Moving, Copying or Duplicating a Skills Program.

Moving, Copying or Duplicating a Skills Program.

This resource will cover how to and why one would Move a program (e.g., between Current or Future tab or Back to the Library), Copy a program (to another client), or Duplicate a program (for the same client)

Once in the Client Program Tab, select the program from the list on the left-hand side.

You will then see both the Move Program and the Copy Program option in the top right corner of the program.


 Move Program

When selecting MOVE PROGRAM, the options that populate depend on where the program is currently located and what type of program it is.

A. If the program is currently located in the Current Tab, you’ll see the 3 options when selecting Move Program:

  • Mark as Mastered: Move it to Mastered (a mastered tab would automatically populate if this is the first mastered program)

  • Lesson Library: Move the program back to the Program Library (no longer need/want this skill for client)

o   If data was already collected on this program, you can still view that data in the Analyze Data tab

  • Future Plan: Move the program back to the future tab (removes it from availability of data collection, but still located within the Client Program)

After choosing the option best for you, select REMOVE LESSON


B. If the Program is currently located in the Future Tab, you’ll only see 2 options:

  • Lesson Library: Move the program back to the Program Library (no longer need/want this skill for client)

  • Current Tab: Move this program so it is available for data collection (typically done after edits are made)

After choosing the option best for you, select REMOVE LESSON



C. Whether in the current or future tab, if the program you are attempting to move is a duplicate program, you will also see a Remove Program option.



Copy Program

The Copy Program option allows you to copy it to another client or duplicate the program to the same client (for different and further edits).


A. To Another Client:  Typically used when a single program may be a needed skill for another client.

  • Can be moved prior to edits or after edits have been completed (edits will be added to the copied program within new client’s profile, but can be changed)

  • If data has already been collected on the program, the data WILL NOT transfer to the new client

B. Duplicate to the Same Client: Duplicating a program creates a duplicate for the same client. Common reasons to duplicate a program may be:

  • Making edits to the program after data has been collected (e.g., changing the data collection type)

  • A different staff/parent to be collecting data in the duplicated program (e.g., Renaming the program Washing Hands – Parent Goal for parents to collect data)

  • Wanting to collect data multiple ways on a single program (e.g. opportunity based and task analysis)