Student Reports (Behavior Tracking)

Need to update view progress & graph previews in data express.

User Stories:

  • As a classroom teacher who has been collecting behavior tracking data for my student, I need a way to isolate specific behavior objectives and/or mastery criteria when viewing progress in a graph so that I have a more clear picture of the progress my student is making toward their goals.

  • As a classroom teacher who has been collecting behavior tracking data for my student, I need a way to customize a date range when viewing graphs so that I can see the progress and analyze trends for the entire year, 6 months, 3 months, 1 month, 4 weeks, 3 weeks, 2 weeks or 1 week.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools) and permission to Behavior Support > View Reports

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS interventions (all tools) and permission to Behavior Supports and to Data Express > Enter Data