a data point will display the number of unique team members accessing training activities (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)

Business Rules

  • Displays the number of unique users at the selected region(s) and child accounts the user has access to who have accessed the  selected training series during the specified date range.
  • If a user was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this user will still show on the report.
    • If a user only has access to a training series during one month of the selected date range, this user will still show on the report.
  • If a user belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the user will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2
  • If a user belongs to more than one region (multi-account user), this user will be calculated under each region they belong to.


  • We will export a row of usage data for each region selected and the district total
    • Cumulative

    • Non-Cumulative

  • Print
    • We will print the current view of the graph
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will display a title Unique Team Members Accessing INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the regions selected



  • Each building will be represented by a different colored line on the graph
  • There will be a district/region total line on the graph
  • Hovering on a data point will display the # of unique team members accessing training activities (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)

Business Rules

  • Displays the number of unique users in the buildings selected who have accessed the selected training series during the specified date range
  • If buildings from only 1 region are selected, show the region total line on the graph. If buildings from multiple regions are selected, show the district total line on the graph.
  • Displays the number of unique users who have accessed the selected training series during the specified date range.
    • If a user was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this user will still show on the report.
      • If a user only has access to a training series during one month of the selected date range, this user will still show on the report.
    • If a user belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the user will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2
    • If a user belongs to more than one building (multi-account user), this user will be calculated under each building they belong to


  • We will export a row of usage data for each building selected. If we are showing the Region total, we will show a line of usage for the region total. If we are showing the District total, we will show a line of data for the district total.
    • Cumulative

    • Non-Cumulative

  • Print
    • We will print the current view of the graph
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will display a title Unique Team Members Accessing INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the buildings selected



  • Each role will be represented by a different colored line on the graph
  • There will be a district/region/building total line on the graph
  • Hovering on a data point will display the number of unique team members accessing training activities (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)

Business Rules

  • Displays the number of unique users per role selected who have accessed the selected training series during the specified date range
  • If a user was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this user will still show on the report.
    • If a user only has access to a training series during one month of the selected date range, this user will still show on the report.
  • If a user belongs to Role 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Role 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the user will be calculated under Role 1 for Month 1 and Role 2 for Month 2
  • If all roles selected are assigned to the same building, we will show the total number of logins for the building. If roles selected belong to more than 1 building but the same region, we will show the total number of logins for the region. If selected roles belong to multiple regions, we will show the total number of logins for the entire district.


  • We will export a line of data for each role selected. If we are showing the Building Total, we will export a line for Building Total. If we are showing the Region Total, we will export a line for Region Total. If we are showing District Total, we will export a line for District Total
    • Cumulative

    • Non-Cumulative

  • Print
    • We will print the current view of the graph
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will display a title Unique Team Members Accessing INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the roles selected

Team Member


  • All team members will be represented by the same line on the graph
  • A district/region//building total line will show on the graph as well
  • We need to show the names of the team members selected below the graph
  • Hovering on a data point will display the number of unique team members accessing training activities (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)

Business Rules

  • We will show the number of team members out of those selected who have accessed training activities for the selected training series within our date range all on one line on the graph
  • If regions or buildings were previously selected, only show team members within the selected regions/buildings.
  • If team members from only 1 building are selected, show the building total line on the graph. If team members from only 1 region are selected, show the region total line on the graph. If team members from multiple regions are selected, show the district total line on the graph.
  • If a user was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this user's activity will still show on the report.
    • If a user only has access to a training series during one month of the selected date range, this user's activity will still show on the report.


  • We will export a line of data for team members. If we are showing the Building Total, we will export a line for Building Total. If we are showing the Region Total, we will export a line for Region Total. If we are showing District Total, we will export a line for District
    • Two lines of data will show
    • Cumulative

    • Non-Cumulative

  • Print
    • We will print the current view of the graph
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will display a title Unique Team Members Accessing INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the team members selected



  • Drop-down for each training series purchased. The training series are:
    • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Series - Basic
    • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Series - Advanced
    • Fundamentals of Special Education Series
    • Disability Awareness Series
    • Social Emotional Learning Series
  • Team Members should be listed in alphabetical order by last name
  • Passing scores will be coded in green
  • Non-passing scores will be coded in red
  • Modules not assigned will be coded in grey
  • Hovering over a score box will display the actual score
  • Need to add a key
  • Clicking on a team member's name will open the training result details
    • This area will show:
      • Team Member Name
      • Training Series
      • Training Module
      • Number of attempts to pass module
      • Score for each attempt
      • Date of each attempt
      • Areas to review if responded incorrectly to any question

Business Rules

  • Only users assigned to trainings will appear in this report. If a user has not been assigned to a training series, the user will not appear on the report for that series.
  • Any user with a training module assigned during the specified date range will appear in this report. Meaning, if a user had training modules assigned in Month 1 but not Month 2 of our date range, this user would still show on the report. This is also true of a user who is no longer active (deleted). If a user was active and had trainings assigned in Month 1 but not Month 2 of our date range, this user would still show on the report.
    • If Team Member A belongs to Building A during Month 1 of our date range and moved to building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, this team member will show under both Building 1 and Building 2.
  • A training series must be selected to view the report
  • Basic ABA training series will be the default selection. If a district does not have Basic ABA, the default will be Advanced ABA. If a district does not have Advanced ABA, the default will be Fundamentals of SPED. If a district does not have Fundamentals of SPED, the default will be Disability Awareness. If a district does not have DA, the default will be SEL.
  • Score details will show based on series selected. If I have selected Basic ABA, I will see score details for Basic ABA only.
  • Score details will show based on the end date. Meaning, if I enter a date range of 9/1/2018 - 9/1/2019, I will show the highest score the user received up to 9/1/19 - even if this score was achieved before the start date. [Tamar Bracha (Unlicensed) - from our conversation today]
    • Imagine a user earned a score of 85 on 9/1/17 and a score of 90 on 10/1/19. When I run the date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, the score will show as 85. When I run the date range for 9/1/18-11/1/19, the score will show as 90.

