SSO Button between Rethink, Vizzle, and WHIL

We need to create a way for nonintegrated team members to easily perform a SSO switch between Rethink, Vizzle, and WHIL.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to be able to easily access Vizzle and Whil if I am in the Rethink platform.

  • As a user, I want to be able to easily access Rethink and Whil if I am in the Vizzle platform.

  • As a user, I want to be able to easily access Rethink and Vizzle, if I am in the WHIL platform.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user who is not a parent or a student and my school is not integrated through Clever and ClassLink and I have access to Rethink, Vizzle, and WHIL I will see the dropdown that allows me to switch between platforms.

  • Given I am a user who is not a parent or a student and my school IS integrated through Clever and ClassLink and I have access to Rethink, Vizzle, and WHIL I will NOT see the dropdown that allows me to switch between platforms.

  • Given I am a user who is not a parent or a student and my school is not integrated through Clever and ClassLink and I do not have access to Vizzle, I will see the dropdown to switch between Rethink and WHIL only.

  • Given I am a user who is not a parent or a student and my school is not integrated through Clever and ClassLink and I do not have access to Rethink, I will see the dropdown to switch between Vizzle and WHIL only.




Rethink Logo Dropdown


  • Users with access will now see a dropdown next to the Rethink Logo.


  • Once they click on it, they will see the dropdown with all the platforms that they have access to view


  • If they click on WHIL, they will be taken to the login page for WhIL the first time to authenticate. If they have already login at least one time, they will be able to sign into their account automatically without inputting a email and password

  • If they click on Vizzle, they will be taken to the login page for Vizzle the first time to authenticate. If they have already login at least one time, they will be able to sign into their account automatically without inputting a email and password


Business Rules

  • Only nonintegrated accounts will see the dropdown option

  • Only accounts with access to Rethink and VIzzle will see Rethink and Vizzle option

  • Only users who are not students or parents will see dropdown option

  • Students or parents will not see dropdown