Users Stories | Self Monitoring | Behavior Suite

As an Administrator/Superintendent:

  • who needs to account for the education of all students, I need a self monitoring system that addresses each student’s needs so that student progress can be documented.

  • who needs to ensure that Special Education laws are followed, I need a self monitoring system that provides documentation as a Tier 2 and Tier 3 support so that I have evidence of compliance.

  • who is concerned about the competitive market for school choice, I need a self monitoring system that shows through documentation how educators have customized support for all students so that I can communicate the benefits of selecting our district.

  • who needs to report success to community stakeholders, I need a self-monitoring system that simplifies complex information into charts and graphs so that I can effectively communicate the benefits our district provides to families.

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As a building level principal:

  • who overseas supports to multi-grade/multi-level students with IEP I need a student self-monitoring system that shows the relationship between the student(s) self-monitoring assessment and increased academic performance so that I can analyze the effectiveness of the self-monitoring intervention.

  • who is responsible for the wellbeing of all the students, I need to see the results of the student(s) self-monitoring tool in a user friendly form so that I can analyze the effectiveness of the plan.

  • who is responsible for discipline I need to be able to view all student self-monitoring data so that I have a more clear view of the student(s) progress towards overcoming barriers to their learning.

As a school Social Worker or School Counselor

  • who provides resources and support to students and families, I need a student self-monitoring system that suggests customized resources that help the student(s) so that I can make full use of the resources we already have in place.

  • who provides resources and support to students and families, I need a student self-monitoring system that alerts me to the successes and struggles of the student(s) so that I may intervene with quality supportive strategies and celebrate successes.

  • who is responsible for all the student(s) I need a student self-monitoring tool that alerts me when a student is not progressing with self-monitoring.

  • who needs to collaborate in real time with my staff, I need a student self-monitoring tool that includes information about the staff members who create and manage the students' self-monitoring plan so that we may work together to communicate with families on student progress.


As a classroom teacher:

  • who has the same students most of the day I need a student self-monitoring tool that can be applied to individuals, small groups and the entire class so that I can collect documentation of my Tier 1 supports.

  • who has the same students most of the day I need a student self-monitoring tool that can be used in multiple subject areas so that I can identify students who are having difficulties in specific areas and customize supports to meet their needs.

  • whose students attend Related Arts classes, I need a student self-monitoring tool that will alert me to students who are having difficulty meeting their self-monitoring goals elsewhere so that I will know that collaboration with the Related Arts staff is required of me.

  • who will be communicating with students about their progress I need a student self-monitoring tool that will record student responses so that I can compare them to my own assessment of student progress.

  • who has the same students most of the day I need a student self-monitoring tool to help me identify social/emotional needs so that I can provide customized supported lessons in a timely manner.

  • who will be communicating with multiple stakeholders/parents of the students in my class, I need a student self-monitoring tool that will collect data on student responses so that I can problem solve with the stakeholders/family when the student assessment and my assessment differ.

As a content specific teacher:

  • who teachers all of the students at a grade level or grade band I need a student self-monitoring system that I can customize to reinforce goals necessary for success in my content areas so that the student(s) will have clear expectations for success.

  • who teachers all of the students at a grade level or grade band I need a student self-monitoring system that I can use to monitor the student(s) growth with Tier 1, Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 expectations so that I can identify when additional supports are needed.

  • who teachers all of the students at a grade level or grade band I need a student self-monitoring system that contains a collaboration element so that I may communicate with the Special Education and General Education teachers about student progress.

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As a related arts teacher:

  • who teachers all of the students at a school I need a student self-monitoring system that I can customize to reinforce goals necessary for success in my content areas so that the student(s) will have clear expectations for success.

  • who teachers all of the students at a school I need a student self-monitoring system that contains a collaboration element so that I may communicate with the Special Education and General Education teachers about student progress.

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As a special education

  • who works with multi-grade/multi-level students with IEP’s I need to create a self-monitoring system for the student(s) that includes customization in words and pictures so that the student understands how to access and manage their self-monitoring tool.

  • who provides supports to multi-grade/multi-level students with IEP I need to create a self-monitoring system that the student and the classroom teacher feel comfortable using so that self-monitoring data can be collected in a regular education setting.

  • who provides supports to multi-grade/multi-level students with IEP I need to create a self-monitoring system that supports the student(s) IEP goals so that I have documentation of IEP compliance.

  • who provides supports to multi-grade/multi-level students with IEP I need a student self-monitoring system that alerts me when each of my students completes their self-assessment so that I may compare the student(s) assessment with my assessment or that of the regular education teacher.

  • who provides supports to multi-grade/multi-level students with IEP I need a student self-monitoring system that shows the relationship between the student(s) self-monitoring assessment and increased academic performance so that I can analyze the effectiveness of the self-monitoring intervention.

  • who provides supports to multi-grade/multi-level students with IEP I need a student self-monitoring system that provides a collaborative function so that I can talk to my colleagues about student(s) performance across academic and social situations.

  • who provides supports to multi-grade/multi-level students with IEP I need a student self-monitoring system that provides.

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As a paraprofessional:

  • whose schedule supports the needs of the students academically and logistically I need a self-monitoring system that helps the students to maintain their behavior goals beyond the classroom to include common area such as the cafeteria, hallways, bus lines, and recess so that I can ensure that the safety needs of the students are met.

  • whose schedule supports the needs of the students academically and logistically I need a self-monitoring system that helps to reinforce the behavior expectations beyond the classroom to include common area such as the cafeteria, hallways, bus lines, and recess so that I can ensure that the safety needs of the students are met.

