SEL Assessment Recommendations

We need to add the SEL Assessment Recommendations to the following areas:

  • Classroom Reports:
    • Group Score Report
    • Group Item Analysis
    • Group Roster Report
  • Individual Student Reports:
    • Individual Total Score Report
    • Individual Answer Review

Group Score Report and Individual Total Score Report


Under each sub-score, we need to list Rethink Lesson Areas.

Business Rules

Sub-ScoreFacetRethink Lesson Areas
Self-ManagementEmotion Regulation

Self-Management: Focus, Problem Solving, Resilience, Self Control, & Stress Management

Self Care: Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Self-ManagementSelf-Regulated Learning

Self-Management: Focus, Goal Setting, Resilience, & Self-Control

Awareness of Self & Others: Growth Mindset, Learning Skills

Self-AwarenessSelf Confidence

Awareness of Self & Others: Emotions, Growth Mindset, Learning Skills, Self-Knowledge

Self-Management: Problem Solving & Resilience

Social Awareness: Cultural Competence

Self-Care: Self-Efficacy

Self-AwarenessEmotional Awareness

Awareness of Self & Others: Emotions

Self-Management: Self-Control & Stress Management

Social AwarenessPerspective Taking

Social Awareness: Empathy

Self-Care: Healthy Boundaries

Social Skills: Friendship & Relationships

Social AwarenessUnderstanding of Norms

Social Skills: Conflict Resolution, Cooperation, Fairness, Friendship. Relationships, & Respect

Social Awareness: Actions and Consequences, Cultural Competence, Empathy, & Social Contributions

Self-Management: Self-Control

Relationship SkillsN/A

Social Skills: Conflict Resolution, Cooperation, Friendships, & Relationships

Social Awareness: Cultural Competence, Empathy, Safe and Ethical Behavior, & Social Contributions,

Self-Care: Healthy Boundaries & Self-Advocacy

Responsible Decision MakingN/A

Self-Management: Focus, Goal Setting, Problem Solving, & Self-Control

Social Skills: Conflict Resolution

Self-Care: Healthy Boundaries & Self-Advocacy

Social Awareness: Actions and Consequences & Safe and Ethical Behavior

Awareness of Self & Others: Growth Mindset

  • Clicking on each lesson area will direct users to that area of the SEL Lesson Library. For example, clicking on Self-Care will take users to the Library and filter to SEL → Self-Care. Clicking on Healthy Boundaries will take users to the Library and filter to SEL → Self-Care → Healthy Boundaries.

Group Item Analysis


Next to each item, we need to show

  • Lesson Domains
  • Lesson Areas

Business Rules

  • See spreadsheet
  • Clicking on the Domain will direct users to that domain in the SEL Lesson Library. For example, clicking on Self-Management will take users to SEL Library → Self-Management
  • Clicking on the Area will direct users to that area in the SEL Lesson Library. For example, licking on Goal Setting will take users to SEL Library → Goal Setting

Group Roster Report


We need to show Corresponding Rethink Lesson Domains for each score area

  • Clicking the domain # will expand to show which domains we are aligning to
  • Clicking on the name of the domain will direct users to that domain of the SEL Lesson Library.

Business Rules

Score AreaRethink Domains

Awareness of Self and Others




Awareness of Self and Others


Social Awareness


Social Awareness


Social Skills

Social Awareness


Relationship Skills

Social Skills

Social Awareness


Responsible Decision Making

Awareness of Self and Others


Social Skills

Social Awareness


Individual Answer Review


Similar to the Group Item Analysis. Need to all columns for:

  • Lesson Domains
  • Lesson Areas

Business Rules

See Spreadsheet

  • Clicking on the Rethink Domain names will direct users to that domain of the SEL Lesson Library.
  • Clicking on the Rethink Area name will direct users to that area of the SEL Lesson Library.