Export & Print

  • On export, we will show the actual score for each module.
  • Print
    • Will show the actual scores instead of the colored boxes
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Results for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections



  • We will show one report with all team members
  • We will show a tab for District level users, a tab for each Region level users (if applicable), and a tab for each Building level users
  • Hovering on a score box will display the actual score

Business Rules

  • Display training results for every team member with training modules assigned for the entire district during our date range
  • Multi-Account team Members should appear under the Region level to which they belong
  • Show all regions and buildings the user has access to
  • If a team member moved between buildings, display the scores for the team member under each building they are assigned to within the date range


  • We will export exactly what is shown on the screen
  • Print
    • Will show the actual scores instead of the colored boxes
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Results for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle for the name of the district



  • We will show a separate tab for each region (up to 10 regions can be selected)
  • We will show a tab for each Region selected, and a tab for each building within the regions selected
  • Hovering on a score box will display the actual score

Business Rules

  • Display the training results for every team member with training modules assigned for the regions selected during our date range
  • Multi-Account team Members should appear under the Region level to which they belong
  • If a team member moved between buildings, display the scores for the team member under each building they are assigned to within the date range
  • Score details will show based on the end date. Meaning, if I enter a date range of 9/1/2018 - 9/1/2019, I will show the highest score the user received up to 9/1/19 - even if this score was achieved before the start date.
    • Imagine a user earned a score of 85 on 9/1/17 and a score of 90 on 10/1/19. When I run the date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, the score will show as 85. When I run the date range for 9/1/18-11/1/19, the score will show as 90.


  • We will export exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are clicked on the tab for Region A, we will export Region A's sores
  • Print
    • Will show the actual scores instead of the colored boxes
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Results for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the regions selected



  • We will show a separate tab for each building selected (up to 10 buildings can be selected)
  • Hovering on a score box will display the actual score

Business Rules

  • Display score results for team members with trainings assigned in all buildings selected during our date range
  • Each tab will display the scores for users assigned to a specific building
  • If a team member moved between buildings, display the scores for the team member under each building they are assigned to within the date range
  • Score details will show based on the end date. Meaning, if I enter a date range of 9/1/2018 - 9/1/2019, I will show the highest score the user received up to 9/1/19 - even if this score was achieved before the start date.
    • Imagine a user earned a score of 85 on 9/1/17 and a score of 90 on 10/1/19. When I run the date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, the score will show as 85. When I run the date range for 9/1/18-11/1/19, the score will show as 90.


  • We will export exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are clicked on the tab for Building A, we will export Building A's scores
  • Print
    • Will show the actual scores instead of the colored boxes
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Results for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the buildings selected



  • We will show a separate tab for each role selected (up to 10 roles can be selected)
  • Hovering on a score box will display the actual score

Business Rules

  • Displays results for all team members with trainings assigned who have been assigned to the selected roles in all regions/buildings the user has access to.
  • Each tab will display the scores for users assigned to a specific role
  • If team members moved between buildings, display the scores for the team member under each building they are assigned to within the date range
  • If a team member changed roles, display their scores under each role they were assigned to within the date range
  • Score details will show based on the end date. Meaning, if I enter a date range of 9/1/2018 - 9/1/2019, I will show the highest score the user received up to 9/1/19 - even if this score was achieved before the start date.
    • Imagine a user earned a score of 85 on 9/1/17 and a score of 90 on 10/1/19. When I run the date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, the score will show as 85. When I run the date range for 9/1/18-11/1/19, the score will show as 90.


  • We will export exactly what is shown on the screen. Meaning, if we are clicked on the tab for Lead Teacher, we will export Lead Teacher scores
  • Print
    • Will show the actual scores instead of the colored boxes
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Results for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the roles selected

Team Member


  • We will display all selected team members (up to 10) on one screen
  • Hovering on a score box will display the actual score

Business Rules

  • Display results for all team members selected with trainings assigned
  • If the selected team member was active and had at least 1 training assigned at any point within our date range, the team member will show on the report
  • Score details will show based on the end date. Meaning, if I enter a date range of 9/1/2018 - 9/1/2019, I will show the highest score the user received up to 9/1/19 - even if this score was achieved before the start date.
    • Imagine a user earned a score of 85 on 9/1/17 and a score of 90 on 10/1/19. When I run the date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, the score will show as 85. When I run the date range for 9/1/18-11/1/19, the score will show as 90.


  • We will export exactly what is shown on the screen.
  • Print
    • Will show the actual scores instead of the colored boxes
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Results for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the team members selected



  • Drop-down menu will display the names of the training series
  • Need to show for Basic ABA total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Training Notes Printed
    • Practice Activities Printed
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings not Started
  • Need to show for all other series total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings Not Started
      Tamar Bracha (Unlicensed) - see above for new label names 11/4/19]

Business Rules

  • Users can select 1 or multiple training series.
    • The default will show activity across all training series.
    • If multiple training series are selected, data is cumulative across all training series
    • Only display the training series the account has access to
  • Trainings Available will display the # of training modules that are assigned to team members within the date range. If all 11 Basic ABA Modules were available to 2 team members within the date range, we would display 22 trainings available.
    • If all 11 modules were assigned to 2 users on 9/1/17 and were never unassigned from these users, and I run a date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, we would show 22 trainings available.
  • Training videos = # of videos watched for the training series selected within the date range
  • Training notes = # of notes printed for the training series selected
  • Practice activities = # of practice activities opened for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings completed = # of modules passed for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings started = # of modules where a video was watched or a quiz was started/taken within the date range, where the user did not pass the module within the date range
  • Trainings not started = # of modules where no videos were viewed and no tests were taken within the date range
  • Tamar Bracha (Unlicensed) - updated definitions 11/4/19]
  • Any activities from user with a training module available during the specified date range will appear in this report. Meaning, if a user had training modules assigned and accessed training activities in Month 1 but not Month 2 of our date range, these activities would still show on the report. This is also true of a user who is no longer active (deleted). If a user was active and had trainings assigned and accessed training activities in Month 1 but not Month 2 of our date range, these activities would still show on the report.


