Notifications | Alerts | Incident Reports | Behavior Suite

We need to create a way for users to be notified when students trigger an alert.


User Stories:

  • As an user, I want to be alerted when students trigger the alert criterion for incidents, so that I can identify these students ASAP

  • As an user, I want to view an alert that shows me the number of students that triggered an alert, so I do not get pinged every single time a student triggers an alert as this will be overwhelming

  • As an user, I want to know what the alert criteria is when I am alerted, so I understand why I’m receiving this message

  • As an user, I want to know when the student triggered the alert and if they have triggered other alerts in the past, so I can put the whole picture together

  • As an user, I want to view more details on a student who triggers an alert, so I can better understand what is happening with the student

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts AND who belongs to a classroom where at least 1 student has triggered an alert, I will receive the classroom notification

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions and WITHOUT permission to receive alerts AND who belongs to a classroom where at least 1 student has triggered an alert, I will NOT receive the classroom notification

  • Given I am a user WITHOUT access to MTSS Interventions and who has permission to receive alerts AND who belongs to a classroom where at least 1 student has triggered an alert, I will NOT receive the classroom notification

  • Given I am an admin user with access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts, I will only receive classroom notifications for MY personal classrooms

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts AND at least 1 of my students outside of my classrooms has triggered an alert, I will receive the students notification

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions and WITHOUT permission to receive alerts AND at least 1 of my students outside of my classrooms has triggered an alert, I will NOT receive the students notification

  • Given I am a user WITHOUT access to MTSS Interventions and who has permission to receive alerts AND at least 1 of my students outside of my classrooms has triggered an alert, I will NOT receive the students notification

  • Given I have cleared a notification, I will no longer see that notification in my inbox

  • Given I have clicked to view the classroom notification report, I will be taken to the classroom alerts area

  • Given I have clicked to view the students notification report, I will be taken to the students alert modal

  • Given I am viewing the students alerts modal, I will see all students I have access to who have triggered an alert in the past 30 days

  • Given I am a user with permission to view the admin reports, I will see the option to view the full report


General Concept


  • When a student triggers an alert for Incidents, the users will receive a notification in their inbox

  • Any new alert the user has not yet clicked on will show a red dot

  • If the user clicks the clear button, the notification will disappear. However, a new notification will appear once a new alert is triggered

  • If the user clicks on View Report, they will be taken to the appropriate reporting area (see below)

Business Rules

  • An alert is triggered once a student meets the criteria outlined in Account Setup

  • Any non-admin team member assigned to at least 1 student who triggered an alert AND who has permission to Receive Alerts will receive a notification

  • Any admin team member who has permission to Receive Alerts will receive a notification if at least 1 student they have access to has triggered an alert

  • Any alert older than 30 days will be removed.

  • QUESTION FOR DEV: Should we trigger alerts immediately or after some delay?

Classroom Alerts


  • When students assigned to a classroom trigger an alert, the notification will read “INSERT NUMBER students in INSERT CLASSROOM NAME have triggered an incident alert.”

Business Rules

  • Users will see the classroom alert if any student currently in their classroom triggered an alert (regardless of which classroom the incident was reported in).

  • Admin users will only see the classroom alert if they are assigned to the classroom

Student Alert


  • When a student triggers an alert, the notification will read ““INSERT NUMBER students have triggered an incident alert.”

  • Clicking View Report produces a modal of a report listing the number of incident alerts triggered and the date the alert was last triggered in the past 30 days for all students who have triggered an alert in the past 30 days.

  • Clicking on the number of alerts for a student will expand the screen to show each instance where an incident alert was triggered.

  • Clicking View details will take the user to that student’s alerts report in Behavior Support.

  • Clicking View a full report at the top will take the user to the alerts section of the admin reports.

Business Rules

  • Will show for users makes “is admin role” if at least 1 student the user has access to has triggered an alert

  • Will show for all other users if at least 1 student currently assigned to the user triggers an alert AND the students do not belong to a classroom the user is assigned to.

  • Last Alert will show the date an alert was most recently triggered by the student. We will sort the list by last alert (most recent at the top)

  • For now, we only need to show Incident Alerts. Behavior Alerts is part of another project.

  • Incident Alerts will show the # of times the Incident Alert criteria was met for the student in the past 30 days. For example:

    • Let’s say the alert criteria is 2 incidents in a 1 month period. The student has an incident on 1/5, 1/10, and 1/15. The student will have triggered the alert 2 times. Once on 1/10 (2 incidents in 1 month) and again on 1/15 (3 incidents in 1 month).

  • The details for Incident Alerts will show the date and time the alert has been triggered by the student in the past 30 days as well as the alert criteria

  • Clicking on View Details will take the user to the student’s behavior alerts area.

  • View a full report will only show for users with access to the admin reports.