Building | District View | iReady | MTSS Dashboard

We need a way for Admin users to see a complete view of the district and also be able to drill down to see the specifics of a selected student in the areas of Reading, and Math iReady Assessments so that they can make informed decisions for MTSS Interventions for both the staff and the students in their district.

iReady includes the same functionality for Overview, Hovers, Charts, Subject Tab, Filters, and Group by Drop Down as was built for MTSS Dashboard Renaissance Data.




User Story

As a district level admin overseeing multiple buildings I need to see an overview of all percentages of Tier 2 and Tier 3 students in each building for all integrated iReady Reading and Math Assessments within the district so that I identify which buildings are most in need of support.




Acceptance Criteria



User Story

As a district level admin I need to see the specific settings of the tests so that I have a more complete view of the data shown to me.


As a district level admin I need to see the specific number of students that have an intervention plan and those that don’t within each tier group so that I will have a clear picture of the level of services we have in place.


Tier Settings Hover

  • To view the Tier settings for each of the graphs, the user clicks on or hovers over the test name.

  • To remove the information box, the user clicks on Close.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Show / Explain the differences for iReady



User Story

As a district level admin who would like to investigate further into a specific building’s data for iReady Reading and / or Math Assessments, I need a quick way to navigate to the building of my choice.




Acceptance Criteria


Subject Tabs

User Story

As a district level admin overseeing multiple buildings I need to be able to see how each of my buildings is doing on iReady Reading and/ or Math Assessments so that I can analyze data by subject.


Acceptance Criteria



User Story

As a district level admin overseeing multiple buildings I need to be able to filter the tier percentages by Tier, grade filter, gender, race, IEP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, and EP.


Acceptance Criteria

  • iReady has some of these fields but not all of them. Are we using iReady data as the source of truth or our integration data for existing clients? If using solely iReady, we will not have all of these fields and iReady also includes different demographic data.

  • Filtering is the same. (See section: Filters from Building | Overview | District View | MTSS Dashboard)


Group By Drop Down

User Story

As a district level admin overseeing multiple buildings I need to be able to select and view by different groupings (region (if I have regions), buildings, grades, classrooms, and students


Acceptance Criteria