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Activities for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the filer selections



  • We will show one report with one line of data for the entire district
  • Drop-down menu will display the names of the training series
  • Need to show for Basic ABA total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Training Notes Printed
    • Practice Activities Printed
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings not Started
  • Need to show for all other series total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings Not Started

Business Rules

  • Users can select 1 or multiple training series.
    • The default will show activity across all training series.
    • If multiple training series are selected, data is cumulative across all training series
    • Only display the training series the account has access to
  • Trainings Available will display the # of training modules that are assigned to team members within the date range. If all 11 Basic ABA Modules were available to 2 team members within the date range, we would display 22 trainings available.
    • If all 11 modules were assigned to 2 users on 9/1/17 and were never unassigned from these users, and I run a date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, we would show 22 trainings available.
  • Training videos = # of videos watched for the training series selected within the date range
  • Training notes = # of notes printed for the training series selected
  • Practice activities = # of practice activities opened for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings completed = # of modules passed for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings started = # of modules where a video was watched or a quiz was started/taken within the date range, where the user did not pass the module within the date range
  • Trainings not started = # of modules where no videos were viewed and no tests were taken within the date range
  • Display total # of training activities for every team member in the parent account and all child accounts the user has access to for the training series selected
    • By default, we will show all activity across all training series purchased for the district
  • This is a cumulative view
  • Data is only calculated once per team member, regardless of how many buildings they were assigned to during the specified date range.
  • We will only show the training series purchased for the district


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Activities for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



  • We will show a separate line for each region (up to 10 regions can be selected)
  • Drop-down menu will display the names of the training series
  • Need to show for Basic ABA total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Training Notes Printed
    • Practice Activities Printed
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings not Started
  • Need to show for all other series total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings Not Started

Business Rules

  • Users can select 1 or multiple training series.
    • The default will show activity across all training series.
    • If multiple training series are selected, data is cumulative across all training series
    • Only display the training series at least 1 of the selected regions or any of it's child accounts have access to
  • Trainings Available will display the # of training modules that are assigned to team members within the date range. If all 11 Basic ABA Modules were available to 2 team members within the date range, we would display 22 trainings available.
    • If all 11 modules were assigned to 2 users on 9/1/17 and were never unassigned from these users, and I run a date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, we would show 22 trainings available.
  • Training videos = # of videos watched for the training series selected within the date range
  • Training notes = # of notes printed for the training series selected
  • Practice activities = # of practice activities opened for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings completed = # of modules passed for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings started = # of modules where a video was watched or a quiz was started/taken within the date range, where the user did not pass the module within the date range
  • Trainings not started = # of modules where no videos were viewed and no tests were taken within the date range
  • For each Region selected, display total # of training activities for every team member in the parent account and all child accounts the user has access to for the training series selected
    • By default, we will show all activity across all training series
  • Data is only calculated once per team member for each region selected, regardless of how many buildings they were assigned to during the specified date range.
    • If a team member is assigned to more than one Region within our date range, their activity will be counted under each Region they were assigned to.
  • Regions in the filter will only include those that have purchased the selected training series
  • If I previously selected a region that does not have access to the selected training series, we will display NA in all columns for that region
  • We will only show the training series purchased for at least 1 of the selected regions or it's child accounts


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Activities for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the regions selected



  • We will show a separate line for each building selected (up to 10 buildings can be selected)
  • Drop-down menu will display the names of the training series
  • Need to show for Basic ABA total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Training Notes Printed
    • Practice Activities Printed
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings not Started
  • Need to show for all other series total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings Not Started

Business Rules

  • Users can select 1 or multiple training series.
    • The default will show activity across all training series.
    • If multiple training series are selected, data is cumulative across all training series
    • Only display the training series at least 1 of the selected buildings has access to
  • Trainings Available will display the # of training modules that are assigned to team members within the date range. If all 11 Basic ABA Modules were available to 2 team members within the date range, we would display 22 trainings available.
    • If all 11 modules were assigned to 2 users on 9/1/17 and were never unassigned from these users, and I run a date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, we would show 22 trainings available.
  • Training videos = # of videos watched for the training series selected within the date range
  • Training notes = # of notes printed for the training series selected
  • Practice activities = # of practice activities opened for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings completed = # of modules passed for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings started = # of modules where a video was watched or a quiz was started/taken within the date range, where the user did not pass the module within the date range
  • Trainings not started = # of modules where no videos were viewed and no tests were taken within the date range
  • For each Building selected, display total # of training activities for every team member for the training series selected
    • By default, we will show all activity across all training series
  • If a team member is assigned to more than one Building within our date range, their activity will be counted under each Building they were assigned to.
  • Buildings in the filter will only include those that have purchased the selected training series
  • If I previously selected a building that does not have access to the selected training series, we will display NA in all columns
  • We will only show training series purchased for at least 1 of the selected buildings


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Activities for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the buildings selected



  • We will show a separate line for each role selected (up to 10 can be selected)
  • Drop-down menu will display the names of the training series
  • Need to show for Basic ABA total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Training Notes Printed
    • Practice Activities Printed
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings not Started
  • Need to show for all other series total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings Not Started