  • whose schedule supports the needs of the students academically and logistically I need a self-monitoring system that documents the student(s) self monitoring selections in common area such as the cafeteria, hallways, bus lines, and recess in order to evaluate how closely my assessment of the student’s behavior matches so that behavior issues can be resolved.

  • who works with individual and small groups of special education students, I need a self-monitoring system for the student(s) that helps them monitor their behavior/academic goals during my specialized support sessions within the classroom so that I can provide quality instruction.

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As a parent:

  • who has multiple options for school choice, I need a self-monitoring system for my child that feels like it uniquely supports my child so that I feel the school staff is responsive to my child’s sense of well being.

  • who has access to technology, I need a self-monitoring system that communicates regularly with me about how my child is progressing with their learning goals so that I feel empowered as a valued stakeholder.

  • who has access to technology, I need a self-monitoring system for my child that communicates with me the results of my student’s performance in a simplified way so that I will understand about by student’s progress.

  • who has access to technology, I need a self-monitoring system for my child that allows me to communicates my observations of my child’s progress with the education staff at the school so that my child’s self-monitoring plan always reflects my child’s needs.

  • who has access to technology, I need a self-monitoring system for my child that suggests beneficial resources/activities that we can access at home so that I can provide continued learning opportunities customized for my child after school hours.

  • Enter item

As a student:

  • who struggles with academics I want a self-monitoring system that makes me feel good about my progress so that I will want to continue trying when things are hard.

  • who struggles with emotional regulation I need a self-monitoring system that is predictable so that I don’t feel stressed when using it.

  • who sometimes feels like I have no control I want a self-monitoring system that makes me feel empowered so that I can gain confidence in selecting choices that help me grow.

  • who struggles with reading and avoids it I need a self monitoring system that helps me to understand what I need to do without having to read much so that I can confidently use the tool to help be grow. .

  • who does not believe I can do well in school I need a self monitoring system that shows me through positive repetition how I am growing in skills so that I will want to continue to learn.

  • who thinks school takes too much effort while not reflecting the real world expectations, I need a self monitoring system that translates to real world skill building so that school feels like it can help me to be successful in the working world.

  • who feels optimistic about my future, I need a self-monitoring system that makes suggestions and offers additional resources to help me grow so that I can become the best version of myself.

  • Enter item

Must Haves and Ideas:

  • For both older and younger students “Empowerment of the student”

    • This section needs to be have a positive feel so having goals listed as affirmations such as “I am focusing on instruction.” has a more friendly feel than traditional language of “I will focus on instruction.”

    • Companion of some sort (Robot/other image) provides focus on goals (Power Points) that remain in view for the student. This humanizes the process, provides a cue for the task, and overall consistency for the section.

Older students:

  • Options to fill out later

  • Options to text enter

  • Options to revise

  • Options to save, submit, compare self assessment with that of the teacher

  • Options for collaboration with the teacher

  • Goals must be always be in sight

  • smaller text, older child graphics

  • Interval timer in view

  • Additional item

Younger Students:

  • Text with images to minimize reading

  • Large buttons to indicate start and stop for intervals.

  • Goals always in sight

  • Timer always in sight

  • Child friendly images/colorful and consistent with current design (robot)




  • Possible name/connection to point system: goals could be called “Power Points”. The goal list that remains in view could be titled “My Power Points”. The section of self-monitoring could contain connections to the Point System, any Current Contract the student has and the section could be called something like (Power, Strength, Progress, Guides, Boost, Growth, Strategies)

  • Self-Assessment as a form of metacognition (older kids probably) and acknowledgement of “Power Snatchers” or thinking that gets in the way of our goals goes right along with metacognition. A “Name It” “Claim It” “De-Shame It” feature that has some animation where student can select that negative thought or enter their own and then click a button to make it shrink and disappear with a POP! The feature normalizes doubt and gives students a visual with empowerment action of clicking a button to make it smaller thereby viewing the barrier as loosing its power over the individual. The items chosen as Power Snatchers can be used to auto-search for content/skills that are present in the platform(s) that can assigned to the student to address some root causes that have prevented the student from achieving success in these areas. The items can be tracked as evidence for supports/strength builder strategies.

  • For younger kids, perhaps only one goal/affirmation appears at a time. It could take up the space on the slide and fade in darker to help cue the student that it is time to enter their selection.

  • Goals selected for the student could have auto-search capacity to suggest assignment options for the teacher thereby offering additional resources to support self-monitoring.

Additional Must Haves for Student Self-Assessment section:

  • Collaboration tools for General Education, Special Education, Related Arts teachers to create and view Student Self-monitoring plans.

  • Options to use self-monitoring as a strategy for a student contract.

  • Options to use self-monitoring as a whole, group, small group or individual strategy at a Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 level.

  • Reporting system that measures and records monitoring data in charts and graphs that shows high level to individual student level depending on the permission levels. Higher levels (District/Region) need to contain flexibility for customizable reports that can be disaggregated by subgroups all the way to an individual level and include:

    • Student demographics

    • Student classification

    • Tier level

    • Grade level

    • progress monitoring information

    • intervention history

    • intervention creators, providers, case managers

  • Options for educators to include notes

  • % of students who are improving with Self-monitoring and those that are not

  • How long the self-monitoring plan has been active

  • More than one behavior goal

  • Options to include parents with notifications, and easy to understand visuals (graphs) of their student’s progress.

  • Options to explain why a self-monitoring tool has been archived for the student.