Business Rules

  • Users can select 1 or multiple training series.
    • The default will show activity across all training series.
    • If multiple training series are selected, data is cumulative across all training series
    • Only display the training series at least 1 user assigned to at least 1 of the selected roles has access to (in any of the accounts the user has access to)
  • Trainings Available will display the # of training modules that are assigned to team members within the date range. If all 11 Basic ABA Modules were available to 2 team members within the date range, we would display 22 trainings available.
    • If all 11 modules were assigned to 2 users on 9/1/17 and were never unassigned from these users, and I run a date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, we would show 22 trainings available.
  • Training videos = # of videos watched for the training series selected within the date range
  • Training notes = # of notes printed for the training series selected
  • Practice activities = # of practice activities opened for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings completed = # of modules passed for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings started = # of modules where a video was watched or a quiz was started/taken within the date range, where the user did not pass the module within the date range
  • Trainings not started = # of modules where no videos were viewed and no tests were taken within the date range
  • For each Role selected, display total # of training activities for every team member assigned to that role in all child accounts the user has access to for the training series selected
    • By default, we will show all activity across all training series
  • If a team member is assigned to more than one Role within our date range, their activity will be counted under each Role they were assigned to.
  • Roles in the filter will only include those with team members assigned to at least 1 module within the selected training series
  • If I previously selected a role that does not have any members who  have access to any modules within the selected training series, we will display NA in all columns
  • We will only show the training series with team members with at least 1 of the selected roles who are assigned to at least 1 of the modules within the series.
    • If no Paras were assigned Advanced ABA, we will not Advanced ABA as an option.
    • If Paras were not assigned Advanced ABA but Teachers were, we will show Advanced ABA as an option


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Activities for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the roles selected

Team Member


  • We will display a separate line for each team member selected (up to 10 can be selected)
  • Drop-down menu will display the names of the training series
  • Need to show for Basic ABA total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Training Notes Printed
    • Practice Activities Printed
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings not Started
  • Need to show for all other series total # of:
    • Trainings Available
    • Training Videos Watched
    • Trainings Completed
    • Trainings Started
    • Trainings Not Started

Business Rules

  • Users can select 1 or multiple training series.
    • The default will show activity across all training series.
    • If multiple training series are selected, data is cumulative across all training series
    • Only display the training series at least 1 of the selected team members has access to
  • Trainings Available will display the # of training modules that are assigned to team members within the date range. If all 11 Basic ABA Modules were available to 2 team members within the date range, we would display 22 trainings available.
    • If all 11 modules were assigned to 2 users on 9/1/17 and were never unassigned from these users, and I run a date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, we would show 22 trainings available.
  • Training videos = # of videos watched for the training series selected within the date range
  • Training notes = # of notes printed for the training series selected
  • Practice activities = # of practice activities opened for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings completed = # of modules passed for the training series selected within the date range
  • Trainings started = # of modules where a video was watched or a quiz was started/taken within the date range, where the user did not pass the module within the date range
  • Trainings not started = # of modules where no videos were viewed and no tests were taken within the date range
  • For each Team Member selected, display total # of training activities for the training series selected
    • By default, we will show all activity across all training series
  • Team Members in the filter will only include those assigned to at least 1 module within the selected training series
  • If I previously selected a team member who does not have access to any modules within the selected training series, we will display NA in all columns
  • We will only show the training series for which at least 1 of the selected team members is assigned to at least 1 of the modules within the series.
    • If none of the selected team members were assigned Advanced ABA, we will not Advanced ABA as an option.
    • If John was not assigned Advanced ABA but Sally was, we will show Advanced ABA as an option


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Activities for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the team members selected

Unique users Tamar Bracha (Unlicensed) - updated 11/4/19]


  • We will show a drop-down menu for training series
  • Need to show for Basic ABA total # of unique team members who:
    • Team Members with Trainings Available
    • Viewed Training Videos
    • Printed Training Notes
    • Printed Practice Activities
    • Completed Series (a user has completed series once they complete all modules to which they have been assigned to in a given series)
    • Started Series (a user has started a series if they have started at least 1 module, but have not completed all modules to which they are assigned)
    • Have not Started Series
  • For all other training series, show total # of unique team members who:
    • Team Members with Trainings Available
    • Viewed Training Videos
    • Completed Modules (a user has completed all modules once they complete all modules to which they have been assigned to in a given series)
    • Started Modules
    • Have not Started Modules
  • We will show totals for all columns

Business Rules

  • Users can select 1 or multiple training series
    • The default will show utilization across all training series
    • If multiple training series are selected, we will show unique users who have accessed training activities from at least 1 module for 1 training series selected
    • Only display the training series the account has access to in the drop-down
  • Displays the total # of unique team members engaging in training activities for all team members based on the filter selections
  • Team Members with Trainings Available will display the # team members with access to at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range. If all 11 Basic ABA Modules were assigned to 2 team members, we would display 2 assigned to series.
    • If all 11 modules were assigned to 2 users on 9/1/17 and were never unassigned from these users, and I run a date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, we would show 2 team members with trainings available
  • Training videos = # of team members who viewed at least 1 video for the training series selected within the date range
  • Training notes = # of team members who opened the notes for at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range
  • Practice activities = # of team members who opened the practice activities for at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range
  • Completed modules = # of team members who passed all modules assigned within the training series selected within the date range
  • Started Modules = # of team members who viewed the video or started/took a quiz for at least 1 module within the series, but has not passed all modules for the series
  • Have not started modules = # of team members who have not viewed a video or taken a test for any of the modules assigned within the series selected
  • Any user with a training module assigned and who accessed training activities during the specified date range will appear in this report. Meaning, if a user had training modules assigned and accessed training activities in Month 1 but not Month 2 of our date range, this user would still show on the report. This is also true of a user who is no longer active (deleted). If a user was active and had trainings assigned and accessed training activities in Month 1 but not Month 2 of our date range, this user would still show on the report.
  • Total column
    • Multi-account team members and team members who switch regions/buildings within our date range will only be counted once


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Utilization for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the filer selections



  • We will show one report with one line of data for the entire district
  • We will show a drop-down menu for training series
  • Need to show for Basic ABA total # of unique team members who:
    • Team Members with Trainings Available
    • Viewed Training Videos
    • Printed Training Notes
    • Printed Practice Activities
    • Completed Series (a user has completed series once they complete all modules to which they have been assigned to in a given series)
    • Started Series (a user has started a series if they have started at least 1 module, but have not completed all modules to which they are assigned)
    • Have not Started Series
  • For all other training series, show total # of unique team members who:
    • Team Members with Trainings Available
    • Viewed Training Videos
    • Completed Modules (a user has completed all modules once they complete all modules to which they have been assigned to in a given series)
    • Started Modules
    • Have not Started Modules
  • We will show totals for all columns

Business Rules

  • Users can select 1 or multiple training series
    • The default will show utilization across all training series
    • If multiple training series are selected, we will show unique users who have accessed training activities from at least 1 module for 1 training series selected
    • Only display the training series the district or any of it's child accounts the user has access to has purchased to in the drop-down
  • Displays the total # of unique team members engaging in training activities for all team members based on the filter selections
  • Team Members with Trainings Available will display the # team members with access to at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range. If all 11 Basic ABA Modules were assigned to 2 team members, we would display 2 assigned to series.
    • If all 11 modules were assigned to 2 users on 9/1/17 and were never unassigned from these users, and I run a date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, we would show 2 team members with trainings available
  • Training videos = # of team members who viewed at least 1 video for the training series selected within the date range
  • Training notes = # of team members who opened the notes for at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range
  • Practice activities = # of team members who opened the practice activities for at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range
  • Completed modules = # of team members who passed all modules assigned within the training series selected within the date range
  • Started Modules = # of team members who viewed the video or started/took a quiz for at least 1 module within the series, but has not passed all modules for the series
  • Have not started modules = # of team members who have not viewed a video or taken a test for any of the modules assigned within the series selected
  • Display the number of unique users  in the parent account and all child accounts the user has access to who have accessed the training activities for the selected training series within our date range
    • By default, we will show the number of unique users who have accessed training activities for any training series
  • This is a cumulative view
  • Data is only calculated once per team member, regardless of how many buildings they were assigned to during the specified date range.
  • We will only show those training series purchased by the district. If the district has not purchased Advanced ABA, we will not show it as an option


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Utilization for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



  • We will show a separate line for each region (up to 10 regions can be selected)
  • We will show a drop-down menu for training series
  • Need to show for Basic ABA total # of unique team members who:
    • Team Members with Trainings Available
    • Viewed Training Videos
    • Printed Training Notes
    • Printed Practice Activities
    • Completed Series (a user has completed series once they complete all modules to which they have been assigned to in a given series)
    • Started Series (a user has started a series if they have started at least 1 module, but have not completed all modules to which they are assigned)
    • Have not Started Series
  • For all other training series, show total # of unique team members who:
    • Team Members with Trainings Available
    • Viewed Training Videos
    • Completed Modules (a user has completed all modules once they complete all modules to which they have been assigned to in a given series)
    • Started Modules
    • Have not Started Modules
  • We will show totals for all columns

Business Rules

  • Users can select 1 or multiple training series
    • The default will show utilization across all training series
    • If multiple training series are selected, we will show unique users who have accessed training activities from at least 1 module for 1 training series selected
    • Only display the training series at least 1 of the selected regions or any of it's child accounts the user has access to has purchased in the drop-down
  • Displays the total # of unique team members engaging in training activities for all team members based on the filter selections
  • Team Members with Trainings Available will display the # team members with access to at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range. If all 11 Basic ABA Modules were assigned to 2 team members, we would display 2 assigned to series.
    • If all 11 modules were assigned to 2 users on 9/1/17 and were never unassigned from these users, and I run a date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, we would show 2 team members with trainings available
  • Training videos = # of team members who viewed at least 1 video for the training series selected within the date range
  • Training notes = # of team members who opened the notes for at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range
  • Practice activities = # of team members who opened the practice activities for at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range
  • Completed modules = # of team members who passed all modules assigned within the training series selected within the date range
  • Started Modules = # of team members who viewed the video or started/took a quiz for at least 1 module within the series, but has not passed all modules for the series
  • Have not started modules = # of team members who have not viewed a video or taken a test for any of the modules assigned within the series selected
  • For each region selected, display the number of unique users  in the parent account and all child accounts the user has access to who have accessed the training activities for the selected training series within our date range
    • By default, we will show the number of unique users who have accessed training activities for any training series
  • Data is only calculated once per team member for each region selected, regardless of how many buildings they were assigned to during the specified date range.
    • If a team member is assigned to more than one Region within our date range, they will be counted under each Region they were assigned to.
  • Regions in the filter will only include those that have purchased the selected training series
  • If I previously selected a region that does not have access to the selected training series, we will display NA in all columns for that region
  • We will only show the training series purchased for at least 1 of the selected regions or any of it's child accounts the user has access to


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Utilization for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the regions selected



  • We will show a separate line for each building selected (up to 10 buildings can be selected)
  • We will show a drop-down menu for training series
  • Need to show for Basic ABA total # of unique team members who:
    • Team Members with Trainings Available
    • Viewed Training Videos
    • Printed Training Notes
    • Printed Practice Activities
    • Completed Series (a user has completed series once they complete all modules to which they have been assigned to in a given series)
    • Started Series (a user has started a series if they have started at least 1 module, but have not completed all modules to which they are assigned)
    • Have not Started Series
  • For all other training series, show total # of unique team members who:
    • Team Members with Trainings Available
    • Viewed Training Videos
    • Completed Modules (a user has completed all modules once they complete all modules to which they have been assigned to in a given series)
    • Started Modules
    • Have not Started Modules
  • We will show totals for all columns

Business Rules

  • Users can select 1 or multiple training series
    • The default will show utilization across all training series
    • If multiple training series are selected, we will show unique users who have accessed training activities from at least 1 module for 1 training series selected
    • Only display the training series at least 1 of the selected buildings has access to in the drop-down
  • Displays the total # of unique team members engaging in training activities for all team members based on the filter selections
  • Team Members with Trainings Available will display the # team members with access to at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range. If all 11 Basic ABA Modules were assigned to 2 team members, we would display 2 assigned to series.
    • If all 11 modules were assigned to 2 users on 9/1/17 and were never unassigned from these users, and I run a date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, we would show 2 team members with trainings available
  • Training videos = # of team members who viewed at least 1 video for the training series selected within the date range
  • Training notes = # of team members who opened the notes for at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range
  • Practice activities = # of team members who opened the practice activities for at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range
  • Completed modules = # of team members who passed all modules assigned within the training series selected within the date range
  • Started Modules = # of team members who viewed the video or started/took a quiz for at least 1 module within the series, but has not passed all modules for the series
  • Have not started modules = # of team members who have not viewed a video or taken a test for any of the modules assigned within the series selected
  • For each building selected, display the number of unique users who have accessed the training activities for the selected training series within our date range
    • By default, we will show the number of unique users who have accessed training activities for any training series
  • If a team member is assigned to more than one Building within our date range, they will be counted under each Building they were assigned to.
  • Buildings in the filter will only include those that have purchased the selected training series
  • If I previously selected a building that does not have access to the selected training series, we will display NA in all columns for that region
  • We will only show the training series purchased for at least 1 of the selected buildings


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Utilization for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the buildings selected



  • We will show a separate line for each role selected (up to 10 roles can be selected)
  • We will show a drop-down menu for training series
  • Need to show for Basic ABA total # of unique team members who:
    • Team Members with Trainings Available
    • Viewed Training Videos
    • Printed Training Notes
    • Printed Practice Activities
    • Completed Series (a user has completed series once they complete all modules to which they have been assigned to in a given series)
    • Started Series (a user has started a series if they have started at least 1 module, but have not completed all modules to which they are assigned)
    • Have not Started Series
  • For all other training series, show total # of unique team members who:
    • Team Members with Trainings Available
    • Viewed Training Videos
    • Completed Modules (a user has completed all modules once they complete all modules to which they have been assigned to in a given series)
    • Started Modules
    • Have not Started Modules
  • We will show totals for all columns

Business Rules

  • Users can select 1 or multiple training series
    • The default will show utilization across all training series
    • If multiple training series are selected, we will show unique users who have accessed training activities from at least 1 module for 1 training series selected
    • Only display the training series in the drop-down where at least 1 team member assigned to the selected role in any of the accounts the user has access to has been assigned to at least 1 module
  • Displays the total # of unique team members engaging in training activities for all team members based on the filter selections
  • Team Members with Trainings Available will display the # team members with access to at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range. If all 11 Basic ABA Modules were assigned to 2 team members, we would display 2 assigned to series.
    • If all 11 modules were assigned to 2 users on 9/1/17 and were never unassigned from these users, and I run a date range for 9/1/18 - 9/1/19, we would show 2 team members with trainings available
  • Training videos = # of team members who viewed at least 1 video for the training series selected within the date range
  • Training notes = # of team members who opened the notes for at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range
  • Practice activities = # of team members who opened the practice activities for at least 1 module for the training series selected within the date range
  • Completed modules = # of team members who passed all modules assigned within the training series selected within the date range
  • Started Modules = # of team members who viewed the video or started/took a quiz for at least 1 module within the series, but has not passed all modules for the series
  • Have not started modules = # of team members who have not viewed a video or taken a test for any of the modules assigned within the series selected
  • For each Role selected, display total # of unique users assigned to that role in all regions/buildings the user has access to who are accessing the training activities for the training series selected
    • By default, we will show all activity across all training series
  • If a team member is assigned to more than one Role within our date range, their activity will be counted under each Role they were assigned to.
  • Roles in the filter will only include those with team members assigned to at least 1 module within the selected training series
  • If I previously selected a role that does not have any members who  have access to any modules within the selected training series, we will display NA in all columns
  • We will only show the training series with team members with at least 1 of the selected roles who are assigned to at least 1 of the modules within the series.
    • If no Paras were assigned Advanced ABA, we will not Advanced ABA as an option.
    • If Paras were not assigned Advanced ABA but Teachers were, we will show Advanced ABA as an option


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Training Utilization for INSERT TRAINING SERIES NAME from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the names of the roles selected



  • Report options are:
    • Utilized
    • Not Utilized

Business Rules

  • Utilized will be the default view


  • We will export and print exactly what is shown on the screen (see below for details)
Utilized View


  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • All Training Activities
    • Basic ABA Activities
    • Advanced ABA Activities
    • Fundamentals of Special Education Activities
    • Disability Awareness Activities
    • Social Emotional Learning Activities
    • Date of Last Activity

Business Rules

  • List all users who have accessed training activities within the specified date range
  • Training activities are:
    • Print activity
    • Print notes
    • View training video
    • Take training test
  • All Training Activities will display the total number of training activities for all training series the user accessed within the date range
    • Same logic applies to Basic, Advanced, Fundamentals, Disability Awareness, and SEL
  • Users should be ranked in order all activities, with the user with the highest # of total training activities appearing first. If two or more users have the same # of activities, the user with the most recent activity date should appear first. If this date is also the same, users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Users should be able to sort by any column they would like. For example, a user could sort the list by # of Basic ABA Activities
  • Only those training series allocated should appear in the report
  • Any training series a team member does not have access to will be greyed out. For example, if the district has access to SEL PD, but the user does not, SEL PD will appear as a heading, but the box will be greyed out for the user.


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will print the current tab
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections



  • We will show one long list
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • All Training Activities
    • Basic ABA Activities
    • Advanced ABA Activities
    • Fundamentals of Special Education Activities
    • Disability Awareness Activities
    • Social Emotional Learning Activities
    • Date of Last Activity

Business Rules

  • We will list all users in the parent and all child accounts the user has access to who have accessed training activities within our date range
  • Display a column for each training series allocated at the district level
    • We will include training series allocated at district level and child accounts
  • Training activities are:
    • Print activity
    • Print notes
    • View training video
    • Take training test
  • All Training Activities will display the total number of training activities for all training series the user accessed within the date range
  • Users should be ranked in order all activities, with the user with the highest # of total training activities appearing first. If two or more users have the same # of activities, the user with the most recent activity date should appear first. If this date is also the same, users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Users should be able to sort by any column they would like. For example, a user could sort the list by # of Basic ABA Activities
  • Any training series a team member does not have access to will be greyed out. For example, if the district has access to SEL PD, but the user does not, SEL PD will appear as a heading, but the box will be greyed out for the user.


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



  • There will be a separate tab for each region selected (up to 10)
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • All Training Activities
    • Basic ABA Activities
    • Advanced ABA Activities
    • Fundamentals of Special Education Activities
    • Disability Awareness Activities
    • Social Emotional Learning Activities
    • Date of Last Activity

Business Rules

  • For each region selected
    • We will show a separate tab containing Region-specific usage information
    • We will list all users in the parent and all child accounts the user has access to who have accessed training activities within our date range
  • Display a column for each training series allocated for each region
    • We will include training series allocated at the region level and child accounts
  • Training activities are:
    • Print activity
    • Print notes
    • View training video
    • Take training test
  • All Training Activities will display the total number of training activities for all training series the user accessed within the date range
  • Users should be ranked in order all activities, with the user with the highest # of total training activities appearing first. If two or more users have the same # of activities, the user with the most recent activity date should appear first. If this date is also the same, users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Users should be able to sort by any column they would like. For example, a user could sort the list by # of Basic ABA Activities
  • Any training series a team member does not have access to will be greyed out. For example, if the region has access to SEL PD, but the user does not, SEL PD will appear as a heading, but the box will be greyed out for the user.


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will print the current tab
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the region tab



  • There will be a separate tab for each building selected (up to 10)
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • All Training Activities
    • Basic ABA Activities
    • Advanced ABA Activities
    • Fundamentals of Special Education Activities
    • Disability Awareness Activities
    • Social Emotional Learning Activities
    • Date of Last Activity

Business Rules

  • For each building selected
    • We will show a separate tab containing Building-specific usage information
    • We will list all users who have accessed training activities within our date range
  • Display a column for each training series allocated for each building
  • Training activities are:
    • Print activity
    • Print notes
    • View training video
    • Take training test
  • All Training Activities will display the total number of training activities for all training series the user accessed within the date range
  • Users should be ranked in order all activities, with the user with the highest # of total training activities appearing first. If two or more users have the same # of activities, the user with the most recent activity date should appear first. If this date is also the same, users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Users should be able to sort by any column they would like. For example, a user could sort the list by # of Basic ABA Activities
  • Any training series a team member does not have access to will be greyed out. For example, if the building has access to SEL PD, but the user does not, SEL PD will appear as a heading, but the box will be greyed out for the user.


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will print the current tab
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the building tab



  • There will be a separate tab for each role selected (up to 10)
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • All Training Activities
    • Basic ABA Activities
    • Advanced ABA Activities
    • Fundamentals of Special Education Activities
    • Disability Awareness Activities
    • Social Emotional Learning Activities
    • Date of Last Activity

Business Rules

  • For each role selected
    • We will show a separate tab containing Role-specific usage information
    • We will list all users assigned to the selected role in all child accounts the user has access to who have accessed training activities within our date range
  • Display a column for each training series that has team members with the selected roles assigned
  • Training activities are:
    • Print activity
    • Print notes
    • View training video
    • Take training test
  • All Training Activities will display the total number of training activities for all training series the user accessed within the date range
  • Users should be ranked in order all activities, with the user with the highest # of total training activities appearing first. If two or more users have the same # of activities, the user with the most recent activity date should appear first. If this date is also the same, users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Users should be able to sort by any column they would like. For example, a user could sort the list by # of Basic ABA Activities
  • Any training series a team member does not have access to will be greyed out. For example, if at least 1 team member assigned to the selected role in an account the user has access to has access to SEL PD, but a team member on the report does not, SEL PD will appear as a heading, but the box will be greyed out for that team member.


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will print the current tab
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the role tab

Team Member


  • All team members selected will appear on one list (up to 10)
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • All Training Activities
    • Basic ABA Activities
    • Advanced ABA Activities
    • Fundamentals of Special Education Activities
    • Disability Awareness Activities
    • Social Emotional Learning Activities
    • Date of Last Activity

Business Rules

  • For each role selected
    • We will list all users out of those selected who have accessed training activities within our date range
  • Display a column for each training series that has team members (out of those selected) assigned to at least 1 module
  • Training activities are:
    • Print activity
    • Print notes
    • View training video
    • Take training test
  • All Training Activities will display the total number of training activities for all training series the user accessed within the date range
  • Users should be ranked in order all activities, with the user with the highest # of total training activities appearing first. If two or more users have the same # of activities, the user with the most recent activity date should appear first. If this date is also the same, users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Users should be able to sort by any column they would like. For example, a user could sort the list by # of Basic ABA Activities
  • Any training series a team member does not have access to will be greyed out. For example, if at least 1 of the team members selected has access to SEL PD, but another user selected does not, SEL PD will appear as a heading, but the box will be greyed out for that user.


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the selected team members
Not Utilized View


  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of Last Activity
    • Date of Last Log In
    • Date All Modules Completed

Business Rules

  • List all users with training products assigned who have not accessed training activities within the specified date range
  • Users should be listed in order of last activity date, with the user who has accessed the training series most recently showing at first. If two or more users have the same last activity date, the user with the most recent login will appear first. If two or more users have the same login date, the users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Only team members who have products assigned at any point within the specified date range will appear in the list. If a team member has been added to the platform, but not assigned any training products within the specified date range, this individual will not appear in the list.
  • Date all modules completed will show the date the final module assigned to the team member was passed. For example, If I was assigned Basic ABA only and I passed my last test for Basic on 9-1-16, the report would show 9-1-16 under date all modules completed
    • If all modules have not been completed, we will show --


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will print the current tab
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Not Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the filter selections



  • We will show one long list
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of Last Activity
    • Date of Last Log In
    • Date All Modules Completed

Business Rules

  • We will list all users in the parent and all child accounts the user has access to who are assigned to trainings and have NOT accessed training activities within our date range
  • Users should be listed in order of last activity date, with the user who has accessed the training series most recently showing at first. If two or more users have the same last activity date, the user with the most recent login will appear first. If two or more users have the same login date, the users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Only team members who have products assigned at any point within the specified date range will appear in the list. If a team member has been added to the platform, but not assigned any training products within the specified date range, this individual will not appear in the list.
  • Date all modules completed will show the date the final module assigned to the team member was passed. For example, If I was assigned Basic ABA only and I passed my last test for Basic on 9-1-16, the report would show 9-1-16 under date all modules completed
    • If all modules have not been completed, we will show --


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Not Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



  • There will be a separate tab for each region selected (up to 10)
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of Last Activity
    • Date of Last Log In
    • Date All Modules Completed

Business Rules

  • For each region selected
    • We will show a separate tab containing Region-specific usage information
    • We will list all users in the parent and all child accounts the user has access to who are assigned to trainings and have NOT accessed training activities within our date range
  • Users should be listed in order of last activity date, with the user who has accessed the training series most recently showing at first. If two or more users have the same last activity date, the user with the most recent login will appear first. If two or more users have the same login date, the users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Only team members who have products assigned at any point within the specified date range will appear in the list. If a team member has been added to the platform, but not assigned any training products within the specified date range, this individual will not appear in the list.
  • Date all modules completed will show the date the final module assigned to the team member was passed. For example, If I was assigned Basic ABA only and I passed my last test for Basic on 9-1-16, the report would show 9-1-16 under date all modules completed
    • If all modules have not been completed, we will show --


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will print the current tab
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Not Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the region tab



  • There will be a separate tab for each building selected (up to 10)
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of Last Activity
    • Date of Last Log In
    • Date All Modules Completed

Business Rules

  • For each building selected
    • We will show a separate tab containing Building-specific usage information
    • We will list all users who are assigned to trainings and have NOT accessed training activities within our date range
  • Users should be listed in order of last activity date, with the user who has accessed the training series most recently showing at first. If two or more users have the same last activity date, the user with the most recent login will appear first. If two or more users have the same login date, the users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Only team members who have products assigned at any point within the specified date range will appear in the list. If a team member has been added to the platform, but not assigned any training products within the specified date range, this individual will not appear in the list.
  • Date all modules completed will show the date the final module assigned to the team member was passed. For example, If I was assigned Basic ABA only and I passed my last test for Basic on 9-1-16, the report would show 9-1-16 under date all modules completed
    • If all modules have not been completed, we will show --


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will print the current tab
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Not Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the building tab



  • There will be a separate tab for each role selected (up to 10)
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of Last Activity
    • Date of Last Log In
    • Date All Modules Completed

Business Rules

  • For each role selected
    • We will show a separate tab containing Role-specific usage information
    • We will list all users assigned to the selected role in all child accounts the user has access to who are assigned to trainings and have NOT accessed training activities within our date range
  • Users should be listed in order of last activity date, with the user who has accessed the training series most recently showing at first. If two or more users have the same last activity date, the user with the most recent login will appear first. If two or more users have the same login date, the users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Only team members who have products assigned at any point within the specified date range will appear in the list. If a team member has been added to the platform, but not assigned any training products within the specified date range, this individual will not appear in the list.
  • Date all modules completed will show the date the final module assigned to the team member was passed. For example, If I was assigned Basic ABA only and I passed my last test for Basic on 9-1-16, the report would show 9-1-16 under date all modules completed
    • If all modules have not been completed, we will show --


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will print the current tab
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Not Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the role tab

Team Member


  • All team members selected will appear on one list (up to 10)
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of Last Activity
    • Date of Last Log In
    • Date All Modules Completed

Business Rules

  • For each role selected
    • We will list all users out of those selected who are assigned to trainings and have NOT accessed training activities within our date range
  • Users should be listed in order of last activity date, with the user who has accessed the training series most recently showing at first. If two or more users have the same last activity date, the user with the most recent login will appear first. If two or more users have the same login date, the users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Only team members who have products assigned at any point within the specified date range will appear in the list. If a team member has been added to the platform, but not assigned any training products within the specified date range, this individual will not appear in the list.
  • Date all modules completed will show the date the final module assigned to the team member was passed. For example, If I was assigned Basic ABA only and I passed my last test for Basic on 9-1-16, the report would show 9-1-16 under date all modules completed
    • If all modules have not been completed, we will show --


  • We will export the data displayed on the screen
  • Print
    • We will print the current tab
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tab, or drop-down menu
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top of page
    • Graph should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members Who Have Not Accessed the Training Center from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a subtitle listing the team members selected


  • Role 7 will have access to all training information across the entire account (all sub-accounts & parent account)
  • Role 6 will have access to all training information across the sub-accounts they are linked to. Role 6 should see training data for Role 7.
  • Role 5 will have access to all training information for the sub-account they are linked to
  • Custom roles may have access to training information if admin reports were selected during customization. These roles will have access to all training information for the sub-accounts they are linked to.
  • No other roles will have access to this report.
  • Accounts with Training Center Products allocated will have access to this report. If an account (or sub-account) does not have access to a training series, this report will not appear.
  • All sub-accounts with training products allocated will appear in this report. If a sub-account does not have any training licenses allocated, they will not appear in the report.
  • Only the training series allocated to a given account (or sub-account) will appear in the report.
  • All users with training products assigned will appear in this report. If a user does not have a training series assigned, they will not appear in the report.